Fast Lane allows line jump at Six Flags Worlds of Adventure

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

In a move that will likely spark controversy among enthusiasts, Six Flags Worlds of Adventure will now offer "Fast Lane" passes for $10, which will allow guests to enter a much shorter line on any five of the park's bigger attractions.

Read more from The Plain Dealer.

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*Pleaseeeeeeeeee don't go to SFA*

©Bruce's P:)sting Co.
Jeff's avatar

"Because no one has presented me a persuasive argument that it is really a bad idea."
You won't get that argument from me or the parks, because the park gets more money, and frankly I can afford it. That's capitalism, and I don't have a problem with it.

Where you will get the argument is from people who can't afford it. All of a sudden the family of four with season passes is a lower class than someone willing to pay the extra money. It's like telling that family, "Hey, thank you for your patronage, but these other people gave us more money than you, so you'll have to wait longer." I don't know about you, but that's certainly not the way I would want to feel.

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slithernoggin's avatar
petedman, SFGAm doesn't sell Fast Passes to "everyone", they sell just 2,000 a day. So "almost everyone" can't buy Fast Passes. Just the first 2,000 "everyones."
slithernoggin's avatar
Jeff, the family of four with season passes gets to walk right into the park without stopping to buy tickets... they were willing to pay the extra money. Are the people waiting in line to buy tickets of a lower class than the season pass holders? Is that really any different from buying Fast Passes?
Taking slither one step further, no one complains about the "Season Passholders Appreciation" things that parks do. What about the "Joe Cool" club @ CP or better yet, the "2 for Tuesdays" @ PKI? In both of those situations, people paid extra money to get special services. I'm not seeing a big difference here. Show me the light!
--who wants a reason to dislike FASTPASSES, but logically, that doesnt make sense
In the PD it says that you *CAN"T* Pick your seat, you must wait for an open seat, so no cutting! It's sorta like single rider rule.

HurricaneGeauga- Just in case
I don't have a problem with these programs either. I can afford it and certainly find it worth the money. I hate waiting in line. But as a park manager I would be reluctant to allow this program due to the fact that it is going to annoy those who choose not to or can't afford to participate. I would guess that this is the MAJORITY of the people in the park - where the MAJORITY of the money comes from

slithernoggin's avatar
But the majority of people don't buy season passes either. Why should a park extend special privileges (not having to buy tickets, early entry, able to purchase parking season pass, etc) to a select few who choose to buy season passes?

Many parks charge $2.00 -2.50 for a 20 oz bottle of soda pop, which I find to be far more annoying than being given the choice of buying a Fast Pass or not.
slithernoggin's avatar
How odd to find myself defending a Six Flags business decision...!
I don't think most people WANT to use the fast pass. When I went to SFGAm a few days ago, and when I didn't use the fast pass, I saw only a few people per line using the fast pass. After a while, I decided to buy mine. I believe it was around 4 O'clock when I bought mine, and they weren't sold out. So honestly, the fast pass didn't affect me in a negitive way, only positive. And for V2, the fast pass person had to close up the whole line, just for 3 friends and I to walk through, it made me feel really special :)
That is a VEEY BAD move by SFWOA. The "fastline" will just get people more pissed off. Bad IDEA!!!
Slithernoggin, can you say that you wouldn’t be upset when, after you have waited in line for an hour, Mom, Dad, and the kids come along (each carrying their $2.50 sodas) and cut in front of you? And MF#1, how “special” do you think everyone in the closed down line felt when you and your friends jumped in front of them?
boblogone's avatar
Line jumpers will be ejected from the park, except those willing to pay for the privledge.

We appreciate our customers, the more you pay the more we appreciate you.

The managment.
You got that right boblogone….

Fastpasses are great for those who can afford them – but those who can’t get screwed… but the parks don’t really care about the people who cant afford the passes – “if you don’t have the extra cash for the pass, let these folks that do jump ahead of you… they’ll spend more on food and t-shirts than you and we cant have them wasting time in line…”
They should do this at SFMM!

Yours Truly
You know what? *Anything* is great if you can afford it. That's the way the world works, sorry. The more you pay, the more privilege you receive. This plays out in every part of our society. Are you guys that nieve to think Six Flags would be any different? They are in this to make money, period.

There is no such thing as inner peace. There is only nervousness and death.
The price of admission at most parks is already high, and now they expect us to shell out an extra $10 for a fastpass? Give me a break. As much as I hate to wait in line, I can't see myself spending $10 per person for fastpasses, either. If I'm standing in line and a bunch of people get to "cut" in front of me just because they bought a fastpass, I'm going to be pissed off. Some parks already have enough management problems without this to worry about! *** This post was edited by Holly Mac on 6/29/2001. ***
I don't agree with this at ALL.
Scale model coasters and rides.....
Fast Lane cost me nothing the other day at SFA. And excuse me Bruce, but what the hell was your comment about not going to SFA? What does that have to do with this forum? Can't people think for themselves and make their own decisions?

Batwing-Bow Down
2Hostyl, I see you what you are getting at, but I think there is a difference between those special services and the Fastlane program. I’ll see if I can explain what I mean…

I see those extras, like the Joe Cool club, to just be extra perks that don’t affect people who don’t pay for them. Let’s say a park is open 10 – 9. If season pass holders get an hour of ERT before the park opens, that in no way affects the people who aren’t season pass holders. Sure, they don’t get the ERT, but they still get to do whatever they want from 10 – 9, just as they would if the program didn’t exist. Or let’s take your previous example with the airlines. You can pay extra for first-class, and you’ll get all kinds of extras that people in coach do not. But, and this is the difference I’m trying to point out, everyone gets to the destination at the same time. Someone paying for first-class does not adversely affect someone that paid for coach.

With Fastlane, people are given the opportunity to pay extra to go the front of the line. This could easily affect the people who don’t pay the extra money by making them wait longer. Let’s say there is a two hour wait for X-Flight, and SFWoA sells all of the available passes for the day. If they were to let four people with passes board every train, this could certainly affect the wait of the people in the regular line, especially those towards the back.

There is one thing that you said that I couldn’t agree with more: It is extraordinarily poor judgment to offer to sell a way to avoid a line that shouldn’t even exist….but instead of offering me a way to avoid a 1hr two-train op B:KF line, just put the other damn train on and cut the line that way. Amen!!

The thing that bothers me most about the Fastlane program, besides having to pay for it, is that that there is a minimum purchase. I think that's where people are really going to get the impression that this is nothing but corporate greed.

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