Carrowinds new coaster name

I think it is easier just to wait until we see the advertisements and how they will pull this off, and then conclusions can be made. Thats really all I am trying to say.
And all I'm saying is if they had chosen a good name in the first place, we wouldn't have to just "wait and see."


coasterdude318 said:
Yes, but the name of your ride is also an advertisement. And "Borg Assimilator" is just plain confusing. That's my whole point. You don't want to spend your entire commercial spot trying to explalin your ride's theme, what the ride is, etc.


Just plain confusing for who? I'm no Trekki, but when I read a sign that says StarTrek: Borg Assimilator, I get a pretty good idea as to what the ride is all about. It's about StarTrek. Nuff said! I'll find out during my ride/show experience how Borg Assimilator relates to StarTrek.

All though I would have prefered another name, this one will do. I'm with you on this one ghettocoaster.

That's all fine and dandy if the name was "Star Trek: Borg Assimilator" - but it's not. Additionally, while it may tell you it's all about Star Trek, it doesn't communicate what kind of ride it is. As I said above:

"'Star Trek: Borg Assimilator' (if that were the name) is still not a good name, but it does make it a heck of a lot more identifiable as based on the Star Trek franchise. But it's still not a good name because "Borg Assimilator" doesn't mean squat. Even for that portion of the population that knows what it means to assimilate something, what the hell is a borg, how does a borg assimilate something, and how does is the ride based on that? How does the ride reflect that? Well, it doesn't."

I don't know how to say it more clearly than that. Would you think the name "Ride of Steel" is a good name?


coasterdude318 said:
That's all fine and dandy if the name was "Star Trek: Borg Assimilator" - but it's not. Additionally, while it may tell you it's all about Star Trek, it doesn't communicate what kind of ride it is. As I said above:

"'Star Trek: Borg Assimilator' (if that were the name) is still not a good name, but it does make it a heck of a lot more identifiable as based on the Star Trek franchise. But it's still not a good name because "Borg Assimilator" doesn't mean squat. Even for that portion of the population that knows what it means to assimilate something, what the hell is a borg, how does a borg assimilate something, and how does is the ride based on that? How does the ride reflect that? Well, it doesn't."

I don't know how to say it more clearly than that. Would you think the name "Ride of Steel" is a good name?


Superman Ride of Steel...Yes, just like StarTrek:Borg Assimilator. Why do you say that's not the name of the ride? That's what they have advertised on the sign in front of the Park? Just like TopGun: The Jet Coaster! It's not called The Jet Coaster. This is how Paramount names their new attractions. How about Rugrats Runaway Reptar? It's not Runaway Reptar. I could go on and on.

Okay, but "Top Gun: The Jet Coaster", "Superman: Ride of Steel" and "Rugrats Runaway Reptar" are the actual names of those attractions, as evidenced by the logos and the official site. On the other hand, the official site ( says only "Borg Assimilator" and the logo does not say "Star Trek" anywhere.

You were saying?


Some of us have way to much time on our hands. You can really tell that the offseason has set in.
rollergator's avatar
What I would say, if I cared to even say it, as that a name as lame as The Flying Coaster says what it does, and does what it says ....

I would definitely think that this was going to be a SIMULATOR if I didn't know any better...(that is to say, some non-coaster-geek type person)....I would probably ASSUME that this was going to be a flat or simulator more than a coaster if I only had the name to go by....which really, many people will....

Good thing I didn't bother...;)

Well, to add my .02, the only reason I know what the BORG is was because of Jerry Ryan (Seven of Nine....reer). I watched that show religiously because I admired her curt personality. Mayhaps they are going to have a model play her at the opening, akin to Lara Croft for Tomb Raider :)

Fate is the path of least resistance.

kpjb's avatar
You people are reading way too much in to this.

What does "Phantom's Revenge" mean or say about the ride? "Joker's Jinx," "Millennium Force?" How about "Riddler's Revenge?" Do you really think everyone knows who the riddler is? Do you really think anyone cares? (Last time I checked, Batman Knight Flight isn't a flying coaster, either.)

People will hear they have a new coaster, walk around the park, look at it, and then decide to ride it.

I don't care if it's called Poopnose: The Fart Coaster. If it looks interesting, I'm on. (Although I'd like to see them try to advertise Pn:TFC.)


KPJB, this is a Paramount attraction at a Paramount Park unlike all the examples you mentioned. I think this is what he's getting at.

Nate, just do as I did. State that you think it's a terrible name and move on. Don't try to convince people of anything on an internet message board, especially a coaster internet message board.

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