Cedar Point Novice

What we mean is by this time CoasterRick has not only visited Cedar Point, but he's gotten married, had two kids, and this season plans to take his oldest on Jr. Gemini for the first time. For credit.

Be sure to get on Magnum, it's sinking in the sand and will be removed soon.

look at this video i found of people who do not act like they've been to cedar point before. if you watch i, you realize that they don't know where they are going, and they take the worsts routes to everything. the worst part is that they appear to drive all the way to the back to the breakers hotel to check out their hotel, and they drive all the way back to the front entrance instead of using the breakers entrance. they waste time and get to the park late. uhhh, this video just made me cringe!


Tyler Boes said:

just made me cringe!

I feel your pain. Hopefully you didn't sit through all 38+ minutes of that video.

Last edited by GayCoasterGuy,

Cedar Point's not bad when you know how to navigate around it efficiently. When I go to cedar point, i plan out my day to minimize walking and maximize rides. The people in the video didn't do that at all.

LostKause's avatar

I sat through the entire video. I didn't think I would at first, but I found it to be pretty entertaining. It reminded me of a time when I was young and excited about going to the parks. I saw something in this video that I long for every time I visit a park, but never seem to quite fully find anymore. Amusement parks just aren't as magical to me as they were when I was younger. Thanks for sharing.

Perhaps it just says something about my maturity level, but I still get super super duper hopped up at parks. I'm already anxiously anticipating the start of the season (and wishing it would get here already). I don't play around! I mean, sure, I don't like, freak out when I get to a new park (except IOA...I freaked out a little because it was so cool), but I haven't lost the thrill yet.

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

ThatStrangeKid42's avatar

Oh, I see. That's weird because it showed up as being recent...

LostKause said:

It reminded me of a time when I was young and excited about going to the parks. I saw something in this video that I long for every time I visit a park, but never seem to quite fully find anymore. Amusement parks just aren't as magical to me as they were when I was younger. Thanks for sharing.

Leave it up to Travis to wave a burst of happy magic glitter over everything. And he hit the nail on the head. I was just thinking of my very early days going to parks (super ADHD kid in the car, like a need-medication level). Then I thought of my summers working at CP and the trips we would take to other parks around that time.

One major difference is was we didn't have internet then (well, not a the level we live by it now). So going to a park, you couldn't look at a trip report from the day before. Everything was more a surprise.

Raven-Phile's avatar

Tyler Boes said:

Cedar Point's not bad when you know how to navigate around it efficiently. When I go to cedar point, i plan out my day to minimize walking and maximize rides. The people in the video didn't do that at all.

Yeah man, totally. Everything should be done with the maximum efficiency possible. There's no time for having fun when you're trying to have fun.

GCG: I am STILL that ADHD kid going to a new park, or even if I'm going to Dorney with some friends (don't usually get to go with people). Until I can't tolerate rides anymore, I'll always be the one who wants to RUN from the gate to the first ride. I'll stay the whole day even if I've ridden everything multiple times. Every new park is an adventure, I still practically hop the whole time I wait in like for a new coaster, and I take obscene amounts of pictures of pretty much everything. I'm getting fidgety just thinking about the new season!

I still try and play some stuff cool though. Like someone will ask me if I know about a new coaster in Missouri that is wood and goes upside down, and instead of waxing poetic, I'll try and arch am eyebrow and just say, "Of course I know about Outlaw Run". Zen master. Inside though, my mind is screaming: "I WANNA RIDE I WANNA RIDE I WANNA RIDE!"

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

bunky666 said:

GCG: I am STILL that ADHD kid going to a new park,

I'm with you. The last 2 times I saw Mind Bender from the road, I nearly got in an accident. Same deal with lots of places, Kennywood, etc. Good thing Knoebels is mostly hidden :)

Heck, ever since I was a kid, I can't sleep the night before I go to a park...even one I've been to hundreds of times like GAdv. I don't know what my excuse was last night though, as I'm certainly not at a park today.

