Cedar Point to retire Snake River Falls

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

From the Cedar Point blog:

After 31 years of soaking riders (both on the ride and over its splashy bridge), it’s time to “wave” goodbye to the Snake River Falls boat ride.

Opened in 1993, Snake River Falls debuted as the tallest, steepest & fastest water flume ride in the world. Standing 82 feet above Frontier Town, nobody had ever seen anything like it.

Read more from Cedar Point.

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This plot of land combined with the spot for Frontier Fling opens up a large approach to the western end of Millenium Island from two directions.

It'll be very interesting to see what they do with that area....


Jeff's avatar

Triple launch flume, obvs.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

You know I just rode Catapult Falls, it was fun. I would think you could design a pretty fun water coaster with that tech.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

Some sort of coaster/boat ride hybrid

kpjb's avatar

I heard they're not getting rid of it, but Zamperla is going to modify it.



Triple launch flume, obvs.

That was one of the options in the survey…

OhioStater's avatar

Every time that comes up I'm always amazed that after all these years (of both being passholders and # of visits) we have never been part of any kind of survey. Not that it matters; just odd.

Oh well.

I did see that it was a recent survey option as well.

Promoter of fog.

I find it funny they actually showed the mountain drawing…

Rick_UK's avatar

I can't recall if I've ever ridden this, I tend to avoid the big boat rides but I think I rode this one.

In some ways I am surprised that they didn't replace Shoot The Rapids in the decade since it closed. Water rides have been ripped out of all sorts of parks, particularly flumes.

Curious to see what comes next.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

OhioStater's avatar


the mountain drawing…

Promoter of fog.

TheMillenniumRider's avatar


Triple launch flume, obvs.

Mack water coaster????

Or dare I say,,,, aquatrax?

Just close the park and build condo's, it would save us all the misery of Zimmerman and Fisher running the joint.

Last edited by Gunkey Monkey,

That's a pretty big jump from retiring an old water ride that takes up a lot of space.

Entertainment department gutted. Snake River Expedition closed. Forbidden Frontier closed. Parade gone. High-quality food slowly getting axed for cheaper alternatives. Reduced operating hours for water rides (Thunder Canyon closes for the summer 8/11 as well, in this heat?!) Reduced hours for Frontier Trail shops. Oddly incomplete waterslide removal. Snake River Falls removal. TT2 likely not reopening again this year (not blaming CP for Zamperlas design flaws.) These are just a few of the most noticeable problems, not even going to touch behind-the-scenes issues.

Tell me again how this is the “great Cedar Point” that long held a reputation for being the best seasonal park in the industry? While I may be sarcastic about condos, it goes without saying that Zimmerman and Fisher, in a few short years of running Cedar Fair, have harmed this grand institution. George Arthur Boeckling surely would not approve.

Lord Gonchar's avatar

It's like a stump speech from someone running to be president of roller coasters.

With the correct old timey newsreel delivery, I'd be standing and applauding by the end.

sirloindude's avatar

Make Cedar Point Great Again

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones


Every time I'm on the midways grown men enthusiasts come up to me in tears. Tears in their eyes. These are enthusiasts that have never cried a day in their life. And they say "Sir. Sir, we need you. Sir, this current administration, they're destroying our park. Lyin' Dick Zimmerman and Crazy Tim Fisher. They have taken our once great park and filled it with budget cuts and cancelled our parade. No parade! Can you believe no parade?"

hambone's avatar

There’s gonna be so much parade you’ll be sick of parade.

It will be wild when they storm Town Hall.

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