Did anyone get it yet?

It's like whacking a beehive with a sledgehammer when you have a bee sting allergy ;) Why invite more suffering than you have already?

-Jimvy! - still sticking to my word :)

I just couldn't help myself.

The billboards are really cool, I think. I would have been happier if they actually added new elements to older coasters instead of just making a new coaster type. It still sucks, but I can make pyramids and billboards that actually look cool now ;).

Thankfully, the live advertising on the billboards isn't working on mine. Don't know if its my firewall or just my internet connection. I tried it out, left it online while playing for an hour (I wasn't playing that whole time, I was watching a movie), and it never would connect, just said 'cacheing' live content.

Kick The Sky's avatar

TeknoScorpion said:

i got it

You are such a tool....

Probably will get it sometime in the next week or so...

I'm such a tool....

Certain victory.

Jeff's avatar
I had it in my hands today at Best Buy. I put it back down.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

On a much brighter note, I bought Ep. III today. I'm having more fun watching every episode in order than I am with Wild!
Sawblade5's avatar
I just picked my copy at Best Buy for just a little over $12. I used my McDonalds discount coupons on it. I have not yet played it.

Chris Knight

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Oooh, so they will take the Best Buy Bucks for software purchases?

Hmmm...let's see.

On sale this week for $19.99.
$12 Best Buy Bucks

$7.99 seems relatively fair. Maybe I will jump on this.

DawgByte II's avatar
I like the custom shops. That's a first & it's cool that you can put your own picture/texture in the bilboard or advertising sign for the custom shop.

Some of the coasters get a little getting used to.
I only had a small chance to play & fiddle with some of the new rides...

...but alas, I did notice a LOT of stuttering early on during the building phase of the coaster with a small park built during the testing phase.
...it also took quite a hit with only 5 rides, minimal landscaping & about 600 peeps before I noticed a big drop in frame rate at the night-time mode... one reason it's best to just stick with the daytime-only cycle.

I really don't know how to beef up the frame rates for a larger park, though... would more RAM due (from 1gig to 2gigs?), a better video card (256 vs 128mb?), or a better processer (3.0 to 3.4 or even a 64bit?)

I don't wanna blow a lotta money just to make THIS game work, but along the same lines, more power makes other games (FEAR, PREY) run better too.

Got it Game Stop too.

There are some good things. But there a few problems that are now being recognized.

If you used custom scenery before you won't be able to use until the creator of the scenery makes some kind of change to it ( I don't understand all that lingo ) and there is an issue with nighttime lag - which has been ackowledge and they are trying to isolate the problem

I think it's a good addition and the new stuff is great - but the bugs are killing me.

They, (Target, GameStop, BestBuy etc) are advertising it in NE Ohio, yet none of them have it. You call them and it's like:
'Well, it'll be released the last week of October'.
Wasn't that last week? :)
The guy at Gamestop was cool. He's like: 'But we got like twelve used copies of Halo2!' he then started laughing.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


Lord Gonchar's avatar
Scored a copy this afternoon for $5.99 (found an additional $2 in Best Buy Bucks in the car from the trip to CP this weekend) and still feel mildly ripped off.

Nah, not really. For $6 the disc could've been empty and it really wouldn't be a big deal.

Wild is just more of the same old crap. It does nothing to enhance or fix gameplay and now runs markedly slower on my system (didn't know that was possible) - it take a lot less to bog things down to the level where you swear, curse all that is holy and hit the power button on your PC in frustration.

If you like all the silly little micro management details then the animals are right up your alley. If you liked coregraphing fireworks, lasers or animal shows, there are now lion and tiger shows to waste your time.

The new flats are there, but that's all aesthetic in the end. Nice to round out the look, I guess.

One of the things that makes the most sense to me is the custom stalls. It just makes so much more sense to have a basic stall that you can skin rather than hot dog and cookie shaped stalls. It just makes so much more sense and is how the game should work from this point forward.

Still the stalls only really mean something if you play beyond the 'make a pretty park thing' and with gameplay so unbalanced, not thought out or tested and generally boring - well, it's not much.

The new coasters are cool enough, but the only one I see being a long term winner is the extended coaster. In fact it's the sole item I've found so far that I like.

Remember in RCT1 how you could build a Twister (B&M Style) track and then choose the car type from there? The Extended Coaster brings this obvious idea back. All the new pieces are under this coaster type and the options do initially look plentiful and varied. The nice thing is the ability to choose the different train types. Easily the most versatile and useful coaster in the series to date. Too bad it came as part of the weakest game in the series.

Billboards are silly. Great, I can add pics and graphics to my park on big flat surfaces. Might be nice for making ride signs, but all I've done so far is litter my park with pornogrpahic images. I've never been to a park that had a honest to goodness billboard-sized billboard in the park.

The new themes were probably needed the most and one of the things I most anticipated. These are some of the weakest yet.

Prehistoric - offers just dinosaurs as scenery (there's a couple of bones and dinosaur eggs and a new lamp) and that's it. The building pieces are just one set of log walls and grass roofs with little room for much creativity.

