Cedar Point to retire Snake River Falls

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

From the Cedar Point blog:

After 31 years of soaking riders (both on the ride and over its splashy bridge), it’s time to “wave” goodbye to the Snake River Falls boat ride.

Opened in 1993, Snake River Falls debuted as the tallest, steepest & fastest water flume ride in the world. Standing 82 feet above Frontier Town, nobody had ever seen anything like it.

Read more from Cedar Point.

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Actual footage of me riding Wonder Mountain's Guardian:

Fun's avatar

Brian Noble:

CoasterBuzz hates fun!

It was bound to be my turn eventually.

Jeff's avatar


Yes! Some sort or Ride where you ride in a motion controlled car and look at screens.

See also: Every ride at Universal Orlando.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

How I long for Jaws, Earthquake, Backdraft and the original Kong.

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney

TheMillenniumRider's avatar


See also: Every ride at Universal Orlando.

E.T., The Mummy, and MIB would like to speak with you.

Jeff's avatar

Saying anything on these sites has become intolerable when any generalization someone makes, largely to be silly in the first place, is followed by a, "Oh but I've got an exception, gotcha!" It's exhausting.

Simpsons, Transformers, Minions, Jimmy Fallon, Fast & Furious, Spider-Man, Kong, half of each indoor Potter ride... is that enough for you?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Rip ride rocket?

To be fair, the new Minions ride is extremely innovatIve. Instead of sitting down to look at a screen you stand up to look at a screen.

LostKause's avatar

"Featuring our new anti-ride vehicle technology. We've eliminated the worst part of a shoot-em-up dark ride, the ride vehicles."

Rides with screens >>>


Rip ride rocket?

Imagine RRR with VR

wahoo skipper:

How I long for Jaws, Earthquake, Backdraft and the original Kong.

My first visit to Universal Orlando was in 1993 when it was still relatively new. Jaws wasn't yet open, but Earthquake, Ghostbusters, and Kong were all there and Kong blew us away. Looking back, it probably wasn't anything spectacular, but riding in that tram car (which I believe was made by Arrow Dynamics?) and coming so close to that huge Kong animatronic was quite the spectacle. Rode it twice that day and wish it was still around these days. Ghostbusters with its exploding Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man finale was also pretty awesome.

Back on topic... I rode Snake River Falls when it opened in '93 and never rode it again, so for me, no big loss. A new traditional flume would be awesome (one of those European-style ones with reversing turntables would be a cool addition and something relatively uncommon in North America), but I'm assuming a new coaster will go in as those seem to be all the rage with the kids these days!

Aaronosmer's avatar

Hmm sounds like you guys found the ultimate fix for RRR.

  1. Build a giant box over it.
  2. Slap a 13 E on the side.
  3. Install screens.

Jeff's avatar

I remember that Ghostbusters show and Kong. Didn't he actually have banana breath when he roared? The next time I saw Kong "for real" was on Broadway. The puppetry was awesome, the music and book, not so much.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Yep. As the tram passed Kong, you could smell bananas. I also seem to recall the tram car "dropping" a bit when Kong swiped at it. Honestly, it was such a unique ride experience. I even thought the graffiti-covered queue was impressive.

As for the Kong Broadway show, I honestly didn't even know that was a thing. Sounds like something I would have loved to see. I'm a sucker for "so bad it's good" entertainment! :)

I actually rode on the short-lived Production Tram Tour at Universal Florida. I believe they drove us through a couple of soundstages and in and out of certain areas of the park, and then dumped us out in a store. For a kid who grew up with Universal Studios Hollywood it was VERY disappointing.

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney

Jeff's avatar

I didn't hate it, it just wasn't good (outside of the puppetry).

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I can't wait for Godzilla The Musical.

I remember riding that Kong ride one of its last years. It was around 2002 or 2003.

I thought it was extremely corny. And the tram guide really leaned into the cheesiness of it all. Was it always that way?

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