Badnitrus Productions?

I purposely made the website simple so that information could easily be found - Spending more time or $$ on a better/more complex design would be a waste. I get 0% of my business through the internet, it's all word of mouth and referrals. Not many companies would want to hire a random company they found on the internet for such projects. I think it looks just fine anyway :).

-Keith "Badnitrus" McVeen

Rctycoon2k's avatar
Keith hit it perfectly. Why waste time, effort, and more importantly, money on a site in which is not your selling point? The product is what is being sold, not based on how good a site looks.

Look at Arby's... ;)

BTW, Keith, nice job on all your animations. I can't even imagine having your type of skill using modeling programs. Keep up the good work.

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

In most businesses like yours, word of mouth is the most effective method of generating new leads. But it today's world, you can't be in denial of the fact that almost everyone uses the internet to research potential new partnerships. If done well, a website can become a great compliment to other, existing marketing methods such as word-of-mouth. A good website that is professional in presentation, organization and functionality says a lot about a company. And a bad one can also say just as much. A good website can only help you, and a bad one will only hurt - not that I am saying yours is bad, because I don't think that is the case. My original comment was truly meant as constructive criticism - trying to help out a fellow buzzer (?).

Anything that has your name on it, should represent you in the best possible way.

Hate to bring back to life an old thread, but what happened to 3d VIP? It disappears after 2007.

Tekwardo's avatar

I dint know if Keith is still doing it but last I heard I think he was working for Universal?

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

I think 3D VIP is still around, I just don't think he updates the website for whatever reason. I was under the impression that all the new Windseeker animations are his.

Jeff's avatar

At this point, I don't think he really needs a Web site. Everyone who can afford to hire him already knows he exists.

Jeff - Editor - - My Blog

rollergator's avatar

^I hope you're implying that Keith's (finally) charging for his extraordinary skills...I remember talking to him about it wayyy back when - he frankly was NOT charging enough for his time and effort. The product speaks for itself.

Rick_UK's avatar

The last thing I remember hearing he did was the Maverick POV? I'm sure he's done others since.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

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