Batman: The Dark Knight animated on Badnitrus

Posted | Contributed by Badnitrus

Take a virtual ride on Batman: The Dark Knight, currently being built at Six Flags New England. A POV video is available along with numerous renderings on Badnitrus.

Link: Badnitrus Productions

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Your animation is so good it is getting more attention than the real thing! :)
Drat- I have the same problem as a few others. Audio, but no sound. I haven't had trouble with other Windows Media or Quicktime stuff (?).
I havent had this particular problem... but I would say try viewing it in the regular Quicktime player after it is done downloading, for me it doesnt play as smoothly in internet explorer so that is my advice =P
-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen
Speechless. Badnitrus have outdone themselves this time. From just glancing at it, I couldn't tell that it was animated, it looked so real.
Flying High Again.
Really! That corkscrew looks soooo real! The movement of the train was so smooth, and the detail was guys just keep getting better and better!
Does anybody else think that the shade of purple is too bright? I've been to the construction site and it looks a lot darker.

P.S.- I still love the renderings:)

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Great job Keith! Cant wait for the next animation!

Prepare for an NL treating.  This ride looks very cool.


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