
Neil H. said:
"I think i see a lot at parks

How do you know that you see a lot at parks? People that are gay don't have "gay" written on thier foreheads, and you cannot tell they are by looking at them. I know if you met some of my friends that are gay, you wouldn't know they are gay. Yet, a couple of my friends seem like what a stereotype of gay is, but they are not gay. The only way to know if someone is gay is if they tell you. Now, don't be so judgemental! Being judgemental is BAD!
edit: BTW, in that quote, he is talking about thinking he sees gay people. I didn't relize I cut out too much of the quote...
V2, Deja Vu... how can it be better? Add Viper! Oh, wait. It's already there! *** This post was edited by TrBiggar on 4/22/2001. ***
Last night (Fri. 4/20), I was keeping a close eye on this thread and getting rid of a lot of crap. I was out of town for most of today, and it seems like things have calmed down (thank God.) I've only deleted one post in this thread today.

This doesn't mean the other mods, though, haven't been keeping as close an eye as I was last night.

Matt Lynch, who's sorta new at this game...
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Jephry's avatar
I don't think this is totally bad. I have wanted to ask the question for the longest time because I want to know the people I am talking with. I was just to afraid to ask.

You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
I think this is sort of odd since most enthusiasts refer to their fave coasters with a female name(Maggie, Millie). I guess they're more best friends than lovers. ;) Who knows?

PKI-Wooden, Helix, and Kiddie Coaster Capital of the World!
The First and Only Gigabuzzer bigger than Millie, rising Faster than Maggie, and pulls more BS than MS ever will!!!
And another thing. Someone stated "He posted this to find out if other buzzers are gay". Well... DUH!!!

Oooooh, my freekin' head.... Too many G's Too many G's! No, no, Too much Beer before the G's! Home Park: Knott's Berry Farm
I don't understand this. The straight people who have a problem with this thread are the ones who refuse to let it die. I think some of you "straight" folk have issues.

[References to nuked posts removed. -L]

"You are the weakest link...goodbye". *** This post was edited by Lynch on 4/22/2001. ***
janfrederick's avatar
When this was first posted, I had a sneaking suspicion that the same insecurity that pervades our society would raise it's ugly head here. To those folks who don't know better: wake up! We don't live in Disneyland! Not everybody is a whiteanglosaxonprotestantheterosexual. Our country is one of the greatest in the world not for it's number of guns, diversity of landscape, or even number of rollercoasters, but for it's DIVERSITY.

You have the freedom of speach...and yes, even the freedom to hate. But when you expouse it in a public forum...expect a response from those who would fight it. My hat's off to all the moderators who let this thread continue and who removed the hatred.

We all love rollercoasters here. In a sense, we are brothers and sisters. Now I'm sure many of you are either too young to understand what I have just stated, or have grown up in a part of the country where you were sheltered from diversity. To both groups, it is not worth your time to hate those whom you don't understand. Think long and hard about it, next time, before you open your mouths...especially in a public forum, for the world to bear witness to your ignorance.

My 2 cents.

An no, I'm not gay....but I AM a geek! With a georgeous girlfriend who does not happen to be white like me.

See all of yoose at the park!
janfrederick's avatar

To the many
their behavior is an asault on the morals and values in this country.

As indeed such morals should be assaulted...that is if there were such a thing in this diverse country of ours. And you followed it by saying it was a weak argument? How??!

Some people are straight...they kiss in gay people consider it an assault on their values? Probably not. It doesn't bother shouldn't bother you. Grow up!

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.
Ok. Honestly the webmaster is paying for this bandwidth so I,ll keep it short.

One thing that is normal about being gay?

Everything. A gay person is human and that's it

There is nothing wrong with being gay, there is nothing wrong with liking someone of the same sex.

