Are you from Ohio?

My favorite place to stop for anything in Cincinnati is in a neighbothood called Clifton. It's actually near the University of Cincinnati and has a rather popular Skyline right in the middle of it. Get off on exit three in Cincinnati (on I -75 of course) and turn left. Over the bridge and straight onto MLK Blvd. Up the hill you go and at the top you will see the University in front and to the right. This is Clifton Blvd... turn left. Down a small hill and you will see a bonified Cinti Skyline right in front of you at the corner of Clifton and Ludlow. Turn left to find some parking. It's a great neighborhood with some interesting shopping, convient gas and even the obligatory UDF ( even though it's not just a Cinti thing).

Something that IS a Cinti thing is this whole "please" thing. Only in south western Oh have i heard people use that word in that manner.

On the opposite side of the state, who has heard of a "tree-lawn"? I bet only those of us in Northeast Oh.

To add to anothers list earlier, you can also visit Wyoming in the Cincinnati area.

And who really cares about Columbus anyway (overgrown college town with a really big government). To get the largest city prize they had to annex half of the metro area. Cleveland and Cinti are still bigger. And might i say better?

As for Pittsburgh, if you're going to bother with the Oakland neighborhood; you HAVE to stop at the "O". As in the Original. Right on the Forbes( or is it Fifth) strip right in the middle of Pitt. Great Hot Dogs and the BEST fries in the city. And yes better than at Kennywood. The perhaps the best thing about the O is the sign reading

"any employee caught throwing potatoes will be terminated"

The absolute funniest thing about living in any of these cities is that the average Joe is just about the same in any city and yet they hate the other city for no reason. It has to all tie to sports... er football that is.

The list, while true in many ways, has been around for a very long time. A few changes, and it applies to almost any state.

I am a relocated Ohioan and really enjoyed Lumpy72's Cincinnati version. I grew up in greater Cleveland, went to college in Cincinnati.

When ever I miss Ohio, I visit in winter. This year during the ice storm of mid-February. The parks, the family, and the friends are great, but I'll keep my 75 degree Tampa Bay Februarys, with an actual Super Bowl winner as a bonus.

". . . don't you know baby that life is a scream!" - Gordon Gano

I can relate to at least half of those, lol.

Hey JWolg, I'm from Stow too. I'm a sophomore at the high school now. Just thought it was pretty kool that someone on this site was actually from here. I thought the only person that used to live here was good ol' Larry Czonka. He's the only celebrity we'll ever have, lol.

Oh well, I'm out.

"Love can sweep you off your feet and carry you along in a way you've never known before. But the ride always ends, and you end up feeling lonely and bitter. Wait. It's not love I'm describing. I'm thinking of a monorail" -Jack Handey

Coastingohio - I graduated in 85 back when 11 & 12 was in Lakeview and 9th & 10th was in Workman (long since knocked down I hope). Which elementary did you go to? K-3 I went to Woodland and 4-6 at Indian Trials then 7-8 at Kimpton. Is Stow still the Bulldogs with maroon and gold colors?

Jim Wolgamuth

I love living in Ohio, I drink plenty of "Pop", and the state flower should be the "Orange Construction Barrel", especialy with the new bridge going up here in Toledo.

Cedar Point and PKI are the two highlights of the state, well them and Tony Packos...yum!

AkA somewhatchewy
To a man seated next to an attractive lady, an hour seems to pass like a minute. But take the very same man and seat him on a hot stove, and a minute will seem like an hour. THAT is relativity!

- Albert Einstein

Mmmmmm Tony Packos. Come to Toledo and we'll show you a real Hot Dog.

It's like a Whirlwind inside of my head!