Incidentally and only somewhat related, I'm rethinking my plans to hit GAdv Opening Day next Saturday. It has the makings of a perfect storm:

Ne-Yo concert

Jersey Shore cast appearance

MTV filming

$20 discount ticket offer

Weekend day

Good weather

Possibility I head to MD Saturday and hit GAdv Sunday instead.

The amusement park rises bold and stark..kids are huddled on the beach in a mist


Raven-Phile's avatar

Well, that sounds like something I'd like to avoid. Let's hope the place survives.

Yeah, Mike, I wouldn't do it. We like you and want you to LIVE.

"Look at us spinning out in the madness of a roller coaster" - Dave Matthews Band

Lord Gonchar's avatar

LostKause said:

It reminded me of a time when I was young and excited about going to the parks. I saw something in this video that I long for every time I visit a park, but never seem to quite fully find anymore.

bunky666 said:

Perhaps it just says something about my maturity level, but I still get super super duper hopped up at parks. I don't play around! I am STILL that ADHD kid going to a new park...I'll always be the one who wants to RUN from the gate to the first ride. I'll stay the whole day even if I've ridden everything multiple times.

GayCoasterGuy said:

I was just thinking of my very early days going to parks (super ADHD kid in the car, like a need-medication level).

Mike Gallagher said:

Heck, ever since I was a kid, I can't sleep the night before I go to a park...even one I've been to hundreds of times like GAdv.

I'm so far from you guys in the enthusiast universe that the light from my neighborhood will take 100,000 years to reach you.

I enjoy the parks, don't get me wrong. And I enjoy lots of other things too. But none of them keep me up at night with ADHD-like wackiness (except the cocaine).

Last edited by Lord Gonchar,

bunky666 said:

GCG: I am STILL that ADHD kid going to a new park, or even if I'm going to Dorney with some friends (don't usually get to go with people). Until I can't tolerate rides anymore, I'll always be the one who wants to RUN from the gate to the first ride. I'll stay the whole day even if I've ridden everything multiple times. Every new park is an adventure, I still practically hop the whole time I wait in like for a new coaster, and I take obscene amounts of pictures of pretty much everything. I'm getting fidgety just thinking about the new season!

I still try and play some stuff cool though. Like someone will ask me if I know about a new coaster in Missouri that is wood and goes upside down, and instead of waxing poetic, I'll try and arch am eyebrow and just say, "Of course I know about Outlaw Run". Zen master. Inside though, my mind is screaming: "I WANNA RIDE I WANNA RIDE I WANNA RIDE!"

It's the same with me. When I go to cedar point on opening day, I'm taking advantage of my early entry with my platinum pass and I'm getting there at 8 am where the early entry opens at 9 am. I will get in the best position possible to run to gatekeeper and get on the first train.

OMG, my days of running to any coaster has long since left me.

Lord Gonchar said:
(except the cocaine).

Helluva drug! Recovery rocks... but I don't ever see myself growing out of (or recovering from) a few things, being a coaster nerd is one.

ThatStrangeKid42 said:

About the rides: Raptor is right near the entrance, and I personally think it's a great ride to-start off with. Mantis is near the Millennium Force. It's decent, but it does hurt your crotch when you ride the inverisons (as most standups do). My 3 faves are; 1) Millennium Force, 2) Magnum XL-200, 3) Raptor. But a lot of people will say thier favorite is Maverick (my #4 at CP). I WILL warn you though, CP's wooden coasters aren't the best...they don't suck, but there are better parks for wooden coasters. The Food: Cp has an interesting array of food services. Various fast food, a Johnny Rockets (good), Panda Express (sos-so). Lodging: I haven't ever stayed at CP overnight, but you could try to check out the website...



Cedar Points food is also ridiculously priced. The only things worth buying at cedar point are the elephant ears, their cotton candy, their corn dogs, and their french fries. I like the classic stuff.

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