Avatar at PKI not considered a coaster?

john peck's avatar
Speaking of Avatar, wasn't that thing just a bunch of fun? The wife and I loved it!
I share in the thought that says Devil's Den is a coaster. There is a chain lift, a drop, a pre-determined path and even a wood track, despite being a single layer of wood and not steel rail on wood laminates. After the lift hill, the entire ride runs on gravity alone. Heck, there are no brakes anywhere on the ride, even the end where a ride op basically pulls the car to a stop!
matt.'s avatar

Neuski said:
Oh... what the heck. Are log flumes coasters, Arthur?

I know the answer to this IMO and the short one is:


The long one is:

Yes, but if we really started counting such things as coasters, it would very much muck-up an awful lot of stuff so really, why bother? ;)

Jeffrey Seifert said:Yes, but RCDB also lists powered coasters. Any real enthusiast knows a powered coaster is not a real coaster.

What is your view on Fire-in-the-Hole (SDC) and Blazin' Fury (DW)? Coaster or not a coaster?

Swoosh said:

Jeffrey Seifert said:Yes, but RCDB also lists powered coasters. Any real enthusiast knows a powered coaster is not a real coaster.

What is your view on Fire-in-the-Hole (SDC) and Blazin' Fury (DW)? Coaster or not a coaster?

And what about Whizzer at SFGAm? It's self-powered going up the spiral lift.

"Heavily medicated for your safety!"

Log flumes slide and float. They don't roll and coast. DUH!

But while we are deciding such things, I vote we include the powered rides and exclude anything with a corkscrew. *** Edited 8/24/2006 3:05:08 AM UTC by RavenTTD***

Swoosh said:

What is your view on Fire-in-the-Hole (SDC) and Blazin' Fury (DW)? Coaster or not a coaster?

Coasters. They've got a very long powered lift, but turn into real coaster for 15 seconds or so at the end.

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Heh. I always get a good laugh reading these type of threads. ;)


No one has mentioned Superman at SFMM? I am suprised.

As Howie Mandel would say: Coaster or No Coaster?

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

Well... if Avatar is considered a coaster (and I don't think it is)... then I am going to start making my argument again for those first generation free fall rides (Stuntman Free Fall, etc)!

Devil's Den at conneaut as well as the Haunted House at Camden I do consider coasters... they are basically the same concept as enclosed wild mice... and actually a bit more "thrilling" than some of the overly breaked wild mice that are out there.

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"

Brad G said:
And what about Whizzer at SFGAm? It's self-powered going up the spiral lift.

Of course it's a real coaster. Being powered up a lift hill, then having gravity take over is quite different from being powered throughout the entire course.

Swoosh said:
What is your view on Fire-in-the-Hole (SDC) and Blazin' Fury (DW)? Coaster or not a coaster?

I really didn't want to get into this debate. I just wanted to point out that simply because something is listed in RCDB (like a powered Dragon Wagon) doesn't necessarily mean it is a real coaster. I just thought I would take a jab at those who try to up their lists by throwing in rides that are clearly powered throughout th e entire course. At last month's ACE Preservation Conference I couldn't believe the number of enthusiasts lined up to ride Li'l Shaver at MOA. Clearly that is not a coaster. When I mentioned to one of the attendees that this ride is not a coaster, the response was, "but it's on RCDB."

I've heard the argument that FITH and BF are just coasters with a very long lift hill, and I can understand that. When I wrote Guide to Ride 2000, we debated this and decided they were pretty much designed to be dark rides. Personally I don't count them. But I can understand why people do count them.

You will never convince me however, that a powered Dragon Wagon is a coaster.

And please don't take this the wrong way, I love RCDB, I think it is the best resource out there. I appreciate all the hard work that Duane puts into it. I just wish he would remove the powered coasters from the database.

*** Edited 8/24/2006 6:05:41 PM UTC by Jeffrey Seifert***

Right. The way the thrills on a coaster are produced is what matters (gravity), not how the train gets to the top of the structure. That said, I can see why some people have an issue with Impulse coasters, although I include them.
Kick The Sky's avatar
It's all subjective. We all count the number of coasters we have been on in different ways. Some count racers as two seperate coasters while some do not. Some count dragon wagons while others (like me) refuse to whore out for dragon wagon credits :).

If you think that Avatar is a coaster, go ahead and count it. No one here is gonna call you out on it.

Personally, I wouldnt count it, but again, that is just my opinion.

Certain victory.

It is just a matter of opinion. That said, some rides are more in the grey area than others. IMHO, Avatar isn't even close to being in that grey area, but what do I know? ;)
rollergator's avatar
Hehe, knew I'd get my *chops* busted for riding Lil Shaver...I don't COUNT them, but I do have to RIDE the powered coasters. Kids need adults (or in this case, bigger kids) to show them the finer details of throwing your arms up and letting go...

Usually the powered rides are more FUN than Lil Shaver though....flat track, meh.

Obviously, I *enjoy* getting into this debate... ;)

Jeffrey Seifert said:I've heard the argument that FITH and BF are just coasters with a very long lift hill, and I can understand that.

While those two are considered coasters by the parks that they are in, I can see how some people might not consider them coasters.

However to those people, do you not consider scenic railways coasters? How is FITH and BF any different? They are just up to date versions.

Then to really open a can of worms, what do you guys think of the Underground at Adventureland? It is a woodie, but there is no drop, just an extremely long gradual decent and a couple of lifts.

Most things have been debated as to whether they are one thing or another. One of the latest has been the debate over the planets and whether Pluto is truley a planet or not. Why has there not been a conference to finally decide what a coaster exactly consists of and if there was a conference, who should be involved in it. I think it should have represenatives from ride manufactures, park reps, ACE reps, and amusement park historians. I think if there were a few reps from ach of these categories it would be fair and could finally solve alot of debate.

The Only Thing Worst Then Dieing, Is Living And Having Nothing Worth Dieing For.
^Pluto is a double planet. ;)

rollergator said:
Hehe, knew I'd get my *chops* busted for riding Lil Shaver...


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