CoasterBuzz T-shirts and other loot

Heh. Should I start with the old t's packed away in boxes?(They should all still fit...)

Chris -- Iron City? Ewwwwww...

--Greg, aka Oat Boy
My page
"I can't believe I just left a nuclear weapon in an elevator." -- Farscape
*** This post was edited by GregLeg 3/26/2003 6:04:23 PM ***

Yes, only the best!

Maybe I can make a guest appearance on Greg's runway!

Oh lord, what have we started. The CoasterBuzz Fashion Plates...

--Greg, aka Oat Boy
My page
"I can't believe I just left a nuclear weapon in an elevator." -- Farscape

Mamoosh's avatar
Announcer 1: Hello, and welcome to the second annual Coaster Geek Fashion Show! This year we're televised for the first time!

Announcer 2: And now for the models...!

--cue music by Ethyl--

A1: First up is Coasterbuzz's very own 'chris.' He's the epitome of a coaster geek Supermodel...heck, he's so good he only uses his first name! Today chris is wearing cargo pants, worn out sneakers, and an black Iron City t-shirt.

A2: This is a big departure for chris. Last year he wore a coaster t-shirt and ended up covered in drool from an over-zealous fan in the audience wearing a Wild Thing t-shirt.

A1: I remember that! It wasn't a pretty sight! And's Oat Boy, also from Coasterbuzz.

A2: Oat Boy always has something unique up his sleeve. Today he's wearing navy suit with a white dress shirt and tie. Man he always looks--

A1: Wait! What's he doing now? Why, he's *taking off* the suit and revealing...khaki Dockers, a good sweater, and Clarks brand loafers underneath!

A2: This is unbelieveable!

A1: Look at the finess as he walks and takes off his clothes at the same time. But he's taking off the khakis and sweater!

A2: This just proves what a risk-taker Oat Boy is. He's taken off his second set of clothes to reveal a vintage Quantum & Woody t-shirt and jeans! Man, that really shows class!

A1: Three different wardrobes and he's only reached the middle of the runway. One can only wonder what he has in store for us next?

A2: Gator and Playa are really going to have to work hard to top this! Oh my god, he's taking off the Quantum & Woody t-shirt! What's that underneath? It looks, it can't be!

A1: It Is! Its a Cedar Point Mean Streak t-shirt!

A2: With all the coaster geeks in the audience Oat Boy is really showing a lot of guts!

A1: Wait! What's this? A man is running down the isle and jumping up on the runway!

A2: I don't know who that is, but he's wearing a Valleyfair t-shirt! Is that drool on his chin?

A1: Oat Boy...look out!

--music and lights go out, pandemonium erupts--

A1 [off-screen]: Ladies and Gentlemen...we're experiencing technical difficulties and will return shortly. In the meantime here's a few words from out Sponsor, Absolutely Reliable News & Rumors.

"I'm not Bass." - chris

*** This post was edited by Mamoosh 3/26/2003 6:46:11 PM ***


Nice Moosh.

(BTW, for those of you who missed my original point, some of us really just don't CARE if you want to call someone else a geek.)

--Greg, aka Oat Boy
My page
"I can't believe I just left a nuclear weapon in an elevator." -- Farscape

Wait, I am getting a visual of what this fashion show would look like Moosh.

Nahhhhhhh!!! I want to keep my appetite. :)

Funny stuff though.
Arena football has arrived in the Windy City. Go "Chicago Rush"

Mamoosh's avatar
Greg - hey, I'm a geek, too.

Chitown - if you ever see chris ask him about the drool incident. It's actually true!

"I'm not Bass." - chris

rollergator's avatar
While "the drool incident" certainly sounds like something from Hitchcock, I'm just willing to bet that when the announcers come back *On Air*, there's gonna be a C'buzz thong on screen, even if only momentarily...;). Now there's a visual for ya (hope you've already eaten, LOL)...
Dr. Thrill IS my family practitioner
Sweet's not just a good idea, it's the LAW!
Mamoosh's avatar
Better a Coasterbuzz thong than a throng of Coasterbuzzers!

Moosh [kidding]

"I'm not Bass." - chris

I am not sure whether I just saw a fashion show or a golf game.........

It's like a Whirlwind inside of my head!

Oh dear lord 'gator'

I didnt even have the thong in my original visual. Hold on while I go grab a bucket to put next to me just incase the dinner I just had decides to exit. :)

Arena football has arrived in the Windy City. Go "Chicago Rush"

Mamoosh said:
Greg - hey, I'm a geek, too.

Oh, I realize you got the point of my post ;)

Now, what'd impress me is if anyone knows who Quantum & Woody were.

Oh, back to the original point of the thread, I have an original CoasterBuzz shirt (intentionally faded a bit to personalize it), and may get one of the new ones.

--Greg, aka Oat Boy
My page
"I can't believe I just left a nuclear weapon in an elevator." -- Farscape

chris said:

Maybe I will where my beautiful Iron City Beer shirt to the next event I attend.

chris don't you mean Iron Sh*tty?

LOL Moosh, I'd pay money to see Greg in any can of Fashion Show. Now that's entertainment.
*** This post was edited by loriu 3/26/2003 7:51:18 PM ***

Nah, you just want to see me in a thong... ;)

--Greg, aka Oat Boy
My page
"I can't believe I just left a nuclear weapon in an elevator." -- Farscape

O.K.. Now that bucket just became usefull. :)

Arena football has arrived in the Windy City. Go "Chicago Rush"

Mamoosh said:

if you ever see chris ask him about the drool incident. It's actually true!

"I'm not Bass." - chris

I can not tell a lie...I was drooled on by an over-zealous fanatic once.

It's also true that I am not Mike Miller.

Would the real Bassistist please stand up?

Great post Moosh!
*** This post was edited by chris 3/27/2003 12:48:44 PM ***

"Won't the real Bassistist please stand up, please stand up, please stand up."

Mike Miller - "I'm going to Con...I'm going to Con..."

Mamoosh's avatar
Bass...I know Eminem. Eminem is a friend of mine. You're *no* Eminem ;)

"I'm going to Con, too! I'm going to Con, too!."

I'm gonna have a record out! I'm gonna have a record out!
I'm having a soy corn dog for lunch! I'm having a soy corn dog for lunch!

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