
I also am a little dissappointed. The game really could have used some new flats, instead of just renaming a bunch of stuff and moving things around to make it seem like a new game. This game really feels like an expansion pack after playing it for a day.

I still love the new features and all that, but it doesn't feel like they put alot of work into the game as far as new rides go. I hope the first expansion pack(if there is one) has alot of new flats, or I hope they make an expansion pack devoted to new flats.

All in all its a good game, but it just has the feel of a expansion pack.

Deja Vu Count = 31
SFGAm CoasterWorld

It is the little things you have to appreciate.. and some of the largers ones (sound and graphical improvements). And as expansion packs are added, things will only get better. I am happy, but I'm not possessed by it like I was with RCT1.

That's only to be expected though. And I am sure more flats rides will come. *crosses fingers for a parachute drop* One of the few things that is a big disappointment to me, though, is the GIB. Oh you can build a GIB... just with tiny inversions, so it looks stupid. But other than that... A-OK.

the member formerly known as MisterX

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 is a huge disappointment. The six flags parks are far from complete, and, in fact, look pretty pathetic in the game. Everything in the game is made to be more elaborate, but not in a good way. The user interface is less intuitive, with things like the budget "hidden" in the ride selection menu. The graphics seem worse to me due to the disorienting amount of bland objects created from just 256 colors- it makes the land look too "busy". Waterfalls are a nice addition but look pathetic. I don't think the graphics contain significantly more animations than before (as advertised), yet every change of mode requires a long load with a progress bar. You can no longer quit the game from a scenario; it's a two-step process now involving one such loading screen. Editing and designing coasters seems to be much better, but the scenerios and landscapes in which they are designed so far have not been as fun as the original. It's nice to see "air time" calculated for each coaster. Building rides automatically removes trees blocking the way. The selection of roller coasters is repetitious, and it is confusing having several very similar roller coasters to choose from, differing only by car seating configuration. The previous game instead let you choose different cars for the same track, which was much better. Like I said, everything has been made more elaborate, but for the worse. The game's only saving grace is the banked turns and automatic tree remover while building coasters.

I dunno, maybe I just have to get used to it... because I, like most others here, would have sworn to be RCT's biggest fan ever. But now it's 4am, and I'm tired of trying to make this fun. Goodnight all, let me read your flames when I wake up :-)

jkpark said:

Chris was nice enough to create a new RCT.

Yeah, it was just a favor! What a nice guy! He did it for the fans!

(as he quietly rakes in enough dough to fund a small African country)

If the shoe fits, find another one.

I have spent about 8 hours with RCT2 and I am finding it to be awesome. Granted the lack of additional flats is an issue, however, we are all at the initial stages of a psychological condition I call "newolgamitis". The classic symptoms include: The realization that this is not a COMPLETLY NEW game, discovery of differences that conflict with one's personal comfort zone established through hours of familiarization to the point of being intuitive, a natural tendancy to doat on the nostalgic and finally, and most influencial, the act of building up an expectation in one's mind to the point of it being emotionally unatainable. You must realize that Chris maintained a level of familiarity throughout the update in order to lock down the core of what made RCT1 so excellent. If he had made severe changes and "re-invented" the game, we would all be posting here complaining that things are "too different" and "out of touch with the original". We are all embarking into a new RCT world and bending our perceptions. It is uncomfortable but... this too will pass.
Jeff's avatar

It floors me that people can write off the game as disappointing after a few hours of playing it. I mean, what have you really done in it so far? I've played through one scenario... that's it. It's a tweaked out version of the first game with more coaster types this time. If your expectations were higher than that, don't hate on the game, hate on your expectations. Some of you make it sound like the game was supposed to foster world peace.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

And it is not like the game has ever been presented as anything else during the entire production. They have been very clear about what the changes would and would not be. And I have to imagine the main reason for this was so that people would not be disappointed that there was not a significant graphics update. I think that was a smart decision on their part.

This game has been and always will be about game-play, not graphics.

sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't

So far I love the game. The only thing that could make this game better would be the addition of more flat rides. This is one area that could triple in size if Chris wanted it to. If we get an expansion, I would just loveto see Flat rides. I think we have almost every coaster imaginable.



The timing is perfect... Chris Sawyer is a marketing genius.

Don't you see it? Mid October release date... just when most seasonal parks are closing up shop for the season the new version of the game is released. So many have built up their hopes based on rumors and unrealistic expectations since the game was announced. Now, while the parks are shut up tight for the winter, many can complain and whine about their expectations not being met by the game just like they whine and complain about the real parks when they are in operation!

Pure genius. The greatest simulation of real life ever!!!!!

(Personally, for me... as long as the peeps can find their way along a double wide path I will be happy... anything else is just a pleasing extra.)

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

Someone call the waaaaaaambulance (that's from Natalie)

Seriously, I've had the game since yesterday afternoon and have been having a blast playing. There's new challenges, like trying to mimic real blocking systems (i.e. Millennium Force) with the cable lift and no midcourse.

Looks like this is another case of what I remember Mamoosh calling "anticipointment." It still sickens me how much people tend to hype things up so much, and get such high expectations that they only set themselves up to be disappointed.

