Cedar Point 10/25 and 10/26 The true last ride on

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Also see "More Enthusiasstic Behavior" in General Buzz.
*** This post was edited by Danimales 10/29/2003 5:35:37 PM ***
A couple quotes from the TRs:

The last ride was incredible as usual, and one of my few night rides. The energy of that last ride was incredible. Everyone was so happy...

A quote from someone who didn't care? C'mon. Even in an often-revised and retouched story, we all know better. Nothing wrong with wanting it if that floats your boat...just don't call someone else silly if they want it, don't get it and they feel like this...

That really pissed me of. Just because I'm a working stiff and live 3 hours away from the park and can't rack up 300 rides in a year, I'm a second class customer.

Nobody said Sean F. was ugly and his mother dresses him funny. Okay, at least you didn't hear it from me. What I did say (for those short on attention) is that both groups wanted it, one group got it and it never should have happened to begin with.


The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of REALLY stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check local listings for events.

So by the CO logic, extraordinary people and their accomplishments should never be publically acknowledged. It was stupid and silly of the ride crew to find some way to thank this man for making them part of his amazing recovery from not being able to ride again to power-riding arguably one of the most intense coasters in existance. And last rides should never happen - if last rides don't happen how does anything shut down?

This is coming out really fast cause class is starting, but you're pickin on the wrong guy Playa. If you want to make a point, don't try and make one of the obviously most respected members of this site into an evil man, and downplay his friend's amazing recovery and accomplishment.

Resident Launch Whore

CoastaPlaya said:

Your example has nothing to do with anything."

You missed my point. My point was that parks can do whatever they want, at any time. If they want to do something special every once in a while for someone they care about, so be it.

"This is neither here nor there. This happened in the park during hours the park was open to the public."

"It's inappropriate for the same reasons 25 people in tuxedos or a wedding party or anyone else who's particularly distracting isn't appropriate...it creates the appearance that Person X or group X is preferred over Person Y, Group Y or everyone else in the park."

Well, then the park is at fault for what you are talking about. I am guessing those park officials that were there would explain to you that the park was officially closed at that point.

"It's the same reason ERT is only held before or after public hours instead of during them, for that matter. Did it ever occur to you why that's the case?"

Did it ever occur to you that some parks have ERT during normal park hours? I have been to a few parks where ERT was given in the mid afternoon when the park was open to the public. Your logic is flawed.

We weren't guaranteed a last ride. As a matter of fact, when we asked where we should be when the plaque was given, we were told to wait inside the station and no place else. The people that thought they were guranteed a last ride are the people I thought were acting foolish.

I just don't see why this is so hard to understand.

"A policy consistent with every other operating policy would dictate some event like this never happens again"

....but what if you were there. I wonder if you would have just left, or would you be one to take the last train out?


Evil? Do some reading again. And again. And again 'till you get it. I said (and the TR bore out) that both groups wanted the last ride.

Which park officials were there? Which members of upper management? Is it really the PARK (to use your punctuation) or the rideops?

If the crew allowed it, then that logic would also dictate that Robb Alvey has the PARK'S blessing for every one-ride photo and video despite any posted or written rules to the contrary. Now there's logic with a flaw.

I guess before we move on, you need to answer that question. Definitively. And use {quote} and {/quote} with square brackets if you would please. It just makes your posts easier to read


The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of REALLY stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check local listings for events.
*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 10/29/2003 5:39:16 PM ***

CoastaPlaya said:
A couple quotes from the TRs:

A quote from someone who didn't care? C'mon. Even in an often-revised and retouched story, we all know better. Nothing wrong with wanting it if that floats your boat...just don't call someone else silly if they want it, don't get it and they feel like this...

I think there is some confusion here. I never admited the ride wouldn't be good. I never said that. I didn't look at those that wanted the last ride as silly although I still don't think anyone deserved it. My point was if you are going to be nasty to ride operators about it, then you are foolish for yelling at them. That's my point. Those that were screaming at the ride operators made it worse for themselves because they had thought we were asking for special privledges when we didn't ask for squat.

"Nobody said Sean F. was ugly and his mother dresses him funny. Okay, at least you didn't hear it from me. What I did say (for those short on attention) is that both groups wanted it, one group got it and it never should have happened to begin with."

Watch that or I will become ugly =:^)

Actually, both groups DIDN'T want it. I know the group that I was with didnt' like what was going on so we were going to leave. Why don't you believe that? It's not that far fetched to believe that not everyone wants the same thing. No?

