
Where did you go? If you went to the Bowling Palace I'll bet I just missed you! I was there on Saturday evening...

It was the Palace, but I was there from 3:00 p.m. to about 5:45. You should tell me when you're coming into town, I'd meet you. I was supposed to meet a certain other C-buzzer whose name starts with M and ends with Ark W. Baruth, but he didn't show. ;)

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

I never know in advance when I'm coming into Columbus...
Aiight, well, I'll probably be playing again at the Palace this Saturday in the morning or afternoon sometime, if any of y'all want to stop by.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

...Just got back from IOA. The park was pretty dead for a Saturday. Half hour waits, etc. Anyway, just got in a good half hour or so of practice on the ol' DDR machines there and here are my favorites.

Tsugaru, Tsugaru Apple Mix, MAX 300, MAX Unlimited, Trance De Janeiro, Burning Heat, Ecstacy, Exotic Ethnic, Look to the Sky, Afronova, Afronova Primevil, Sandstorm, Paranoia, Paranoia Survivor, Paranoia 270, Dynamite Rave, Speed Over Beethoven, 321 Stars, Dam Dariam, Butterfly, Can't Stop Fallin' in Love, Captain Jack, Saints Go Marching, Cartoon Heroes, and one of my absolute favorites - some song by Raveng that's a Japanese symbol.

I wrote them all down as I played them, so this list should be all inclusive. Am I lame or what? ;)


Or Cherry Tree if you can't pronounce that.

It's been about a month since I last replied to this... about time for an update.

My new favorite song is I Do I Do I Do. Yeah, it's cheesy, and it's not hard at all, but it's so much fun. I like the ending with the "Twilight Zone" rhythm.

BTW, has anyone noticed how many songs have that rhythm? Off the top of my head, there's Dam Dariam, Insertion, Synchronized Love, Electro Tuned, So Deep, etc. I like it.

Every time I play Random Nonstop, I always get a couple of songs I don't know what they are, and I like them, and then I can't find them later. Heh, last time I played that, I got three songs I'd never played before, all of which seemed like 8- or 9-footers, which I passed; then I failed Drop the Bomb, which is a 6-footer and which I've played hundreds of times... d'oh.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

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