
ApolloAndy's avatar

Dude, you have half the posts in this thread. You should a) save totally useless comments for the "what happened to coasterbuzz" thread and b) use the edit button.

That's gotta be the biggest sarchasm I've seen in a while.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

alright dam*


then why dont someone like "close" this thread ?


rollergator's avatar
There's only a few people who CAN "close the thread"...they're called *mods*....Miss Cleo says you'll become acquainted with them shortly....;)

Because up until recently, it was fairly interesting, depite minor breaches in protocol on your part. The way things are going now... who know? Do you want it closed? You could probably E-mail Jeff on that respect... Though, on second thought, if you did that, he'd probably tell all the mods to keep it open, just to spite you...

Just use the EDIT key, and everything'll be fine.

(Oh, and you don't have to respond individually to almost every comment made, either. Just thought I might point that out.)

vanish looks frightening going under the water like that i wnoder how they put the footers in for that ride


*** This post was edited by ColossusHennesay on 1/25/2003. ***

ApolloAndy's avatar

Can't you also delete your own topic?

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

rollergator's avatar

Not sure...strangely, I don't START many topics....mostly just get them closed, LOL.

Even *if* the person starting the topic *could* delete their own topic, for some reason I don't think that will help us here....;)

ApolloAndy is getting me in trouble now....are you taking over for Brent or something...;)

You can delete your own posts, but I don't think that you can delete your own topic.


What you say about soil conditions is all too true, and the unspected jello is usually right where the most critical footer goes. This is why the foundations take up so much of coaster construction time.

And of course every time I open a hole the rain starts. My foundation work in the last few months was responsible for the ending the major drought that the eastern US has been having.

In 30 years, I've had one construction job where everything went perfectly. It scared the heck out of me. I kept waiting for the anvil to fall from the sky.

Yes, you can delete your own topic.


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