Concern for New Orleans, and fellow Buzzers

Gemini's avatar
I feel so ... labeled.

I'm still not sure what I'm hiding behind. Good thing Jeff doesn't have me on the staff page here. I'd hate to lose my anonymity. :) Mental note - remove PointBuzz bio pronto!

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

LoL, the funniest thing? No one made a fuss about Playa's post like he wanted. No one commented on it, cause nobody cared what John or I had to say. He brought it up here, in another thread, with the sole purpose of trying to make us look bad. And he isn't interested in me? He wouldn't keep refrencing me, and linking to little quips that weren't even necessarily about him if he weren't, and I didn't even notice this Rob sent it over my way. I can't help it people feel the need to link me to personal blogs when they see something that someone will go and say "Hey, I had a reason to make fun of it because Katrina hadn't hit N.O. yet". Of course, didn't it already kill people in Florida before ARN&R posted that...

So I guess if it only kills a couple people in Florida, it can be funny, but because it kills more than a few and causes total destruction, just like everyone was saying (before ARN&R posted that, mind you). Bla Bla Bla, Playa can't stand it. If I wasn't interesting, he'd leave me alone, because I'd be nobody ;).

Yep, I'll be in front of a PC every saturday nite till my schedule changes. I don't have a choice, I work in a hospital and I don't choose my schedule, which, for now anywho, is every saturday nite. Thankfully, I get net access there. Who needs a stalkette when I have playa coming into a thread and bringing me up? Besides, I'm not dating because I'm not looking for a wifey. Ever notice how playa ALWAYS brings up what little he knows (or thinks he knows) of my personal life? And I'm a stalker? Makes you wonder who he's talking to...

Besides, I'm not into getting stalked by 12 year old girls. I think it would be creepy if I liked only girls that much younger than I...

Why, oh why am I even responding? He's an idiot that can't manage his own personal life trying to make fun of mine? Maybe I should go spend time with my parents and get off the net...

I guess you'd have a point--if the multiple Floridian hurricane survivors in my friends list didn't find it funny too. And say so. All before the major landfall, of course.

If I really wanted to poke fun at your personal life, I'd do that. But you're just not that interesting to me. Sorry.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

LoL, I'm not that interesting to him, folks, but I'm interesting enough for him to come into a totally different thread and quote me. I think it so funny. He dodges it again because he can't just say 'Well, less people dying is funnier than possibly 1000 or more".

Katrina had already killed people in Florida. She was poised to kill people in N.O. regardless. However, because it wasn't happening RIGHT NOW at the time of the posting, it was okay to make fun. I wonder if someone who had already lost a friend/family member in Florida would have agreed with Playa? Oh, but his friends, who most likly weren't affected that way say it is okay, because they're not affected.

Funny, all I said was that they shouldn't name a waterpark at MoA 'Hurricane' anything, refrencing the Tsunami thread, and I'm the devil. Course, Playa just edited that too, 3 or 4 days afterwards, just because he obviously cared enough about what people thought about me and Gonch that he didn't want them to think he hadn't 'gotten us'. That was pathetic then, and even more so now. Here's a thread about concern for actual people's lives, not their thinking, and he has to come in here, a thread not related to the other thread, and call me and John out, but we can't call him out?

Playa should really start pulling those rafters out of his eye, and stop picking at my straws.

Back to the topic at hand, Barry apparently thinks I'm Handsome, Peabody is okay, thankfully, and still getting married this weekend or soon, and all of you should be doing all you can to help. I personally am weighing options and may go to the La area to help out with my parents, who, btw, were going to spend their Anniversary week in Myrtle Beach, but would rather go and help people they don't even know in the aftermath of this disaster. If you can't get down there to help out, at least send something that can.


I came back from a weekend out doin' stuff and added a clearly labeled PS to a post. Kinda like this past weekend.

I'm not the one still bringing it up months and months later...but then again, apparently I'm the quotable one people read. You can post eight hundred more forgettable posts and you still won't be as memorable. Even close.

But what does it matter, really? I can get up from this PC and continue enjoying the same life I do right now while you still sputter around calling me any and every name you want to. Doesn't affect reality one bit.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

LoL, it doesn't affect him...yet he still posts. And posts. And posts.

The same person that says he doesn't care, this is just a little coaster site, is telling me that he matters, cause maybe he's the one people read, not me...

Hehehehe...Why do we have to PS something that was over 3 days Edit: earlier, I wonder? The argument was over, who cares after that. Thread was closed, and slipping into obscurity. He apparently cared enough to do it then.

Course, he could get up from his PC. He won't, but he could. He'll reply again, just as he always does (can you tell I'm trying to offer a challenge so he'll shut up?;)). *** Edited 9/6/2005 8:43:51 PM UTC by TeknoScorpion***

Ironic: An 'offer to shut up' from someone who probably posts more in a few months than I do in the average year.

Then again, who notices? :)

Peabody: I wish you the best with the nuptials and your new life together.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

I'm trying to figure out when this thread stopped being "Concern[ed] for New Orleans, and fellow Buzzers" and moved on to "Concern for Petty Squabbles, with fellow Buzzers".....


