Coasting for Kids 2011

Carrie M.'s avatar

Oh my! I didn't even think of that! You're going to have a Brady-riffic time!! Who is going to imitate Alice while you ride?

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

DaveStroem's avatar

That would be too funny if people dressed up like the Brady Bunch. Travis, I can see you in pig tails.

Tip on riding Racer. Don't sit in the back rows of the car :)

We did 105 laps on the red side last year during the event and then waited in the line for 1 lap on the blue side.

Last edited by DaveStroem,

Before you can be older and wiser you first have to be young and stupid.

Carrie M.'s avatar

Another tip... don't lose Mike's architecture plans while you ride!

(Ok, I'm done now. I have no idea why that amused me so much.)

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

DaveStroem's avatar

Marsha Marsha Marsha, it's all about Marsha.

Before you can be older and wiser you first have to be young and stupid.

Question for Carrie..or anyone else who did CFK at Dorney last year:

I understand riders/participants can marathon on Steel Force during the event time, enjoy the whole park, or a combination of both. But do they have a train specifically for people who are marathoning, which is what I mostly hope to do? Those stairs upto the station take a lot out of me on a hot day, and I hope to avoid them as much as possible.

Carrie, your fund-raising's going gangbusters. Congratulations on a job well done! (but probably yet to be finished)

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

Carrie M.'s avatar

Hi Mike. Last year, Dorney designated a third train solely for CFK. They put a logo on the back of the train so it can be identified for us.

Each time we returned to the station, the ride ops would ask if we were ok to keep riding or if we wanted to exit or change seats. Otherwise, you didn't need to get up at all.

If you did need to exit or take a break, you were allowed to stand just outside of the exit gate and wait it out or if you left the area you could return up the exit when you were ready to go again.

The system seemed to work well last year so I don't see why they would change it. But you never know.

And thanks for the congrats. My friends and family are completely awesome!

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

LostKause's avatar

Billy, you asked if we aere allowed to take breaks... Yes. The made us take breaks last year every 4 rides, I think.

I am trying really hard to have enough money to go, Billy. Hanging with you again would be fun! And you are right, it's not about which coaster we ride, or whether they give us t-shirts or not, or what they feed us, or anything like that. It's about having fun, raising money and awareness for the kids.

Dave, My hair isn't long enough for pigtails, and besides, if we were Brady bunch characters, I would definitely be Greg. I'm good looking, smile all of the time, and have a rock star persona. lol

ApolloAndy's avatar

A couple of rides on the KD line-up (Shockwave & Anaconda) would not get much love from me if I were going. I too would rather ride Steel Force all day than even attempt an hour on some of the rides at KD.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Carrie M.'s avatar

Travis is... Johnny Bravo!

(Why do I keep coming back to this stuff? Must.stop.reminiscing.about.Brady.Bunch.episodes!)

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

CoasterDemon's avatar

LostKause said:

Dave, My hair isn't long enough for pigtails, and besides, if we were Brady bunch characters, I would definitely be Greg. I'm good looking, smile all of the time, and have a rock star persona. lol

True, but you would be so cute in pig tails!

How about eating? I need to eat 14 times a day, and drink lots of diet Pepsi! Can I bring a cooler and snacks?

edit - pig tail wigs are a dime a dozen here in Chicago :)

Last edited by CoasterDemon,

LostKause said:

Dave, My hair isn't long enough for pigtails, and besides, if we were Brady bunch characters, I would definitely be Greg. I'm good looking, smile all of the time, and have a rock star persona. lol

But did YOU have an affair with Florence Henderson?

(She's denying those claims in her upcoming autobiography)

The amusement park rises bold and are huddled on the beach in a mist

LostKause's avatar

Nope, but maybe I would have with Robert Reed. ;) (Except that I was not even a year old when the series ended, and I hadn't even finished High School by the time he died.)

Which is better? The series or the movies?

CoasterDemon's avatar

^Series, big time :)

So.. back to Coasting for kids - can I bring in a cooler and some snacks?

LostKause's avatar

Probably not, Billy, but they will instruct you to park in the VIP parking area, which is very close to the entrance, so you can just keep you cooler in the trunk. Problem solved! :)

You could just carry a fanny pack full of goodies around with you, and drink water. lol

DaveStroem's avatar

Without naming names, I just want to thank a certain Buzzer for his overwhelming generosity.

Before you can be older and wiser you first have to be young and stupid.

Jason Hammond's avatar

I don't think they'd want you to bring in a full size cooler. But, considering the type of event, you could probably bring a small lunch box cooler. Your best bet is to check with the park.

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Jason Hammond's avatar

CGA - 5 - $85
CW - 14 - $1,303
C - 2 - $120
CP - 35 - $4,628
DP - 21 - $4,073
KD - 13 - $595
KI - 23 - $1,838
KBF - 7 - $450
MA - 1 - $71
VF - 6 - $25
WoF - 17 - $1,077

144 participants at $20,025

884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Jeff's avatar

Two weeks to go... I'd reeeeeally like to see us get to $50k.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

DaveStroem's avatar

Jason Hammond said:
144 participants at $20,025

I hope we can get more people, because right now it is just gross.

Before you can be older and wiser you first have to be young and stupid.

ApolloAndy's avatar


The one person at MiA is going to be pretty lonely.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

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