Do you wanna be a Roller Coaster Designer?

i want to.  I show a great understanding in geometry etc.  But i absolutley suck at Algebra.  I design rides using real therums and stuff, but im not sure if i still want to be a mechanical engineer.  However i would like to get paid $70,000 for an entry level position doing what i love. 
HurricaneGeauga- Just in case
I want to work for CCI, but not actually design coasters, I want to go out there with a hammer and actually build the structure/track. Would an engineering course help me get this job?

Mr. Tim

I've nearly lost all my hair from building models of them! I can't even imagine doing the real thing!
Don't.....look.....back! The Headless Horseman awaits you in 2002!
Model coasters and rides
I do, but I know chances are low. But I figure it can't hurt to try, so I am taking Honors Pre Calc this year and AP Calc nxt year. I also have and love Honors Physics and I am taking AP Physics nxt yr.  All this math and science has to be good for something! If I don't land a career as a coaster designer, I plan to work somewhere in the engineering field.
This job is what I am pursuing now.  First of all, you need to be skilled in Computer Aided Design (CAD) and you need to be highly skilled in Algebra, Physics, and Geometry.  I am starting 9th grade next year, starting high school.  Today we had to pick classes.  My class did a CAD course which just touched on technical drawings, and I was very skilled in it and I outbeat everyone in my class at the drawings.  As for Algebra, I am limited in that area but I am willing to do anything.  I decided to take Geometry this year and continuing with Algebra II the next year, Trigonometry the next, Pre-Calc, Calc I and Calc II in my Senior year.  This coming year I am also taking a technical drawing class, and next year I am taking a class in CAD and Web Design.  (Web Design is a job to fall back on, considering I'm 13 and I already know 5 different programming languages.)  CAD and Web Design are each 3 year classes, promising that I will excel in each.  Next year I will also be taking Lab Physics and applied Lab Physics, adding to my knowledge of laws and principals.  And to top it all off I will most likely attend University of Michigan since I hear they have a course specially about roller coasters.  If I go there I will major in that and minor in civil engineering.  Another college I will apply to is Lehigh University, about 5 min. away from me, since they are a school based on engineering.  I will major in Mechanical Engineering and minor in something with Web Design or Civil Engineering if I choose to go there.  As you can see I am very dedicated, even at 13, to get a job in coaster design.  Wish me the best because I will need it.  I hope I see you all working at my coaster company one of these days   Peace Out, Glenn
Rollercoasters are my life, I think about them more than I think about....wait, thats all I think about

*** This post was edited by Glenn on 2/12/2002. ***

Although its hard, I think that if you try hard enough (for some that may be studying 6 hours every night) that you can achieve almost any goal. The only handicaps in life our the ones in our mind.  Well I guess some people just arent meant to design coasters.  That doesnt mean they can't try. Maybe they will learn something fom it. Its a win win situation the way I look at it.  A designing job or expierence.  How much do designers get paid?

ThemeParkBigShot said:
How much do designers get paid?

From what I hear...a lot

Rollercoasters are my life, I think about them more than I think about....wait, thats all I think about :)

Proud Owner of

Mr. Tim said:
I want to work for CCI, but not actually design coasters, I want to go out there with a hammer and actually build the structure/track. Would an engineering course help me get this job?
Mr. Tim

Accually, well, for steel coasters at least, an outside company is contracted to construct rides in almost all cases. So if you want to build the accaul ride, try to get a job with a local construction company, near a big park, of course.

I have no signature.

Quick observation:  there are more people in this thread that want to be coaster designers then there are actual coaster designers.  Good luck, guys. 
Idle hands were orient to her.
Hey, somebody has got to do it!
I always wanted to be some sort of engineer or architect. When I bacame interested in coasters I knew that I should definitely try be a coaster designer someday. Right now all I can do is play RCT but I'm thinking of sending an idea to a coaster company some time and see what they do. I should probably work on my grades too. I'm not a straight A student and unfortunately everyone thinks that the only smart people out there are the straight A students.
Millennium Force......It has its ups and downs.
I'm choosing a career path in that direction but since I know the chance of becoming an actual coaster designer I'd also like to design any type of thrill ride.
.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
I'm interested in becoming a coaster designer as well. Here's my plan -or what I have of one- as of now:

Right now, I'm in PreCalc at my high school. When I graduate, I will major in math in college (to leave more career options than coaster designing available). Then, I will probably go to a school that specifically "does" engineering to learn Mechanical engineering (the math major should help big-time). After that, I don't know.

RCT hypercoaster crazy!

There's another way to become a coaster designer: the way Charles Dinn used. He started in maintenance at PKI, gradually going up the ladder, then he became head of maintenance. He then designed and was in charge of construction of Beast. Later, he joined with Curtis Summer to form their own company.
I want to follow the same rough path. I started college, to get a major in 3-4 years in maintenance ( industrials, but, students before got jobs at La Ronde in maintenance! ). After a few years of doing maintenance, I will consider sending my resume to Walt Disney Imagineering. That is my goal in life. It is possible...
So, either take the very rough way ( become an engineer and hope you get the attention of a rollercoaster company ) or do something quite fun with its advantage, maintenance.

*** This post was edited by Absimilliard on 2/13/2002. ***

RllrCstrDude187 said:
...I'm not a straight A student and unfortunately everyone thinks that the only smart people out there are the straight A students.

I know where you're coming from, but that's not always the case.  Don't rule anything out until you try it.  Colleges are starting to look for a more well rounded student than a straight-A student who had no activities in high school.  So what if you're not "perfect," have fun while you still can :). 
As for me, I want to be a mechanical engineer with or without coasters involved, so I think I'll be okay.  Don't get me wrong, designing is something I've wanted to do since I was 8 years old (half my life), and I don't plan on giving up on that dream any time soon.  We'll see what happens...

At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.

I have wanted to be a designer since I was little. I am in 8th grade now and we are starting to choose courses for next year. I am recomended for Honors Algebra and Honors Biology, which in later high school years will turn into a physics course. I am also signing up for an Engineering course which uses the CAD system. I have been a strait, "A" student up until 7th grade which I got a, "B" in English now and then. My grade for Science has been a solid, "A" and my Math grade has been a solid, "A."

I plan to go on to college and major in Mechanical Engineering. After that I'm not exactly sure what will happen then. Anybody have any suggestions???

Force Laps: 424
Wicked Twists: ???
VertiGo Shots: 32

I would love to be one!!
After reading all these comments I now want to change my coureer dream.

Is it harder to own a park? Or become a park manager?

Were doing job lookouts thigns in my schoo, right now and Ive already decided, so Im probaly gonna decide to be a designer or park owner/manager. Do I need to go to college for this?

Its all now like someone just crushed my dream of becoming an engineer.I dont think I'll get any were in life now.

Need lots of help here.

*** This post was edited by RememberIdora on 2/13/2002. ***

I think you have to get a degree in Business or something like that...


Wicked Twisted Greg said:
"I plan to go on to college and major in Mechanical Engineering. After that I'm not exactly sure what will happen then. Anybody have any suggestions???"

I have one MAJOR suggestion. It's going to seem really DUMB now, and I assure you that you wont listen to me, but I'll say it anyway: GO TO CLASS! Anyone who makes it into college has the potential to do well, but you severly hurt your chances if you dont go to class.

Other than that, check career fairs and try and get summer interships or co-op positions to gain experience. Specifically, Disney has an "Imagineering Intern" program. try and get down with that.
--Canadian Figure Skaters get Screwed!

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