Yes, we got the last ride. Big deal. We didn't aim for it. We weren't rude to the ride operators. We didn't ask for anything. None of that. The ride crew invited us to check out the plaque presentation after the last train was sent and we accepted it. It those that were in a hurry to get the last ride would have been cool about it for just one minute, then they would have been asked to fill up the seats as well.


*** This post was edited by Sean Flaharty 10/29/2003 6:07:59 PM ***

CoastaPlaya said:
Evil? Do some reading again. And again. And again 'till you get it. I said (and the TR bore out) that both groups wanted the last ride.

Which park officials were there? Which members of upper management? Is it really the PARK (to use your punctuation) or the rideops?

If the crew allowed it, then that logic would also dictate that Robb Alvey has the PARK'S blessing for every one-ride photo and video despite any posted or written rules to the contrary. Now there's logic with a flaw.

I guess before we move on, you need to answer that question. Definitively. And use {quote} and {/quote} with square brackets if you would please. It just makes your posts easier to read


Once again, where does it say that both groups wanted it? As for park officials being there, I noticed two area managers as well as a couple of suits who I don't know right of the bat. It was more than ride operators.


Okay how 'bout this? Repeat after me:

"CPimh, it's really too bad you didn't get that last ride. I know it would have meant a lot to you. I know I enjoyed it and I'm sure you would have, too."

Again, I'm not rootin' for either one of ya...but a little empathy for a coaster dork? Hmmm?


The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of REALLY stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check local listings for events.

Playa, what the hell? I was with Sean all night and can honestly garnatee you we did not even want the last ride. We wanted to see that look on Larry's face which was great, hell Larry didn't even want the last ride, but the ride ops had a little thing planned for him and told him to wait and had us wait with him.

The worst thign of the whole thing was the group who was smokign in line, swearing at us, giving us dirty looks, BEFORE they even got into the station and were still in line with all of us. This is why I did not feel one bit bad that they did not get teh last ride.

For a smart man you have a lot to learn. Sean is among the nicest most personable and regular enthusiast I have ever had the pleasure of hanging out with.

The "angry black man" act is a little much today, don't you think?

What did happen to Coasterbuzz.......

First of all, who said it's an act?

Second of all, do you know CPimh was the smoking, swearing, dirty-looking guy? Do you? So how can you be sure the bile should be pointed his way in particular?

Regardless of how Sean revised his TR, I think everyone involved knows how it originally read. And CPimh really could have been a lot more pissy about it.




The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of REALLY stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check local listings for events.

CoastaPlaya said:

Regardless of how Sean revised his TR, I think everyone involved knows how it originally read. And CPimh really could have been a lot more pissy about it.

Now I am really confused.

I don't know what you mean Playa about my TR and how it was originally being read but my TR was never altered other than to add the title in the actual report as it was too long for the topic bar. Everything about it reads the same exact way as I originally wrote it.

edit: Nevermind. CPimh is CP Is my Home. It's been a long day.
*** This post was edited by Sean Flaharty 10/29/2003 6:22:34 PM ***

CPImh? Read my man, thats what happened on Dragster. It has nothing to do with CPimh who was waiting for Millie, we have no way of knowing what happened on Millie.

And as for Sean editing his post? What are you talking about?

Screw this...
*** This post was edited by MagnumForce 10/29/2003 6:22:38 PM ***

Hmmm.....I haven't actually looked back in a while. I suppose I may have been speaking more of some of the posts in this thread that you (Edit: you here = Sean)altered after my responses or at least one bholcomb deleted altogether.

Why does everyone get this idea I think Sean is evil or even wrong? Never said that. And no, I don't know Sean, as I rarely do enthusiast stuff--but I think I met Tony once. Nice enough guy...even for someone who counts laps on coasters and stuff. I have been and still am debating the principles here.

Let's wrap this up, eh? It's workout time in about 15 for me. If you ask me, life is really about ogling and being ogled...


The scholar, the eternal question and a lot of REALLY stupid jokes. Celebrate Pancake Day 10/27. Check local listings for events.
*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 10/29/2003 6:28:01 PM ***

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Playa, I think Sean's main point is the parks, especially the ride ops don't need the abuse. Whether this "group" was enthusiasts or not doesn't even matter. Crybabies are crybabies and they had no business acting the way they did, and neither does the so-called "enthusiasses" that constantly complain that THEY deserve the world, let alone that coveted "last ride" of the season.

Enough said. Enjoy your workout......:-)

Personally, I would rather have many many rides on my favorite coaster than wait for that all-so-important "last ride" of the season. There are more important things in life.