Safari - an even weaker offering that Prehistoric. Scenery consists of bugs. Just bugs. In fact, 5 scenery slots are used for various pieces that let you create your own Giant Millipede (I swear I'm not making this up) and the scenery is rounded out with 2 variations of termite mounds, 2 mud huts and a new lamp. The building set is just one variation here too - pyramids. They're awfully similar to the palace pieces in the original 'adventure' theme except less varied and just as restrictive. Might work good for a little mix and match with those old pieces...maybe.

Both new themes combine to give just 3 new benches, trash bins and lamps.

All in all - even weaker than Soaked. It will do nothing to change your opinion of the game already unless you had some weird desire to play an animal/zoo sim and then I suppose this will add to your RCT3 experience.

Personally, I'm not sure there is enough here to even score a new upload in CB games from me.

Bah, for $6 I can't complain. The poor suckers paying $30...ouch! At least I can waste some time with that extended coaster.


*** Edited 11/3/2005 9:06:20 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Ok, filling a habitat with baby chimps and then letting a panther or two loose in there is great fun.

I never understood the appeal of drowning peeps, but watching pathers run down and eat baby chimps is good entertainment.

EDIT - Ok, even more fun than that is to make a habitat just big enough for a panther house and a small area to roam. Change the feeding to 'infrequent' and drop 20 or 50 panthers in there.

Wait for them to start getting annyoed and hungry then drop a single baby chimp in with them.

Maybe I could set up a park that breeds baby chimps to feed to the panthers? ;)

*** Edited 11/4/2005 2:29:24 AM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Lord Gonchar said:
I've never been to a park that had a honest to goodness billboard-sized billboard in the park.

Other than your creative usage of them so far, the only thing I've been using them for is an IJ:ST recreation with the fishtailing coaster. I still need to scan in those billboards.

crazy horse's avatar
I have it now. But it bogs my computer down so much that I cant play it anymore.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

DawgByte II's avatar
Although I've only used less than half the land available, it really is starting to bog the game down, but it is still playable.

I have a question for a couple flat-ride experts. Most of these rides are based upon real-world creations, right?
Can someone tell me if the "Top Star" ride is a real flat ride? It looks intense & original. How about "Tagada"? That just seems wrong. You sit in around the vehicle instead of standing (like a Gravatron), and it spins, but lifts up like a Trabant of sort that gives you pops of air without any restraints.

The BEST coaster of them all has to be the "Extended Coaster" which, as mentioned by Teckno, is kind of a mix of the B&M's & an Intamin train with the B&M track...
BUT... it has EVERY element you could ever want from dive loops to corkscrews, overbank turns, 90+ degree drops, zero G, barrel rolls + many variations of them (corkscrew at an angle)... AND the best part is that you can do all of these elements on 45 degree angles which is basically how ALL the coasters should be free to design. It'll help out a lot more with real-world creations.

Overall, I find the additions here a lot more satisfying than Soaked.

I think, however, the next expansion (if there is one) should focus on 2 things: classic yesteryear flats & coasters + a "new" theme of winter scenery like the old RCT2. THEN we'll have the complete collection.

crazy horse's avatar
Thats all nice, but that wont do you any good if your computer gets bogged down and you cant play it.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

The only Top Star Tour flat in america is in a crappy FEC in Myrtle Beach. They do have a great mouse, though.

As for the Extended Coaster, I'm most impressed with that as well, been playing with that a lot. All though, I think it would have made more since to do that in the beginning, and just add in the Vertical Drop coaster car, Inverted 4-Across train, and Beemer Flyer to it, and just get rid of the rest.

Hello guys, I was one of the goofs that paid $30 bucks for mine, and I have to say I havn't played it but once and I just can't get into it. I do love all the classic flats, especially the Giant Ferris Wheel.

I have to say this and I am sure it has been said before, they should have just made another patch to fix most of the problems that still haunt the game instead of all these patches.

I love the realistic look of the coasters and parks but damn, if you build a huge park the frame rate is so bad, hell you can't enjoy it. That is one reason you havn't seen a park from me yet....oh don't get me wrong I have about 3 in production but once I do a little here and there I get bored and just don't play anymore. Right now I havn't played it for a month now.

I have to say now all my time is focused on the new Xbox 360 on the horizon, I am trying my best to get one...didn't pre-order one like a dummy. But any-who just thought I would post just as everyone else did. To me Wild is like Zoo Tycoon meets RCT3. So as for now you won't see much from me....I am however thinking of a Christmas park but in RCT2 not 3....take it easy guys!!! *** Edited 11/10/2005 2:14:18 AM UTC by Evolution***

I wonder if they could just make it a little better to run on anyone's comp....Wild's animals are completly pointless....ONly good thing are flats and upgrades....Its hard to deal with it running...or not running in today's case....Hell the game sucks without expansions....it wouldn't even boot up a sandbox today....More than likely I'll revert back to RCT2....very soon. :)

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