Batman: The Dark Knight animated on Badnitrus

Posted | Contributed by Badnitrus

Take a virtual ride on Batman: The Dark Knight, currently being built at Six Flags New England. A POV video is available along with numerous renderings on Badnitrus.

Link: Badnitrus Productions

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what do they use to design these?

Bolt Yourself In

Am I the only one who has trouble downloading Badnitrus' videos?  Whether I open them directly or save them to my hard drive, it does the same thing... the Windows Media says "Connecting to Server" for about 30 seconds, then stops and does nothing.  When I push play, it disappears.  Help!

P.S., the still renderings are incredible!

You can't spell "dishonorable" without "honorable."

Wow that looks awesome!
Jeff's avatar
The Windows Media version is real streaming video... you can't save it because it's sending you data based on your connection speed.

The QuickTime version you can save by opening it up, letting it load entirely, then right-clicking the link and saving (it should be cached in your browser).

I'm real proud of the compression on the bigger QT... only 16 MB and it looks as good as the original (which was over 100 MB).

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

ApolloAndy's avatar
Great job.  Hats off to badnitrus.  I especially like the headchopper section between the diveloop and the turnaround through the loop.  I hope the supports are like that in the real thing.
The legend lives!
OK, same problem.  When I click "View the movie!", Windows Media pops up and plays the Windows logo for about 30 seconds, then goes black.  Nothing happens.  When I push play, it goes back to the logo.

???  I never had trouble viewing the vids on the old Badnitrus site.  Am I doing something wrong?

You can't spell "dishonorable" without "honorable."

P>ONT face=Verdana size=2>i can't stop watching this ride!/P>
P>ONT face=Verdana size=2>it looks like the best floorless out there! i love how there's the walkway in between the ride, adn the flatspins have their own lil' area of land... plus the g-roll just looks wicked and intense! i love g-rolls.... and this one looks great! can't wait to make it up there!/P>
Whenever I open the movie in Quicktime I get audio but no video. Same w/ when I download it. Awesome renderings though!;)
SFNE loses its "floor" for 2002! Visit for info. and pics of SFNE, including the most unique constr. pics of SFNE on the web. Formerly known as srosatsfne.
Hey this is also going to be the first floor-less with only 7 cars....
Actually, the one which just opened in Taiwan also has 7 cars.
Take a Virtual Ride:

Mike "Viper" Semtak

Jeff's avatar
Den: Are you behind a firewall? Nothing has changed here on the server side at all.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Wow great job Keith! I was wondering, those people in the train look a lot like the ones in the new Wicked Twister video, did you do that one too?
"Yeah, they did it in Superman 3"
There is some sort of firewall here (I can't use Instant Messenger), but I haven't had a problem downloading Windows Media movies from other sites.  I will try again at home tonight.

You can't spell "dishonorable" without "honorable." *** This post was edited by Den on 2/7/2002. ***

[In Homer Simpson Voice]  Mmmmmm.... People!
I'd Rather Be Riding Roller Coasters
And...the team at Badnitrus does it again! Great job guys!

Gravity knows no force, like Millennium Force. breathe. You have just broken ten world records.
Beyond coaster....Giga Coaster.


I have always enjoyed Batman:The Ride more than Raptor because although it is ahorter, it moves from one transition to another at such a rapid pace that it is that much more intense. I think Dark Knight will be much the same.

My other car is a Giovanola!

Joey -

Thanks... and no those are not the same people from the Wicked Twister animation, that animation was not done by me, and those people are friggid manequins that probably come with whatever program was used to create it =)

-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen

I love the other rides in the background, and the riders and water are a nice touch. Wonderful job on the station. I'm really looking forward to this one!
Don't.....look.....back! The Headless Horseman awaits you in 2002!
Model coasters and rides
Hey Badnitrus, the nitrous is off, it's only oxygen - that animation is crazy hot!

And let me just say to the 90% of the voters who made the incorrect choice in the most recent poll,  Batman: The Dark Knight IS the most widely anticipated new coaster of the year! 

All I have to say is Wow! I'd like to think that little blue bug-like character in the beginning represents Intraxx, and the boulder with Badnitrus on it...well you know. :) That was a great detailed animation. From the rail ties and support connectors to the stairs and station, as well as the surrounding rides, this is by far the most detailed animation yet! I hope there is going to by a 3rd-person animation, because I think that those are their best kind over-all.

Sept. 11th 2001, Slayer released God Hates Us All. The song "Disciple" uncannily describes the events of that day, as well as the anthrax letters that followed.
--Slayer: Thrash band, or the next Nostradamus?

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