CoasterBuzz Club!!! NOT

The Shy One said:
I do understand. I just have other, better things I could spend $20 on, so why pay to basically remove ads when you can download something to do that for free?

Ah, but you clearly DON'T understand that by bypassing those ads, the site doesn't even get the minimum ad revenue it could have gotten. Which is your choice to do, but criticising those of us who actually see value in supporting this site, rather than watch it vanish, is insulting, rude, and downright ungrateful.

Aquila said:
We DO get it, GregLeg. But you guys need to get THIS.....not all of us have the time online to constantly close out pop-up ads, and/or visit those advertisers!

Which is fine, but Jeff has also tried to actively prevent those popups anyway. Nobody's forcing you to click on them, and we ALL hate the popups, our webmaster included.

The banner ads are a different story. But the point is those ads don't by themselves generate enough revenue to support the site, hence the club.

No offense to Jeff, but my opinion is that if you want to operate a website, you need to be prepared to fork out the money that it costs to run that site each month

So he's supposed to shell out over a thousand bucks PER MONTH out of the goodness of his heart? This site is in a way a victim of its own success. When Jeff started this, it certainly didn't cost NEARLY this much to run. But the very popularity of this site was killing it -- it got very costly to run. Now, I'm not saying Jeff would have closed the site down completely if he hadn't given this club a try, but I for one damn sure wouldn't have blamed him. I'd like to see ANY of the whiners try running a site with this much volume out of pocket, THEN come back and see if you still complain.

So rest assured, this will be my final post in your website. You may delete my membership - in fact, I insist you do.

Good, you can hold the door for GeaugasViewWeb...

Once again, so that maybe I can drill it into some fairly thick skulls (hmmm, anyone know where I can find a good bit for trepanation?) :

1. CoasterBuzz Forums, News, the database, etc., continue to be FREE, with banner ads. This is NO DIFFERENT THAN WHAT YOU'VE ALREADY HAD!

2. With the Club, this site has, basically, asked some people to help support the costs. In exchange for this, he's set up some added benefits.

3. If the idea of helping to keep this site up, and possibly getting some benefits in exchange, doesn't appeal to you, that's perfectly fine. Some people can't spare the money, some people don't think it's worth it. That's perfectly fine. See #1 -- you DO still have access to CoasterBuzz. But the folks who are calling this a scam, or telling those of us who have paid that we're stupid, are among the most ungrateful sniveling brats I've ever heard of. The site is here for your use, and you STILL complain?

"Beat the rush, sign up for your post-Mean Streak MRI now..."
My page  My other page  And my coaster page

*** This post was edited by GregLeg on 11/2/2001. ***

hey one more thing TOTALY off the subject....hey Mustang, i just read the quote at the end of your signature...that is the funiest thing ive heard in ages!!!  dude, im in tears right now, haha!!!!1  rock on mustang....everyone, to try and bring a little cheer to this heated debate, or to make yourself laugh even harder than those of us who are laughin at the whine aquad here, read Mustangs post....hha, stoned off his ass...thats briliant :)
I just wanted to add my two cents for what it's worth, about paying for this site. I only visit this site about once a week but count on it to give me my updates, that I crave so much , about the coaster world. I for one, will pay my $20 to visit this site once a week because it is an outstanding site that is packed full of information that can't be found any place else. When Jeff started this site I am sure it wasn't an expense on his pocket or time like it seems to have grown to be. So to all the people who don't won't to pay, shut your face and don't pay, and don't come cryin when your bridges have been burned here and you can't find another site that ROCKS :)


Jeff's avatar
Thank you Carrie. Seven months before you made your first post, but it was worth the wait. Welcome!

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I didn't say this in my last post, but I'm seeing it happen already.  There are quickly becoming two tiers of members - not in the eyes of Jeff and the Mods, but in the eyes of the members.

To those who aren't joining (that includes me), don't gripe.  You still have access to everything you enjoyed before.  Yes, popups are annoying - there are, however, worse things in life than clicking the X.

To those who have joined or plan to in the future, don't make general comments like "those who don't want to show appreciation."  It's not a fair statement to make and isn't at all productive.

Adults, act like adults.  Teenagers, act like adults.

Personally I think Coasterbuzz club is a great idea. I plan on joining soon enough.