Which squabble in particular?

At this point, you almost need baseball cards with stats. And gum!


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Well Bar,

It will be difficult, but I think I can manage to survive without your adoration. BTW, you're welcome to refer to any of my posts to see exactly where it is I claimed to possess a vast endless reservoir of coaster knowledge.

In fact, it doesn't seem to be any kind of coaster statement I typed that has sent you off the deep end, simply a few statements that I don't agree with all of your pseudo-political and journalistic posturing. You call me a bully, yet you've engaged in a tirade of name calling against anyone who dares offer an opinion different than yours. And you're the open-minded and inclusive side.

As is typical of extremists of either side of the pendulum, you blast ahead and offer an entire personality profile of the person you're ranting against, being sure to point out repeatedly how your own traits are more superior. How insecure is that?

Since apparently you can't respond to comments you try to change the topic to what I look like or whether I go out in public. How childish! OK, Bar, you got me. I've never been to any of the places I wrote TR's about. My only knowledge of any rides in any parks is from looking at my computer monitor.

BTW, you don't know a thing about who I've met to see how you'd rate on the caring and compassionate scale. If you don't like my opinions, TFB. If you don't like my screen name, TFB. If you don't like me, TFB. It doesn't bother me one bit either way.

Can anyone highlight for me the difference between using off-topic posts to call names and call people out and using off-topic posts to dismember one's personal life and importance to an online forum? And furthermore, why is this hypocrisy even pertinent in a discussion and scenario as grave as this one?

[Nitro Dave -- Track Record: 231 coasters] [url=""]A Rapturous Verbatim[/url] & [url=""]A Tournament of Lies[/url] -- my blogs...they're blogtastic.
Jeffrey R. Smith:

First of all, so many questions, so little time.

I, too, am a big fan of British synth pop and, for that matter, all things British. But, of particular import for me was DEPECHE MODE, PSYCHEDELIC FURS, THOMPSON TWINS, THE SMITHEREENS, and WALL OF VOODOO. You've got some fantastic stuff going on with YOUR music as well--loved it muchly!!!!

I'm glad to meet a fellow artist here on the board. I, too, am an artist--acting, directing, and The Brady Bunch thing is spot-on. I'll discuss with you vis a vis PM why things have to be the way they are, as regards personal and private security matters, in my note to you.

Now, as to all these questions: I didn't think I had such anticipatory fellow bloggers out there. I'm printing out your post here in a second so that I can take it with me to rehearsal tonight and mull it over. I feel like I have homework!!!

I'm glad for the vigorous exchange and I am not "hiding" from anyone. I am nothing is not accessible but I am in the middle of rehearsing a major play which opens on the 16th and my time here is a lot more limited than some. As for the Halliburton question, which you've asked twice now (I apparently didn't see the THIRD REQUEST--forgive me--I don't read EVERY thread or, for that matter, EVERY POST but I'll do better next time, by God!) I can't always jump all over a request for a rebuttal or a Fact Check. I'm simply not sitting in front of a computer but, in actuality, a very small portion of the week.

I'll say it again: I'm trying to wrap up this political stuff. We've way strayed from the situation in New Orleans but, maybe we haven't. . .

I do think, however, that the Republican Kool-Aid drinkers need to keep the Talking Points to a minimum. Those of us in the know are onto where they come from and who's pushing them. The Karl Rovian Acolytes need not start spreading their poison here as well.

Frankly, I don't want to be in a situation where I am having the Daily Drudge Republican Talking Points regurgitated to me that Rush, Sean Hannity and Fox disseminates daily to its minions. (And I actually SAW them here today in two different places from two different people!!!! It was really shocking to see them because each poster--I don't believe--had seen the other person's post--and they had so clearly gotten their biased and slanted information from the SAME PLACE!!!)

I mean, we're all, COLLECTIVELY, people who like to ride roller coasters, for Godl's sake???

Can we at least agree on that????!!!!

Nor do I still think it is appropriate to get this into the potentially volatile mixing bowl of political discourse. But, by all appearances, this sort of rancorous discussion goes on here all the time (long before I came on board). I PM'd a couple of people with the query of "Is it always like this?" and got, like, "Honey, you ain't seen nuthin'!!!"

Anyway, I wish I had that kind of time to blog/post daily but I just don't.

But, Jeffrey R. Smith: you seem sincere in your query so I'll offer you an equally sincere answer. I honestly don't know if there are other companies out there who can clean up New Orleans. That is not my field. I would have to research that and get back to you. I suspect that there ARE other companies that are large enough to take on certain aspects of the job but I am not an urban planner, engineer, or otherwise. I just don't know who those might be. What I do know, and my point was simply this: If a company has REPEATEDLY been shown to be corrupt and has REPEATEDLY been shown to be bilking the American Taxpayer out of millions upon millions (which add up to billions), why would said business even continue to be a business and why would anyone in power say it is OK to even use such a company????

