CoasterBuzz Screen names

my name is Ross McColl...
Well not to be confused with Moosh, my name is Swoosh. That is the sound of me rushing past you in my ride. No really when I was in high school almost everything I owned was Nike and that is how I got the nickname. Others on here might remember me by my other names: DETN8R, AllThat!, YouBet!, DHollon, and Swoosh Shaddy. God, I've been on these boards a long time. Started out on RRC then URC now lurking here.

Oh and one last thing, 'Playa we have one day left before the off season is over - when are we going to have our annual VF vs WOF fight?


self explaintory

"English! Who needs that, I'm never going to England" Homer Simpson
Mine came from my friend Wendell, who used to say pink, doom, and monkeys a lot. I put them together, and that's what I got.

Of course, If I felt like changing my screen name, I'd probably go with t=W=illey the dictator

Chattanooga needs a [B][I]ITG2[/I][/B] Machine!
Fafolguy's avatar
For mine, we'll need to take a trip down memory lane.
Think back to those cheesy, slightly European Mentos commercials. Are you there? Good.
During the heyday of these ads, I ran across a website that was all about things that were Fresh And Full Of Life - like Mentos! On this site, they condensed it all down to one word - fafol, an adjective meaning Fresh and Full of Life. Once I started telling my friends of this new word and using it in my every day vocabulary (I was a chemically altered college student. Give me a break.), I became, ta da, Fafolguy.
And we all lived happily ever after.

I sing sometimes for the war that I fight, 'cause every tool is a weapon, if you hold it right. -Ani Difranco
I thought Coaster and my favorite cat's name, Squeak", went good together - especially since he is an acrobatic cat and very fearless.
Pretty simple. I'm fair skinned and I like to ride coasters.
My name came from the Matrix because I love the Matrix.

-Look past the flesh...and see your enemy- childishly embarrasing as this is, mine came from something completely off this site, and has been my screen name on alot of things. I was such a huge Mortal Kombat fan when in high school all those years ago, and when I went on the net, I wanted my email to be scorpion, but it was taken(so hotmail assigned me a number behind it). The Tekno comes from me trying to put something different in front of my name, and spelling Techno(I like Techno music, though not so much as I used to) as Tekno.

My how things change. Now when I go somewhere, I'm usually NotoriousBVR. I was Notorious C.E.B(like Biggie, no I'm not really a fan, but it was kinda funny.) me and a friend came up with 'rap' names for a while as a joke, and i decided that notorious beaver sounded better than my initials, so it went to BVR. If I change on here, thats what it will most likely be... *** Edited 4/1/2004 10:57:01 PM UTC by TeknoScorpion***

My *third name* on this site, Koaster King, came as a tribute to King Cobra and coaster with a K, because it looked kool. But like King Cobra, the character of Koaster King was not only annoying to *restrain* and had some various "negative" aspects (signed -Danny) but also needed to be taken down due to dwindling popularity and mechanical issues. My name now comes from my real name, Danny, with a positive sign in front of it. "Danny" was taken and I thought it was a creative and fun way to try something new, something old, something borrowed, and something blue. Whatever that means. Thanks for all of the people "concerned" that I got banned... That was pretty amusing.

Or I just like to tell stories and make things sound a lot more interesting than they really are. ;)

Antuan, I think the quote is from either Willy Wonka or That 70s Show.


Swoosh said:
Oh and one last thing, 'Playa we have one day left before the off season is over - when are we going to have our annual VF vs WOF fight?

What's there to fight about? KCS-MOA's custom-designed coaster that you got a clone of? Or the Rockin' Tug, Foam Ball attraction or last year's Impulse you guys still don't have?

Move along. Nothing to see here.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Carrouseler is the name I use on all forums, I like carousels.

Mamoosh's avatar
Here's the one you've all been waiting for ;) Unfortunately it's not the exciting a story you were all hoping for.

Long before I discovered CBuzz I only posted on the newsgroup Rec.roller-coaster. I used to post using the screen name 'M@' [because M + @ = Matt]. However no one every got it right, and quite often people thought my name was 'Emmett.'

So I decided it was time for a new screen name. I didn't want to choose a coaster related name because coasters come into and fall out of favor. I can just imagine being called WindjammerFan or HercMan and then discovering 99% of the coaster world hated those rides and they were eventually torn down. Or calling myself GeuagaNut -- well that one would work again now, woudln't it?

No, I wanted something original.

About that time my sister and 3-yr-old nephew Connor were visiting. As with most 3 year olds he had had trouble pronouncing some words, including 'uncle' and 'Matthew.' I was sitting at my computer, sis was watching TV, and Connor was running about the house. He came into my room and asked, "Wha'cha doin, Uncoo Mamoosh?"

I thought, "'s original, it's not coaster related, and it can be temporary until I think of something better." Needless to say it stuck, and I have sense embraced my screen name.

*** Edited 4/1/2004 11:15:12 PM UTC by Mamoosh*** ka-yoot!

Anyway, so Danny, since you are one of the ol' skool members, what was your name before Koaster King?

Fate is the path of least resistance.

kool guys-thanks for the replys

Turbo, who always wondered where mamoosh came from.

Mamoosh's avatar
I came from where all people come from: their mothers ;)
CP stands for my home park and dude stand for my laid back personality.

TTD was built, TTD was broke, TTD is alive

TTD was built, TTD was broke, TTD is alive.

I came from a tube...
Antuan, That quote you were wondering about is definately from Willy Wonka.

It's when He says Charlie broke the rules near the end, and tells him to leave.

t=w=illey(ooh, me likey this name), who watched that movie twice a day for five months as a kid.

Rctycoon2k's avatar
Rctycoon2k was the name and .com of my first website... On other boards I am often known as CoasterLine, due to my previous site...

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

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