Oh I see the moral collapse of this country, I see it in your posts, and other homophobes posts, and in the websites of internet racist groups, I see it in the White House, where one president feels the environment is less important than corporations profits. I see it almost everywhere. But moral collapse is not because one sexuality. It's because intolerance and ignorance
Gay basher's seem to be the most confused people out there. How many gangs of gay's do you here about beating up straight men. Also people bring religion into the topic, answer me this how many war's have been started by gay's compared to how many men have died because of war started by a religion. Also someone brought in child molester's as being gay, so all the young girls in the world who have been sexually assualted where done by gay men.
Army rangers lead the way

*** This post was edited by supermandl on 4/22/2001. *** *** This post was edited by supermandl on 4/22/2001. ***
To Skyboss1:

First of all, the word is COJONES.

Second, nobody has claimed that homosexuals are special. In fact, that is what we DON'T want to be. We just want to be accepted and not harrassed and discrimnated against. Nobody here ever claimed to be special.

Third, we are not special for riding 300 ft. tall coasters. The GP does it all the time. Many people ride coasters, its nothing special.

Fourth, I don't think the minority of people out there dislike coasters. I would guess that the vast majority of the people out there have never even ridden, perhaps never even seen a rollercoaster in real life.

Fourth, its not your decision as to whether this discussion should be on here or not. That would be a mod's job, and until you are a mod, its not your call.

To everyone else:

I have a feeling this thread may be closed soon, but if in chance it is deleted (which I don't think will happen) i have written down a list of just about everyone that has said they were gay or bi in this thread. If you would like me to add you to the list, please e-mail me at or contact me on AIM at ravenguy98 because I would like to get a little discussion group together.

I can then get a full list out to everyone that wants one.

Thanks, matt

Don't touch the watch.

SFA said:
"Dang! This post would have been like 300 responses long if the mods weren't deleting stuff."

The other post got deleted for good reason. I for one along with many others here thank the moderators for what a fine job there doing on this thread. This thread made me (and probably others too) realize that some our CoasterBuzz friends are gay. I found out that a friend I know through CoasterBuzz is gay. I don't hold it against him for being that way. That's his choice. I do thank him and all the others for having the guts to come out on a public forum and make it known that they are gay. Face it. Gay people are everywhere. Even in the coaster community. Life is to short to hate them for their beliefs. Skyboss01 you believe that this topic shouldn't be discussed in the forums. That's your belief. Nobody hates you for it. So why are you acting like you hate all the gay people here for their beliefs?

What is life without ups and downs!?!?
janfrederick's avatar

As a 30 year old parent of two, I have a right to be concerned about what is taught to
my children. To say that I am insecure or anyone who shares my beliefs is insecure is a
load of crap. And we call this progress...

I'm back....You should be concerned when children are taught intolerance. Would you call genocide a load of crap? Have you taught your children about the concequences of intolerance? Yes, you do have the right to be concerned...but NOT at the cost of individual freedom. And yes...I think your intolerence does stem from insecurity. You are probably afraid that your children will be tempted by what they are exposed to in the big bad world....just like you were. And heavan forbid they make the "wrong" choice. That'd be all this country's fault for not protecting yopur family from it wouldn't it? Look, gay folks had no "choice" in it. Just as I can't help being attracted to women, they cannot help being attracted to men.

Look...let's turn it around. How would YOU like it if you and your family had to hide who you and they were out of fear of being beaten or chastised...and live in a country who finds you and your family morally reprehensible? Wouldn't like it huh? Ever hear of the golden rule? Doesn't your church teach forgiveness? Tolerence? Love? Wouldn't you want to teach the same "values" to your kids? Wouldn't this country be a better place for it's diversity? If you don't think so, you are living in the wrong country.

Bleeding heart? Perhaps? Politically, more towards the center than you might don't classify me nor my views and ignore them becuase you are making a big mistake.

Perhaps I am making a big mistake by attacking you. But I don't know how else to get through to some folks. I don't hate you for your views...just feel sorry. And for as often as you shake your head when you hear stories about the decay of the moral do I. Especially when kids get beat up and hung out on fences to die....for being attracted to the "wrong" type of person.

Tolerence my friend...tolerence for your fellow man. I'll say it over and over and over!

Closed topic.

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