If you and I robbed banks with any degree of frequency and then tried to open up a law firm called SMITH AND WILLIAMS (boy if that isn't a generic moniker!!!), people would say, "Well, I can't, ON PRINCIPLE, do business with SMITH AND WILLIAMS because they rob banks!!!" But if I stood from the highest ramparts and said, "But it's how we make a living!!!!," you'd shout back, "It's still illegal!!! You're taking other people's money!!!!!"

I have made no bones about it: I am an unabashed Jeffersonian Democrat and proud of it. I am not a fan of this President who I believe, IMHO, is, in fact, a liar, a son of privilege, and has repeatedly represented a carefree, insouciant, and devil-may-care quality when it comes to governing the country. His dedication to the proliferation of corporatism (a disease which I believe is killing the country) at the expense of Mom and Pop America is the worst crime of all. Even taking Bill Clinton's many "sins" into account, Bill Clinton cared for the people, worked hard for the people, and served the people. George Bush is serving AT THE BEHEST AND THE PLEASURE OF THE PEOPLE--not at the behest of Halliburton, or Bechtel, or any of these other companies that he has so generously allowed to steal untold trillions of dollars from the American People.

Who does this man serve? Is he, in fact, the God-fearin' man we've been led to believe? He doesn't even attend church on a regular basis, so he apparently operates without a God as well. Yet you never hear anything about that from the religious zealots that love him so. He is self-will run riot in my opinion and that cannot lead us to anything but a diastrous ending, which I think we're going to see in spades, even before he leaves office.

But, honestly, Jeffrey R. Smith, I don't know what other companies could do the job that Halliburton does, though I'm certain you'd have a hard time finding one that's so ingratiated into the government plutocracy as they are. They came of age under a Republican President (Reagan) and continued to prosper under Clinton but it has only been in the real Golden Years under the Reign of the Neo-Cons that the Real Monies are Disappearing. Can anyone that feels so passionately about Halliburton explain to me where all of that money is and what has happened to our tax payer dollars??? For that matter, do people even care anymore about who is stealing what?

Dear God, if I thought I was coming to this board to take a Blue Book Examination, EVERY DAY, I may have to scroll up and see what this board is actually called: is it maybe the WE'RE HOLDING YOU ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS, MISTER? Or THE WE EXPECT FULL BACKUP OF YOUR CLAIMS OR ELSE?

I'm doing the best I can here, Jeffrey R. Smith. I hope I've been able to give you a more enunciated and detailed vantage point.


Remember--how you see the show. . .depends on where you sit. . .you may have front row center, you may be in the balcony, or, woefully, you may have an OBSTRUCTED VIEW.

How you like the coaster may, in fact, be predicated on where you sit as well. . .

Adios, amigos,

Barry J.

For that matter, how pertinent is Republican politician versus Democratic politician to this discussion?

Even in states with conservative governors like Mississippi, FEMA and the state/local folks were all out playing 'Alpha Dog' while tons of aid supplies sat in one place.

The aid response lag isn't about Bush. It's systemic and needs work. And this is from a guy who generally leans left. Well, as said Chris Rock, "I'm conservative about some things, liberal about others."


*** Edited 9/6/2005 9:51:34 PM UTC by CoastaPlaya***

NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Sorry, RGB: I think the humorous portion of the program was something that just sailed. . .right over your head. You clearly are much more difficult to get a laugh out of than I originally thought. That's OK. Some people are hard to "read" on paper and you're one of them.

But I think I have a pretty good assessment at this point.

That "vast reservoir of knowlege" that I mentioned earlier is not limited to coasters, either, I see. Your knowledge and the scope and breadth of your thinking knows no earthly bonds, does it? You must feel very omniscient when you go to bed at night, huh?

And where is this whole TFB rant coming from? Good God, man, lighten up. I've always been very fond of bears and, particularly, if they are rather good ones.

Maybe we just need to cuddle up and make nice nice.

Barry J.

Nitro, Playa--you are both correct.

This thread is called CONCERN FOR NEW ORLEANS, AND FELLOW BUZZERS and, hereafter, I am limiting my comments to just that.

Cross my heart and hope to die.

Stick a needle in my eye.

You get the picture.

Barry J.

And meanwhile while a small percentage of people posting here have all the answers and take shots at each other. another poster, CrazyB is still unaccounted for.
WHOA...No posts since 8/18 and obviously a NO local. I hope he's okay.
Well golly gosh darnit gator, you see what you started :)

Fate is the path of least resistance.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
I have met both Playa and Clint several times and know their true selves.They are BOTH cool and tend to fuss a little bit on the net, which is cool. They are both guys. :-)

Play nice, guys. :-)


He's probably ok. I wish I knew his name, because I would check out the shelters or something.

I can't believe that a week after the storm and I have power....we have been truely blessed. I'll say it everyone who has expressed their concerns, prayers, thoughts, etc. THANK YOU ALL!!! Now it's time to start praying for the families of the potential 10,000+ dead. The counting has just begun......

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce

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