CoasterBuzz Screen names

Mine is a nick name given to me by my Army buddies, Knee=first half of last name and meister as in Burgermeister

Dave Magnum Force-" I cant eat on an empty stomach!" Chirs -"what did you say" MF-I cant eat on an empty stom... Oh, Ride I mean Ride"
Mr. Ninja was a wrestling gimmick I used to use in a couple independant promotions I worked for.
Well for the last three years I have worked in Waterworks Merchandise at good ol' PKI. The anchor store for WaterWorks happened to be Trader Jake's Supplies, and that is where my name came from. Some people at work even occasionally call me Trader Jake, as I have been in the same store now going on four years.

PKI WW Merch 2001-3 PKI BB Merch 2004
'tuan, I forget what my first two names were. I think one of them was dannyp85 (or some variation of my name with probably a dozen numbers following it- I deleted it in favor of the more creative name) and the other had something to do with The Riddler... That guy *hated* Cedar Point and Universal Studios Florida and was likely banned. ;)

I was Koaster King from 2/14/01 to sometime in March '04 though. I thought I would turn over a new leaf while SF was doing it and now we have to see who stays on the patch and "gets off" the best... I wouldn't read into that. =^p


GoliathKills because Goliath is just so gosh darn cool.
Wow..haven't been here in a very long time. Anyway, mine means this:

WCS = Wildcard (my band's first name..very very old) and Ska (the genre).

and 4488 = My birthday.

I have had the nickname of peanut butter for as long as I can remember. It actually came from my mom. My initials are PB and peanut butter was my favorite food when I was little. I've been called that ever since. It also works well with the ladies, I can be creamy or chunky, whatever they prefer.

Gravity knows no force but Millennium Force.
Touchdown has duel meaning, first it is what my high school football nickname (despite being an offensive tackle and never scoring one in my career). It is also a tip to my other "hobby" as it were. Watching football (Notre Dame and Green Bay Packers) and riding coasters are virtually tied for my favorite activity while college basketball is a close 3rd.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

I had been reading the forums for a while, but had never signed up or posted. I was downriver at a friend's, and we ended up on Grosse Ile. We were talking about the horrible condition of the boblo boats, which we saw about twice a month back then. On the south-east side of Grosse Ile, he points over to some houses on the next island, which just happens to be Boblo.
This is how I got mine

Lost is from Lost Kennywood

Phantom is from the Phantom's Revenge

Put it together and add a The to the beginning and *Hearlding Trumpets Sound* you get The_Lost_Phantom.

Weight lost to ride more coasters......90lbs
Live on East Coast and I ride coasters.

I used "EastCoast(a)Rider" then "EastCoastaRider953" but now E-mail, Xanga, and AIM have switched to "CoastinSurfer253", which I really like. I love coasters, surfing, and 253 flow really well. There ya go.

X-Noun-1.The most fun you ever had in your life! 2.The most thrilling ride ever!
It wasn't hard to come up with, really. I don't really do the whole anonymous-on-the-web thing, since I know how little anonymity there really is...

I'd like to believe that using my real identity keeps me from posting things that are really stupid, but that's a hard sell, unfortunately.

I want to know where Agent Johnson has been?

My First Name is Kyle and Last name is Fobe.

Kyle Says: Diamondback was a lot of fun! Made his first time at Kings Island worth it all!

My last name is Knor ( K is silent), Friends used to call me Igknor. (get it) and eventually got shortened to Ig or Iggy. And well you all know what A.C.E stands for.

The Golden Rule - Try it once and if you don't like you don't have to go on again!
Back when I was in High school, I wrote a story about a vivid dream that I had. In this dream, a strange demonic ententy whose name was "Dogman" kept telling me over and over that I was one of him, and that my REAL name was "Dexter". I got an A+.

Around the same time, I was the singer/lyricist in a rock band called "Suckling Wedge". We wrote a really dark and moody metal song and I entitled it "Dexter". It was about me giving in to the demon and letting it have it's way with me. It all slowly started becoming real.

'Long story short, Dogman tricked me but I learned how to control him. Now he is simply just an alter ego of mine; him and King Eyeball, but that's another story...

No kidding. I know how it sounds.

Antuan said:
Coasterdude, what movie is your sig from?

It's from That 70's show.

Coreo is a nickname for "Corey" The 81 is my year of birth :)
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
When I first bought my domain about 4 years ago the package included an email account. The first thing I could think of was coasterqueen@ and used it for a long time until I had to change it last year.

At the same time I started the intenserides site I started posting on RRC as Coasterqueen. Soon after that I registered on Cbuzz. At the time I think "coasterqueen" was taken so I added my initials, TRN, at the end.

The rest is history. :-) Not too original but it was cool at the time.


joe.'s avatar
Mine is pretty self explanitory, although, I have thought about dropping it to use "the ORIGINAL Joe C" as a jab at Legendary, but heck, it's not work it. :)

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