CP Fiasco

Boy, I've been to probably 20 major parks in the U.S. and have had fun at all of them. But Cedar Point is probably the only park I've been to where I felt I truly didn't do it all at the end of the day. It's a wonderful park that gets criticized way too much for being the best... which is usually what happens when you're on top.

I have the best thing to say about Cedar Point coasters: Only one of them is a Vekoma (and that is a kiddie coaster at that)!

I get so tired of people ragging on the coaster collection at CP. You know why it is so easy to be critical? Because all of their "lesser" coasters have to stand, literally, right next to some of the greatest coasters in the World. Sure, Mantis down the midway from Raptor is a little letdown but put Mantis in Kennywood and you'd be saying a different toon.

Not every coaster can be brand new and not every coaster should appeal only to 16-30 year old extreme coaster fans. You need a coaster like Iron Dragon to start youngsters on the Coaster kick. Disaster Transport is, if nothing else, unique.

If you don't want to go to Cedar Point, fine. That is one less person in front of me in line. Personally, I love roller coasters and since I can't get to Magic Mountain several times a year...Cedar Point is just fine.

wahoo skipper said:
"Sure, Mantis down the midway from Raptor is a little letdown but put Mantis in Kennywood and you'd be saying a different toon.

Not every coaster can be brand new and not every coaster should appeal only to 16-30 year old extreme coaster fans. You need a coaster like Iron Dragon to start youngsters on the Coaster kick. Disaster Transport is, if nothing else, unique.

Well, naturally all of this is based on opinion but personally, I wouldn't hold Mantis in higher regard if it was at Kennywood, in fact, I think it'd rank *worse* at that park for me placing only above the Racer IMHO. And that's what this comes down to, opinions.

Steel coaster lovers are going to get a lot more bang for their buck at CP than the woodie fanboys and since the original poster said he was a woodie fan I still feel that he's made the correct choice in skipping CP for the time being, if you're a fan of wood there really aren't a lot of parks that are better in the midwest than Holiday World and Indiana Beach. Legend and Raven are absolute stormers and the CCI triple threat of Hoosier Hurricane, Cornball Express and the Lost Coaster is a tantalizing option for woodie fans.

I agree that parks need to have a nice variety of rides for all different ages and temperments but a lot of people (myself included) feel that CP's coaster collection, though large, isn't as world class as some people would have you believe. Their rides are huge, no doubt, however, large doesn't equal great and in my book only Magnum, Raptor and Millennium are real stand-outs at the park. When you compare that to smaller parks like Kennywood (since you brought it up) where *every* coaster is extremely fun, classic, re-rideable (again, IMHO) and so on and you can see how a lot of us don't hold CP up as *the* amusement park, particularly those of us who are into wooden coasters.
* The Legend @ HW
* Superman: Ride of Steel @ SFNE
* Mondial Top Scan

*** This post was edited by Colin W. on 6/10/2002. ***

Pete's avatar

When you compare that to smaller parks like Kennywood (since you brought it up) where *every* coaster is extremely fun, classic, re-rideable (again, IMHO) and so on and you can see how a lot of us don't hold CP up as *the* amusement park, particularly those of us who are into wooden coasters.

While Kennywood is a great park, no doubt, I don't agree with you on their coaster collection. Jack Rabbit is a dull little ride that is a one trick pony. Yes, the double dip is fun, but the rest of the ride puts me to sleep. The Racer is a very mild family ride. Fun, but nothing to write home about. Thunderbolt is a good ride, but has poor pacing. High intensity laterals don't do much for me. Good wood coasters have a lot of hills and airtime, IMHO. Thunderbolt has some interesting features and I think it's a fine ride, I'm just not as thrilled with it as some people are. Exterminator I really liked and I haven't been on Phantom's Revenge yet, but that's a great ride from all I've heard about it.

Colin W. said:
in my book only Magnum, Raptor and Millennium are real stand-outs at the park.

That's kind of a funny statement. Three of the world's top 10 steel coasters, but that's "all" they have.

If those three coasters were the only three in the park, would you go there? Hell yeah, you would. So if you don't like Draggin' Iron or Mantis, does that lessen the greatness of MF? I think not.

Proud CB club member

You just have to get to The Point. It is by far the best park that I have been to. It is always the cleanest, and most friendly park out there. Don't let someone else decide for you, make your own decision. One ride on the Millennium is worth the trip. We we in line for a night ride on Memorial day and it was getting cold after the sun set. We were afraid that we would freeze going 93 MPH. I have never been to a park that early in the spring with temperatures dropping like that. Let me tell you, once we went over the first hill, the adrenaline kicked in, we were warm. By the end of the ride, not even the hint of a chill. CP just has so much to offer and the atmosphere is so great, you can't go wrong. Make your trip to The Point and you'll be planning yearly trips.

