Ad-blocking software is awful. The only thing I wholly recommend it for is when you're surfing for free porn. Other than that, it takes money out of the pockets of people who RUN THE SITES and PAY THE BANDWIDTH BILLS at the sites you (apparently ungratefully) frequent. Especially since Putz offers a way to get rid of the ads - JOIN THE COASTERBUZZ CLUB! If you are using ad-blocking software, you aren't doing your part to help support the site. You're leeching his bandwidth and, in essence, stealing from him.
HAHA. Here we go, people have taken what I said and turned it into something crazy. I take no issue with the ads. I realize they are needed. Jeff was the only one to respond that didn't make something I said into something else. Jeff, I wasn't laughing at this. Now the skeleton humping the fence on Sunday, that was great!
I never said I had any God-given rights, or otherwise, here at this site. Nor do I think I do.
Natalie, were you working on Millennium Force Sunday? We were riding front seat, I had a green Legend shirt. Brian mentioned as we were ascending 300 feet into the air, that it might be you.
Oh yeah, I am a club member.
A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.
*** This post was edited by eric.walton on 10/8/2002. ***
Natalie said:
Ad-blocking software is awful. The only thing I wholly recommend it for is when you're surfing for free porn.
Hmmmm. I'm sure there's a story behind to tell it?
The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.
eric.walton said:
"Sawblade, I was some what intrigued by your post. So I glanced through the TOS, and saw this:(TOS quote snipped)
Unfortunately for me, I can't read something like this and not say something.
If this section of the TOS is so "rediculous" why didn't you say anything when you first signed up for an account? I mean, you did read the TOS before agreeing to it...didn't you?
James Draeger
-Captain Sarcasm
eric.walton said:
HAHA. Here we go, people have taken what I said and turned it into something crazy. I take no issue with the ads. I realize they are needed. Jeff was the only one to respond that didn't make something I said into something else. Jeff, I wasn't laughing at this. Now the skeleton humping the fence on Sunday, that was great!Natalie, were you working on Millennium Force Sunday? We were riding front seat, I had a green Legend shirt. Brian mentioned as we were ascending 300 feet into the air, that it might be you.
The way you worded your post made it sound like you disagreed with the fact that if Putz catches someone using a pop-up blocker, he SHOULD legally have some avenue to get back the money he lost. If it wasn't meant to construe that, I apologize, but I really think it was.
So yeah, that was me on Sunday. I think I remember you guys, not sure. There were some other coaster people there earlier I might be confusing you with.
Natalie, what exactly is he going to do? Commission the FBI to serve a warrant and seize your computer? To search for Ad-Blocking software? Beyond that, is he really willing to take someone to court, because I doubt any court would be willing to award him more than 20 bucks for each year he can prove that ad-blocking software was used for accessing this site. If he could even get that. A TOS agreement is simply a formality, beatable. I don't even want to get into the challenges he would have proving that a defendant was using ad-blocking software in court.
A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.
*** This post was edited by eric.walton on 10/8/2002. ***
Oh, so because you're not going to get caught, it's okay to do something illegal?
That sheds a whole new light on things...thanks for the input.
Ad-blocking software is NOT illegal. This sites TOS does not make it illegal either. A TOS agreement is NOT law. Nor anywhere in any of my post did I say I recommended the use of ad-blocking software. I am a club member, so I have no need for it. I made note Sunday of how easy it would be to steal from a few CP gift shops we went into. No cameras, that I saw anyway, and limited personnel. Did I steal, even though it was highly unlikely that I would've gotten caught? No. You've put words in my (post)!
Man, I wish my class woudn't have been canceled!
A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.
You can be prosecuted anywhere, anytime for breaking the law regardless of location. Keep in mind how close we were to being sent to Kennywood jail for "breaking the rules" on Racer. Have fun!!
Getting a B&M will always beat out having to take a BM.
Getting a B&M will always beat out having to take a BM.
Really Brian? LOL. What did we do on racer that was illegal? Now, WT was a different story, and we almost got caught. CP jail is no fun, I've heard!
Can people be prosecuted for using popup killers? Most of this is akin to allowing record labels to hack our computers legally. Maybe thats what website operators should do. Lobby to get law passed that would allow them to hack their patrons computers to find "un-acceptable" software in use. ;) Hell, pay off the right people, hide it in some random bill, with vague wording, and it may go through! :) Then they could break into everyones computer, or hire people to do it for them. If they find software that they don't approve of, they could sue the pants off you. Why not? Everyones suing everyone, just another group in the mix!
Anyways, enough stupid ranting for now. Yup, that's all it was, stupid ranting. But I guess my whole point is, why put something like that in the TOS? To scare off a *few* people from doing it? Are you now going to take Mr. Hush here to court for violating your TOS? My guess is he's under age (no, that's NOT an insult), how do you sue him then?
A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.
Mr Hush? Is he any kin to Mr. Yuck?
By the way, it was probably Fhqwhgads.
Getting a B&M will always beat out having to take a BM.
I think the Fhqwhgads are to blame here. "Come on Fhqwhgads. I see you jockin' me. Playin' know me."
A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.
Closed topic.