And trust me, Sean is the the biggest UNenthusiass I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. :-)

Hey Sean! Forget the Beast man, join me for the last ride on Drop Zone Sunday? :-)

Gimme speed, height, airtime and plenty of LAUNCH!!!

*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 10/29/2003 7:07:48 PM ***

Easy to backtrack when you've overstepped the lines there, eh?

For someone who demands that people read and read posts over and over again, it's funny how you were all up in arms about this, and were fighting a battle about last rides on the wrong coaster.

Life is also about admitting when you are wrong. LOL to you.

-Brian (member #1), become a CoastererĀ®!
Down with the enthusiast bureaucracy!

*** This post was edited by Homey G. 10/29/2003 7:03:47 PM ***

nasai's avatar
Sounds to me that you are all getting lost in your little argument, as it were. What happened to all the love that is CoastaPlaya? Did Coastababy kick you in the green acres? ;)

Oh, yeah... I also wanted to get in my new signature. ;)
I, too, am a Coasterer.

This is getting blown way out of proportion. I do not know what happened over at TTD, but at MF, no one was swearing or cursing at the ops, we weren't crybabies about it, we were just a little pissed off that the ride op let more people in after he had closed the ride and that the ops were catering to these people, at least one who was an ACE member.

Like I said. It was the first and the last time that I did it.

I personally did nothing that would embarrass Jeff or any other coaster buzzer. I believe that most of the people in the initial group were just regular GP who thought that it would be neat to have the last ride of the year.

If I would have arrived at MF to find that there were already 32 people assembled for the last ride, I would have simply boarded a different train and thought nothing of it. I'm sorry that I mentioned any of this.

2003 Parks: Cedar Point, SFWOA, Kennywood, PKI, MIA, SFGAM, SFKK and HW.
Still deciding where to go in 2004.

Jesus H. Christ, everybody, lighten the hell up. I don't know how everyone here seriously has so little to do with their lives that every word has to be dissected and probed and quoted and re-quoted. I've been involved in these little quibbles on this site before, and it is SUCH a WASTE OF TIME. So shut up, quit yer *****in, and just be happy that those of you who actually visited the park on Sunday got to ride some coasters; moreover, just be happy that you were able-bodied enough even to walk up to the coaster and climb in unassisted. How would your day have been if you had no legs, or if you were blind, or if you were so profoundly mentally retarded that all you could do was sit in a wheelchair while your caregiver fed you french fries with a fork? I know that getting the last ride would have been cool, but just be happy that you were able to go and enjoy life on Sunday. It really was a great day to be at the park, even if you didn't like rollercoasters.......

.....Sometimes I think people really miss the BIG POINTS in life......coincidentally, I did see that retarded girl in the wheelchair eating french fries. It makes you realize how silly your "inconveniences" really are in life.

"That's DOCTOR Evil. I didn't spend six years in evil medical school to be called 'Mr. Thank You Very Much.'"

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Oh so true. The way I see it you are all damn lucky (myself included) to be around TO ride your favorite coasters. After talking with my brother a few mintues ago (who is going to Iraq soon) it reminded me once again that we take sooooo much for granted. Here you guys are arguing about trivial stuff and he isn't even sure if he will ever see a park again (which I know he will). Makes you think about what's really important.

The way I see it a park is a place to hang out with your friends and have a good time, whether it's an event or not. Leave all the baggage and issues and attitudes at home....life's too short for the trivial crap.

You don't get that last train get over it, you are not trying to solve the world's problems. Chill. ;-)

And that's all the serious talk you will get outta me. :-)


Gimme speed, height, airtime and plenty of LAUNCH!!!

*** This post was edited by coasterqueenTRN 10/29/2003 8:38:01 PM ***

I would have to agree. I do apologize to those that think I may have helped in taking this thread too far. I just didn't understand why I was being looked at in wrong way.

The whole point in a few of us even being at TTD at closing was to see a very close friend do something do that none of us thought would be possible. To some, friendship might not mean a whole lot but for someone like Larry to rebound in good health like he did was more than enough of a reason to cheer Larry on. Sorry for those that don't understand this. That night was not just about coasters for some of us. It was about life.

Simple. Beautiful. Life.


I actually applaud you for doing this TR. While you may not agree what happend to you at MF, I am glad you mentioned it as strange as that sounds. I enjoyed your TR and while I don't know you, I have a good feeling you were one of the people that wasn't causing trouble in the station. That itself is something positive.


Closed topic.

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