CoasterBuzz Club event at Dorney Park in 2005!

I was just thinking that if the parks in Brooklyn were within 100 miles, then some of the piers would be too
Lord Gonchar's avatar
I think it has to do with roads and more direct routes into NYC.

RCDB lists distances "as the crow flies" and has Coney Island at 81 miles and the Seaside Heights piers at 88 miles. The difference in actual driving distance (20 miles for Coney, 40 for the piers) most likely comes from the highway system.

even under 90 isn't bad for a two-in-one-day shot. During 2003 I went to Hershey with a bunch of friends for the day. After hitting the majors (Lightning Racer, Great Bear, etc.) we got so bored that we decided to head back to Dorney, our home park. Although, now that they have Stormrunner, I'm not sure if we'd have the same boredom level ;).

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
CPLady's avatar
I'd been thinking about the next coaster odyssey and a PA trip was one option. Depending upon finances and when the Dorney event will be, PA may be the best option.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Thanks for listing all the parks LG, that is really something to look forward too, maybe I can turn it into one of those crazy trips like Sean does.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

Not to mention Cabela's at about 25 miles away. I don't know why, but mentioning Cabela's usually gets an awe-filled Ooooh or Aaaah from people.

The only thing about the end of May is that for some reason, the past five years or so, it's been unseasonably chilly around eastern PA. I don't know if that's a trend or just a coincidence.

Another thing, for those who want to visit a few parks while they're in the area, is that during the week, Knoebels and Hershey have limited hours. Knoebels generally isn't open on weekdays until right before Memorial Day, and then only till 6 (school picnic days). I don't know if that makes a difference to anyone or not, but it's something that maybe should be considered.

This sounds like a good reason for me to plunk down my 20 bucks and join the club. All I have to do is figure out who gets screwed out of a Christmas present...hmmmm.

Yeah, something I could drive to! Now I'll just have to see where I'm at jobwise, and how much time I could get off.
A few friends and I were planning on a first ever coaster trip to PA this coming season so this would be the cherry on the sundae. It would be my first enthusiast event too. I'd love for it to be as early in the season as possible but I'm flexible. :)

Millennium Force Laps-169 **Vertigo Launches-21** Dragster Launches-53
cant wait for this. i havent been to dorney in 2 years Mammals Eating Animals Today

ShiveringTim said:

Don't forget about Sesame Place and Williams Grove as other side trip possibilities when in and around Philly.

Are you out of your damn mind? LOL...I've been working at Sesame Place for the past 4 summers, no way am I taking a side-trip back there! Unless it's to see tho

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

Wicked Twister Fluff is "tho" and more importantly, why would you go to *Sesame Place* to see it? =^p


coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Yeah, I see this being a long weekend type of trip.



Jeff, if Dorney is flexible with their dates to choose from, May 21 or 22 might be best. That's when all the local parks should have all the bugs worked out before the Memorial Day crowds.

It's also Victoria Day weekend in Canada, and I was planning to gather a few Canuks to head to Kingda Ka that weekend anyway. (Adding a Dorney event that weekend would likely boost CoasterBuzz paying members by 6-8, even more if the US dollar stays cheap.)

+Danny said:
Wicked Twister Fluff is "tho" and more importantly, why would you go to *Sesame Place* to see it? =^p


damnit! it should have said "those cute girls that i worked with last which case I'll gladly go back ;) "

Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger

never too late for an edit (although it may confuse some people) ;)

"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
BigJim I too am not going anywhere close to Sesame Place. I was there once with my son and that's enough. The whole area gets f'ed up with all the people trying to find their way back home with the beautyful sign our state has put up( or not put up).

As for the Dorney event it will be my first and will definatly pry the $20 from my hands for membership.

Hope to meet you all there.

..."so many coasters,so little sick time"....
TheRealCP's avatar

Now just to hope that my financial world comes together in 2005 so I can afford all the traveling I'd like to do. How ironic! I need a (better) job to afford to travel, but then if I have a job, how can I travel?

Haha. Here's to hoping!


"You had a rollback? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Coasting for Kids - "Team Erik!":

Now that I ordered all my season passes (CF, SF, and PP) I am looking forward to all the trips next year. This event would be the perfect kick off to the season for me. Put together with a Kingda Ka ride the same weekend would be awesome.

Watch the tram car please....
danny you didnt mention me.....grrr...


still trying to think of a good signature...

He's trying to forget you dude...doubly so after looking at your profile photo...looks like you're trying to take a mean dump in that plane... ;)

--George H

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