Gadv New Themed section?

I called the park on Monday about the New Attraction and the security guard said to call back on January 2 when the staff comes back. He aslo Mention there was construction going on but he didn't know what it was for. My guess he didn't want to spill the beans!
Believe me when i say this people, but gadv is only getting one new attraction: an S&S slingshot (i.e. vertigo, thrill shot). I (and my other collegues) know this for a fact, as on the employee renewal form they stated that as the only new ride for 2002. Soryy to let you down, but 2003 isnt that far away...
How much more floorless can they get?
Well i'm waiting far an offical annoucement cause the S&S sling shot sounds stupid to me. (6 S's) Ga doesn't need another pay ride. No offence to Sling Shot lovers but I want ACROPHOBIA!

*** This post was edited by nitro230ft on 12/23/2001. ***

The last thing I want to see is another upcharge attraction, unless of course it helps raise funds for other new rides. I'll save my pennies so I can afford Food in the park. Acrophobia gets a vote from me.

SFGadv Please I'm begging for a Gyro Drop tower, an ArrowBatic and some much needed TLC for Rolling Thunder.

Well the new ride stated on the employee renewal form is "Insane slingshot".  Now they call it new beacuse there was a portable slingshot that was put in the middle of the 2001 season but it was just called "Slingshot".  So now it appears there will be an S&S slingshot.....but that's nothing important.
Chiller, you worked at Great Adventure! I want a job there but.....sigh.....I'm only 16. Unless there are positions for 16 year
dream it, draw it, Build it on a 2X4!
Yes, u can work in rides once u turn 16.  And you could have worked in the park when u were 15 (yellow name tags) in like foods and games and other sections besides rides.  If your 16, come work if you want.  The hiring season starts saturday febuary 9'th.
Why wouldnt there be positions for 16 year olds? Does New Jersey have a law against it? If they didnt hire 16 and 17 year olds then I am sure they would have a tough time filling positions. You shouldnt have a problem getting a job there.
""An hour wait for a 2 minute thrill. Yes, we need our heads examined""
It blew my mind how gargantuous this park is.  I mean, the walk from Nitro to Medusa is amazing.  I have no idea why at this point and time why they would need to make it even bigger. 
Kicking screamin' Gucci little siggy.

Ride It said:
Rolling thunder is great. I rode it last day of operation last season in the dark and it was one of the best rides i ever had. if youve never been on it, ride it!

I didn't see this memtioned, but RT was great when it was new.  My first ride was in 1979, two weeks after it opened.  It was an entirely different ride back then.  Very smooth and fast.  Violent laterals on the first turnaround.  Of course the wood wasn't warped yet and the track was slicker than snot on a doorknob.  It's a shame they won't restore it.   :(

rollergator's avatar
Hey Sandy, good to see you here at the 'buzz.  I have been able to access RRC, but our newsgroup server will not allow us to post...still looking for solutions, but we do enjoy reading up on all the goings-on.  Growing up in NJ, I also got to ride RT before it deteriorated to its current state...sad to see it...
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
rollergator said: I have been able to access RRC, but our newsgroup server will not allow us to post...still looking for solutions.

Try to find public access news servers.  That's how I post at work.

BTW, I've been around 'buzz over a year.  I read lots, post very rarely.  ;)

Hey Sandy, answer me this one question. Are those the *original* Rolling Thunder Trains, or have they been replaced since 1979?
Im pretty sure the trains are the original ones. I know that when the ride opened, the trains had trouble with strees cracks. The trains were given some extra paneling and a steel bottom rather than wood. They've have lasted to today, and its funny to see how many different "logos" have been slapped on the front. There was the really old sfgadv one, the OLD OLD rolling thunder design, a newer sfgadv design, and finally a newer rt design. Sadly, the present logo has been carved out to spell "rotting timber". Those poor trains...
How much more floorless can they get?
They are the original trains.  I know the lapbars have been replaced at least once and the seats and seat backs have been refurbished a few times.  As GreatAdventureAddict mentioned above, they've sported several logos, but you have to remember how many times the park changed hands.  Also, all 4 trains were originally red.  I don't remember what year they used the 4 colors they are now.  Merry Christmas!  - Sandy
Over the past couple of years, it's gotten nearly unridable. I had no problem with the roughness of the ride (it wasn loud onthe turns, but not that bad on the left side for me), but became really bad when the seat dividers were put in. It's quite frankly uncomfortable, and lots of people don't fit properly in anymore. If you haven't been unfortunate to get the wrong seats, the dividers now make it impossible for wider bottoms (somewhere around 38" pant sizes and up)or taller people (my friend is 6'4 and cramped his legs to fit.) That makes the ride just uncomfortable. The deterioration would be tolerable if the seat divider was taken out. If it's a safety issue, larger pads on the lapbars would be reasonable in comparison.
I've riden rolling Blunder several times in the last 2 years.  The only time I got a decent ride was on the left side just after a thunder storm.  It was still rough, but it picked up to a pretty nice ride with the lubrication of the water on the track.
Thrillfan I'm with you about those dividers. It is a fun ride even though a little rough, but the dividers really cause problems. Anyway the Topic here was a new themed section. Anyone have any ideas what the theme may be or what you would like it to be. Personally I'd prefer if the simply carried through on the themeing they have. The area near viper is well done. If they could continue the same levels of themeing throughout the park it would improve overall apperances and create a more inviting atmosphere.

SFGadv Please I'm begging for a Gyro Drop tower, an ArrowBatic and some much needed TLC for Rolling Thunder.

*** This post was edited by rod on 12/27/2001. ***

I love Rolling Thunder. All this woodie needs is rehab, and it'll be one of the best around. As for another themed section, I'd love to see what the genius behind Medusa's theming can muster up this time...
Quality posts since 5/17/01
Getting back to the topic, if it's supposed to go between Viper and Medusa, it's a really small area to theme. Already it's the "Old West" theme, and the section goes all the way across to the Jumping Jack Flash and Boardwalk areas. To equalize things, you'd have to re-theme a big chunk just to do it, maybe go from near Medusa around the bend to Bugs Bunny Land. Not a very big area, IMHO. I'd think the area near Nitro would be better suited for theming a new area.

Since we also have no ideas on what's being planned for new rides (or refurbishing older existing rides), it's hard to say what could be themed. Perhaps a return of a fantasy area would be nice, or maybe they could use the Warner Brothers contracts for some other themes.

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