This thread goes to show that  some people take great things for granted, and like to take rather than give..

nasai's avatar
I think it is absolutely a fine thing that Jeff is doing....It is, after all, HIS site.  I will be contributing my "two cents" soon also, in the form of cash, not just online noise.

I would like to say one slightly whiny thing though.  Aren't threads like these (that are typically argumentative and nobody wins) closed?  Just a sarcastic thought....:)

Check us out!

I'm just sitting back here laughing my ace off...some of you people are pathetic.


There are people willing to pay $20 to get some added benefits, but mostly TO KEEP THIS SITE YOU'RE WHINING ON *RUNNING*. 


To the people that aren't in the club (myself included), you are getting Coasterbuzz FREE, while others are PAYING...FOR...YOU.  And.  You're.  Whining.  I honestly couldn't imagine raising such a stupid person, I'd be embarrased.


If you feel there's been such a great injustice done, I respectfully invite you to leave.  You're not the ones who are going to add to the discussion anyway.

"Words are know?"

stoogemanmoe's avatar
A proud coasterbuzzer.....ME!!!!! #106!!!
I just don't understand all the contention.  I think the goal here was to support a site we all love.  I don't even post that much but lurk quite often.  I'm proud to give my $20.  Its a real value.  If you can't afford it or don't want to pay it, don't be offended or leave.  I think everyone is still welcome here regardless of whether you pay or not.
CPLady's avatar
I work for an ITS department and I KNOW how expensive it is to run a site with as much on it as this. Even if there were no other benefits, I'd have joined just to help keep this great site running. I've already seen two sites go under. I also understand how young teens can find this disturbing, I'm a mother of one. But until you are out in the REAL world and have to face supporting yourself, you cannot come close to understanding how expensive it is to pay for basic living expenses, let alone to come up with money to support a "frivolous" thing like a website. As stated in previous posts, Jeff is not making it mandatory for anyone to cough up $20. The way I see it, the only thing you are losing is a place to keep a coaster track record. Well, gee, I can do that MYSELF on my own personal PC with a simple word processor or spreadsheet.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dea

I'll be real glad in a week when all this complaining is over and people just either choose to join, or not to join and get on with their lives.

Jeff, great site, hope my $20 helps.

Boy, Jeff certainly opened up a can of worms here.  How dare he try to make money off the website he created!  You'd think he was a....dare I say...American Capitalist Pig!!!

But seriously, I consider myself a "regular" (though I don't post 50 times a day just to see may name on the computer) but I did not sign up for the club.  Is it wahoo skipper's big moral stand?  No.  I just don't think I will be able to enjoy many of the benefits he has in store.  I don't mind the ads.

If Jeff chooses to make this site a members only be it.  I won't whine and complain, I will just go somewhere else. I certainly won't throw myself off the top of a lifthill.

J1, you are correct.  Not all 14 year olds are stupid.  But, those who cannot spell ridiculous, advertisement, not, also, certain and doesn't do need to get some tutoring.

People, if you don't want to join then don't.  Could it be any more simple?

J1 said:

Not all 14 year olds are stupid.  I'm 14 years old and i think it is ridiculous to pay $20, or $2 a month for something that is free, but w/ advertisements! 

Yet it's not ridiculous to go out and spend $20 on a CD that, by all accounts, you probably won't listen to in a few months?  Ridiculous to spend $5 a month on most magazine subscriptions that have out-to-date news?  Ridiculous to sit and wait to shell out $200 for the latest and greatest game system, then dish out $50 every time a great new game comes out?  But it IS ridiculous to spend $20 on something you'll use everyday...hmm...your logic, or lack thereof, escapes me.
$20 is the biggest STEAL I've ever seen.  Jeff is practically GIVING this away and you guys are still griping like little children.  You know what?  I'm 16 years old, and I can only hope this proves that some "children" actually can run their thought processes in a sensible, logical manner and not just cry and moan like a bunch of grade schoolers.  I'm embarrassed to be associated with the same demographic as you are.  And if you honestly think you're doing us a DISservice by deleting your account, then you all seriously need to wake up.
Thank you to Jeff, to Greg, to Carrie, and to all the other Buzzers who are talking sense on this thread.  I hope to see you all in club forums soon.

The Luv Monkey has spoken...
Track Record: 29 and counting...
"I've had my memories, good and bad...I just have to learn and grow or some sh*t like that..."