-Jeff (aka SnoogleBear)

*** This post was edited by Tobe on 10/11/2002. ***

Personally i Love the game...and i dont see a point of why people are so disappointed with the game...Its Nothing less then the original RCT...just more rides. slightly better graphics and more features....personally, I LOVE IT.

there is really no reason to be disappointed about it, the only thing i dont like is that there isnt that many footpaths.

jeff, dont get me wrong, it is a great game, for someone who dident spend hours on RCT1 they will fall in love with it, it seems like chris spent his time changing stuff that dident need to be changed in the first place, dont you agree? like the bulb system to the flags, kinda poinltess i feel the old way was better, or the auto no-mow grass, just seems like his time could have been better spent, and i understand he did this game by himself, im sure he made more then enough money to hire a grfx artist to help with all the art for a few more flats, dont you agree here too?

Dont even get me started with the six fags parks .... they are a discragse, even by six flag's measures, great adventure is just pathetic. the whole right side of the park is missing aside from skull mountain and nitro, chillier, stutman, spinnmiester, dogems, that mase like flat(sorry forgot the name) B:TR, water effect, on the wild west, it just werid....the main path connects to the scream machine, the scream machines path runs right next to rolling thunder....there is no log ride. its not like your supposed to "build them yourself" because chris was ither to lazy to build them so thats what he named the scenario, the scenario actualy has goals like a regular one, he was to lazy to finish up the parks so he just left it open by saying "finish the parks yourself" i can understand why some things were left out, but he could have at least placed the paths and rides to be a little more accurate. AND i know that he did not get the WB licence to use Batman & superman, but come on man, this just shows he did not invest the time that was put into RCT2, it is defantily more of a rushed to market product! W\ great adventure you dont even have the option to build a flyer! what is that ?!?!

Dont think im totaly trashing the game, i will play it and there are a TON of little features that are sweeeeet, the blocking system rules, and i really like the "ride preview" screen it makes it so much more easier to place in prefab rides! stackable scenery makes it so easy to build buildings.

Is it just my computer or does everyones RCT run fast? like the coaster is going 55mph but it looks like its doing 90 the way its eating up track(im at 1024 res)...yet the peeps and flats move at a regular speed, i set RCT1 to window mode and i never got the problem, but theres no window mode so it seems to be a problem here, anyone else?

sorry to doubble post, but the other thing that i cant figure out is: do you have to make the red tarmak path w\ the space handrails, i cant figure out how to assign diff handrails to diff pathways, is it possible, i know you could do it in the last RCT?

Geeze... I came in here thinking RCT stood for "Roller Coaster Tycoon"... not "Rants, Complaints & Tirades."

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

Well, the title of the thread should have given it away...What were you expecting?
kRaXLeRidAh: Its called sarcasm.

Kind of hard to take a post as objective if a park or coaster name is part of the "user name"

Jeff's avatar

djhush said:

...it seems like chris spent his time changing stuff that dident need to be changed in the first place, dont you agree?

No, I don't agree at all. The peep UI is greatly improved and you can have more of them. Scenery can be stacked. Shift-drag-click starts track off the ground. The map is four times the original size. There's a scenario editor. There's a track editor to get your rides right without money constraints. Handymen don't cut grass by default. Land shapes are smoothed. Airtime is calculated. The ride and scenery pallets show more than one row. The scenario editor has a tree "spreader." There's a tool to remove scenery en masse. Number of vehicles aren't limited by station size. Seperate load/unload. Blocking systems for coasters. Save scenery and paths with your rides. Dozens of new rides and stalls. More theme objects. Walls, roofs, structure additives. Signs to put on your rides. Better sound effects. Banked drops. Names for all objects on mouseover.

I mean, do I really have to go on? No expansion pack did anything more than add rides for the most part. The game is a worthy sequel.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Yes, Jeff, but I think you missed the point.

He also removed the 'mountain-builder' land tool from the game, removed path options, added one queue color but didn't allow you to select your own (?!?), removed the ability to run in a window, and changed the nice stoplight metaphore into the more awkward flag metaphore, making rides with different cars into totally separate rides...

The question is, why did he waste time *removing* stuff or changing stuff that didn't need to be changed?

No one is questioning the other great additions.

There are some really cool new things in RTC2- a bunch of little things that are really great, but if you were to go back and look at those list of things that people wanted for 2- the main thing that you would notice would be lists of RIDES. I mean im glad that I got it, but come on- there are only two new flat rides!!!! and the teacups are only with the snow theme which i frankly dont like.

I do have a problem with people who basically say that im not entitled to my opionion.Just because its not my message board shouldnt mean that i can say my peace about this.

Well, I have not played the game yet but if it is anything like the original, I would wait for an expansion pack to the game. That is bound to come out at some point, as expansion packs have become the norm for simulation games. IMO, the original RCT was OK but it improved significantly with the expansion packs. Perhaps Chris knows that there might need to be a few more things here and there and, as a result, maybe he is already working on an expansion pack. Give the game some time. It sounds like there have been some functionality enhancements and sometimes, they are a lot better than they appear.

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