Coasters you never had a chance to ride.

Hmm, Drachen Fire is the first to come to mind. I was JUST getting into coasters when Drachen Fire opened. Big Bad Wolf was no problem for me, but Loch Ness worried me and so Drachen Fire terified me. My dad eventually got me to go on Loch Ness after bribing me that he'd get me a Loch Ness Monster t-shirt if I did ride. So I rode, but still couldn't get the courage to do Drachen Fire. Flash forward to my next visit and the ride was closed forever.

Another one that comes to mind is Jet Star at Knoebels, the ride that preceded Whirlwind. When we went I just wasn't into coasters. Then again we went to Hershey a month later and I got on SooperDooperLooper, my first coaster, and loved it. It's a shame because I'm sure if we would have gone to Hershey first, after riding SooperDooper I surely would have gone on Jet Star.

Finially, X. It took me 18 years to get out to Magic Mountain and when I did get out there X was in it's phase where it would close for a month or two then open for a week only to close again quickly. Of course when I was there it was closed and I really wasn't too impressed with the park. It'll probably be a while before I get back to SFMM and one of the prime reasons I go will probably be just for X.

If you can't stand the heights, get out of the line.

Hercules and Talon (gasp) at Dorney...stupid me, not knowing there was a strong set of storms coming, decided to wait a half-hour to ride the go-karts instead of getting rides on these two coasters...and this was two summers summer I look forward to going back up and getting my Talon ride and Hydra ride as well!

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

Does this include rides remodeled. I got around riding the Cyclone at Sixflags NewEngland but never got to ride it before it was remodeled.

And Oh yea Drachen Fire too!

-Eric: Major Parks: SFNE(homepark), SFA,SFGADV,CP,BGE,BGA,Kennywood,and Sea World: Track record 65 different coasters ridden #1 is Millennium Force #2 is El Toro and than there are all the others

Deja Vu on Labor day to the park after it was open the previous day we sprinted back and it was closed....apparently i missed it by half an hour

Final 2005 Acrophobia Count: 254 Final 2005 Deja Vu Count: 45
Volcano The Blast Coaster. It was the new ride at PKD at the time, and during my one visit there as a final stop for our New York/Virginia trip (Spring '99), it was closed. Boo.
Whizzer @ SFGAm. I've yet to ride, though I did ride Shockwave(R.I.P.), don't know if I'll ever get back to try Whizzer, or the 3 new ones there now.

Flyer Comet @ Whalom Park. Was right there, walked around the outside of the park, parents said we could go next time we visited my sister who lived in Leominster, a couple miles from the park. My sister and her family moved, the parked closed, and I can never forgive them for the death of my son...err... for never letting me ride;).

King Kobra @ PKD. Watched it cycle tons of times, sister rode it, but I was too young. It wasn't there when I went back, how weird...And while We're on the subject of PKD, I still have yet to ride HXLC:(.

My first time in cali over the summer, went to SFMM, only to find out that Riddler's Revenge had one train in operation (3 hr wait) and Dejavu is running a 2.5 hr wait. Good thing I got to ride X (after crawling for 3 hours).

You won't see me coming...

Corkscrew at KBF- I was 7 when it was removed and there was no way I was going to ride something like that when I was 7.

Bazing Fury at Dollywood- I probaby past by it a couple times and I didn't even know it was there.

Drachen Fyre- I was at BGW in 2000. It sucked seeing it all alone like that. :(

Steel Phantom- I've never been to Kennywood, but I really wanted to ride SP. :(

All I can say (forgive me, Brett) is that if Steel Phantom was half as good as Phantom's Revenge, then it was a good ride.

PR is my #1 coaster, by a long shot at this point.

first and foremost, definitely King Kobra at PKD....i was too small to ride it before it closed after the 86 season. also never got to ride King Cobra at PKI...i have a sweetspot for TOGO standups, so i was bummed that i never got to ride it. same goes for Shockwave at SFGam...the same sweetspot applies to Arrow loopers. two woodies i would have loved to ride were the Sky Rocket at Oceanview Amusement Park in Norfolk VA, and the Shooting Star at Lakeside Park in Salem VA.

still trying to think of a good signature...

Crystal Beach cyclone. . .or not so much. Someone had to say it.

Down is the new up.
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Steel Phantom was a pretty painful headbanger, Clint. You are not missing anything. ;-)

I never got to ride the coasters at Opryland, but my mom said I was WAY too little at the time.


You're talking to someone who loved Shockwave, and looks forward to GASM, Tina;).
Missed a whole park. Opryland. While driving my sister back to Nebraska we passed the exit for the park and were planning to go. Unfortunately we were behind schedule and I figured, hell I live in N.C., it's only a state away. I'll get back here someday. Oh well, we know what happened to the park.
i missed out on the mountain park flyer in holyoke,ma. near riverside (sfne). i did not know it existed. i missed the cyclone racer in long beach by 4 years. florida hurricane at boardwalk and baseball in orlando. my friends would not stop there because they wanted to go to disney every day.
There were actually a few coasters I missed in Myrtle Beach, one being one of those sled coasters in North Myrtle that just came down a couple years ago. Thank God for RCDB!
john peck's avatar
I have missed a few coasters here and there, but the most annoying one so far has been the High Roller in Vegas. I went in Oct of 2000 to find it down for maintenance, so since I was going back out this year, I scheaduled the trip two weeks after to only find it closed again and the maintenance scheadule changed to the first two weeks in November.

The crappy thing is, is that when you plan a flight, you have to do it well ahead of time, and when we were planning, I called the Stratosphere but they didn't know for sure when the ride would be down for it's rehab. :(

*** Edited 11/24/2004 3:17:36 PM UTC by john peck***

Puritas Springs Cyclone. cleveland ohio (defunct).
Idora Park coasters: defunct
Screaming (screetching?) Eagle: americana: defunct.

Great Lakes Brewery Patron...


For me it was The Beast, I went to PKI a while back like at least 4 years ago, I wasn't much of a coaster fanatic then, but it didn't seem to intrest me much, but now I'll ride just about anything!
Ha! I missed riding the Beast and Vortex on my 1994 trip to PKI. The Beast was the reason I went, but the fieldtrip was horrible because of our bus driver, and it rained, and other things. I was ticked that Beast was closed.

Flash Foward to this summer. I got to ride both, and even morning and nite rides on Beast. Twas truly amazing!

I can't complain now because I have ridden both, and enjoyed both. But I did get to ride King Cobra (2nd fave stand up), and the Phantom Theater, and Flight Commander on the first trip, so now I can remember the special things about that day, and not focus on missing Beast since I've since gotten to ride:).

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