LuvRaptor's avatar
I have been a long time member of GTTP, and a member here since 02-2000. I gave Jeff/this site my $20.00 to see what he is offering. The PKI thing sounds like fun and for $20.00-why not? I would much rather spend $20.00 for this (Lord knows I have used both his sites PLENTY) then the $50.00 for ACE. I agree with most here however, no one is FORCING you to do anything!

2000 Raptor Crew
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER! :)
Cowboys dig cowgirls in trucks
Cowgirls dig cowboys in Wranglers! ;)

How many of you owe nearly all your coaster/amusement park knowledge to the existence of Coasterbuzz? Anybody remember how difficult it was to get any kind of coaster news or information before the internet? You would have to spend a lot more time and a lot more money and you still wouldn't have access to even a fraction of the resources this site provides. Yes, you can get it free and if you are only an occasional user with only a casual interest in the subject then the $20 probably isn't worth it for you (and that would be the reason for the free site - provide a service for the occasional seeker of a bit of info). Those of us who have a real interest in all things amusement related, who get real enjoyment out studying rides, amusement history, and current happenings in the amusement world gladly pay the $20 - not to get some extra benefits, that's just a little icing, but to insure that this site, an important resource for pursuing our hobby can continue to exist. The best things in life may be free but a little money thrown their way once in a while never hurts.

everything's better with a banjo

I found this site when closed down and would hate to see it go away too

If forming a club(interesting idea, he could just charge all of us access to the site instead) helps to keep it alive then go for it

I will probably join in the future myself   

I've changed my tune somewhat over the past few days. For the record, I am a "non member" (I have not joined the "club" nor do I plan to in the imediate future... who knows what will happen over time). As far as I can see, the only thing that we are "missing" are some future planned events at parks that are not near me, no more access to track records (I keep track of mine on Excel with much more detail than any site could ever give), no meeting calendar (which I never used), and pop-up ads (wich, for the sake of principle, I've already clicked on two this morning... even though I really don't care about "lowring my long distance bill NOW!!!!!") I also don't begrudge those who have chosen to pay to get the above things mentioned and lose the pop-ups. However, I do agree with Jacob that...

"There are quickly becoming two tiers of members - not in the eyes of Jeff and the Mods, but in the eyes of the members.

To those who aren't joining (that includes me), don't gripe.  You still have access to everything you enjoyed before.  Yes, popups are annoying - there are, however, worse things in life than clicking the X.

To those who have joined or plan to in the future, don't make general comments like "those who don't want to show appreciation."  It's not a fair statement to make and isn't at all productive.

Adults, act like adults.  Teenagers, act like adults."

We have already been called "free loaders" because we have not joined. Its like the heirarchy is "General Public" (GP - who have gotten torn to shreads so often on this and other boards by "Enthusiasts"... most of the times unfairly), "Non Members" (NM - or "free loaders" or what ever else we happen to be called.) "CoasterBuz Club Members " (CBCM - Card carrying memebers, some of whom, as Jacob has said, have already begun looking down on "non members").

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."

Heh..  the only people crying about money are the ones who haven't joined and given ANY money.

You guys whine enough and there will be a class system here.  The ones who pay for the membership AND the ones who don't pay, BUT appreciate why it had to come about and support the site in other ways.. VERSUS people who in my opinion are trolls.

Via con dios.  If all you can do is complain about what you're NOT getting anymore when you never paid for it to begin with, your logic is flawed at it's foundation.  There's no reason for you to continue to post your defiance of this club any longer.  Nothing will change, and no one cares about your opinion when you've offered no support of the site, it's people, or it's webmaster.

I rode "X" and never went upside down.

Jeff's avatar
Let's not go down that "A list" route I've seen with another certain club. There will never be an "A list" because there are no officers, no TV regulars or whatever. You're in the club or you're not. If you're in it, you get the benefits outlined on the club page. If not, you don't.

No one said non-members were free loaders, not anywhere in this thread. I said that if you're eliminating the pop-ups through some means of software, then you're free loading. The TV networks just sued an equipment manufacturer that lets you digitally skip commercials, and you know what, the networks are expected to win. Why? Because without the advertising, they can't exist. This site is no different, you need to have the ads of the club.

This pointless discussion has gone on long enough. If you joined the club, welcome. If you didn't join the club, welcome. Either way, enjoy the site, and have a nice day.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Closed topic.

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