I have been to CP many times and my visit this year will be my last. Everytime I go there I find nothing but rude employees, long lines, high prices and painful coasters.

Magnum, MF, Raptor, Disaster Transport and Blue Streak are fun coasters but in my opinion Magnum is the only special coaster there.

Like I said I have had numberous problems with this park over the years and after this year I have had enough. Go for yourself and make your own decision, if you like high prices and long lines I am sure CP will be the place for you.

If you like wooden coasters so much, why not come to PKI? With two of the top five wooden coasters in the country it's the place any wooden coaster fan would love. Not to mention the Racers, which give two seperate rides (backwards and forwards) even though they're often grouped together as one ride. Also, it's got a nice collection of steel coasters to complement the amazing wooden selection. The water park is cool, probably not as good as Holiday World's, but still very good, as are the flat rides. And the food is second to none (Skyline Chili AND Montgomery Inn ribs! - both local chains that make Cincinnati food some of the best in the country).

It's only about two hours from Holiday World, and it's about the same distance from Indiana Beach as Holiday World.

Ohio - Coaster capital of the world

Ohhhhh, Montgomery Inn Ribs...I had forgotten about those. (I think Cedar Point's Bay Harbor Inn also sell Montgomery Inn Ribs.)
A great point was mentioned in regards to Mantis and how if it were at Kennywood, it would be praised. That's true! It's a great coaster, but since it's not a perfect 10 like MF, Maggie and Rap, it sucks????? Whatever. Like I said before, when you're the best, it's easy to criticize. We could start ripping SFMM's coasters just as easily.

Mark W. Baruth said:

That's kind of a funny statement. Three of the world's top 10 steel coasters, but that's "all" they have.

If those three coasters were the only three in the park, would you go there? Hell yeah, you would."

I think you're missing my point. The argument that a lot of people use to support the parks greatness is it's huge collection, all I'm trying to say is that IMHO they have 3 solid roller coasters and a large number of "extras" thrown in. I'm not saying I hate the park, I *am* saying that for my admission fee I'd rather be at a park like Knoebel's, Kennywood, or Holiday World *any day*.

These smaller guys might not have the massive quantity of rides but their rides are overall higher quality (again, IMHO) and as a woodie fan I appreciate their installations more. Those of us who prefer wooden coasters are simply not going to be CP fanboys as they have very little to offer us.

The rankings of coasters really don't affect the way I think of the park either. Some people might think that Magnum, Raptor and Mantis are 3 of the world's top 10 steel coasters but I'm not one of them. Honestly, I'd rather spend a day at SFNE or Holiday World any day as SFNE has 2 of *my* favourite rides in the world (Riverside Cyclone and SROS, in that order) while HW has the Legend (my favourite ride) and the Raven (which I ranked #4 in Mitch's wood poll last year)

Opinions, like everything in life, are subjective...sorry if my middle of the road view of CP offends but that's how I feel about the park. I think it'd be a disservice to tell a fellow wood afficianado that they're better off visiting CP as opposed to IB & HW because IMHO it simply isn't the case. The two small guys have 5 *CCIs* including the brand new hybrid LoCoSuMo while CP boasts only 2 *woodies*, MS (which *used* to be great but is a shadow of it's former self), and BS (a decent but unremarkable out and backer)

The choice for most woodie fans is pretty clear...
* The Legend @ HW
* Superman: Ride of Steel @ SFNE
* Mondial Top Scan

*** This post was edited by Colin W. on 6/11/2002. ***

If you have already made up your mind that you are not going to like a park, then don’t go. Odds are you will spend the whole day nit-picking every little fault and not have a good time.Like any big park, CP has some really great rides, some average rides, and some clunkers. For me, I’ll go to any park as long as they have one really great ride that interests me. Anything else they may have is just an extra bonus. If CPs signature rides don’t interest you, then don’t go.

Bob M.

You'll have fun, i would think. MF, Magnum, WT, Mantis, Raptor, Blue Streak are all good, and the others are decent. Either way, you'll have fun.

Why make trillions, when we can make..... billions?

I've never been to CP yet.......but I have a feeling that I would love it there. I love coasters.........but I don't go to a park just for them. I also love flat rides, water rides, games of chance...the whole park experience, if you like.

CP sounds like a great place to just "do it all". :)

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