Frankly (catch that play on words), I wasn't that impressed by Tony Packos. If you are ever in the small town of East Liverpool, Ohio, try "The Hot Dog Shoppe." They have the best cheese and chili dogs I've had (with the possible exception of Skyline).
Ohio here also, Eastlake for 13 years, but Lake County from day born (1953), first amusement park was Euclid Beach, still miss it. Yes, favorite vacation is amusement parks, can't live without coasters. Oh and Incline Looper, the "orange construction barrel" state flower doesn't do it justice, cuz flowers eventually wilt and die, but the "orange barrel" ah, they live forever! More like our State Flag should have one on it!! They are just such an everyday ficture in Ohio, like the sky!!!

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. "James Dean"

"Tree lawn"...Is that the strip of grass between the curb and the sidewalk?

(At the moment the one in front of my house doesn't even have grass, as the Division of Water had to tear it up to replace my water valve last month)

Hating Cleveland has nothing to do with sports. It has to do with...
a) Cleveland is really a VERY small city (though not as small as Cincinnati) completely surrounded by *thousands* of really small towns, better known as "speed traps." The village of Gates Mills stands out as a particularl egregious example.

b) All the major roads in Cleveland run parallel to one another, and none of them goes to Geauga Lake.

c) In the entire Cleveland metro area, there is one mile of expressway with a 65 MPH speed limit. By comparison, I think Columbus has about a mile of expressway that is NOT 65 MPH.

d) Columbus is a genuine large city, with the city limits extending well beyond IR-270 in every direction except South. Columbus is also more populous than any other city in Ohio, and does not exist as the hole in the middle of an urban doughnut. So why can't we get any respect?

e) Speaking of sports, how many major professional sports facilties does Cleveland have that were built without tax money? Columbus has two (Crew Stadium and Nationwide Arena) and both were 'best of class' when they opened.

The biggest problem with Columbus is that Six Flags has no interest in developing our local amusement park!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

No, I am not from Ohio. I am from Kentucky and I know enough and see enough to tell you that half of this is not true.

"You don't think of Florida first when someone mentions Miami."

After Ohio State fraudulently won the NCAA football national championship, how can you not think of Miami Florida?

"You think Pro football teams are supposed to wear orange!"

Uh, they are called the Browns....

"Schools close for the state basketball tournament. Deer season, too."

Um, Kentucky is the basketball capital of the United States. Basketball should be replaced with football. Wasn't "the pit" like the top 10 places in America to play highschool football?

"You root for a college team though you've never taken a class there."

Ha, ain't that the truth and even more so when OSU won the National Championship.

"Your school classes were canceled because of cold."

Yup, that is why Jim Borgmen always jokes in his comics about how his kids want to move to Kentucky when snow comes around :rolls eyes:.

"Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow."

Yup, thats why a few years ago "the Troubleshooter" and "9 On Your Side" was filled with tips on what to do if you had pothole damage...and everybody knows snow wouldn't fill up potholes because the salt trucks do a good job and make sure there is no snow on the streets.

"You think that deer season is a national holiday."

More so in states like Michigan. Not Ohio.

This thing was a joke. They only reasonable thing they said was all the stuff about the theme parks

From Columbus-grew up in Dublin, graduated in the first class at Dublin Scioto in 1996.

Rideman makes excellent points about my hometown. However, any discussion about small town speed traps that doesn't include New Rome is missing the boat. And, my biggest complaint about Columbus amusement parks (or lack thereof) is the enormous tract of land that Anheuser-Busch owns here that has nary a Kumba, Montu, Apollo, Alpie, Scorpion, or Nessie on it.

I'd also like to point out that we most certainly do not think of Florida first when the word "Miami" is mentioned-half of my graduating class went to Miami of Ohio, as did my older brother. If someone here says they graduated fro m Miami, I always assume Miami University.
SRM 2003-Look for the guy with my name on his chest

Mark, the worst thing about that whole Anheuser-Busch thing is that my understanding is that they were planning to put an amusement park there, but ran into so much crap from City Council that they opted to go to Williamsburg instead. :(

I don't know of schools being closed in Ohio for hunting season, but I do know that schools down in Pickaway County (Lancaster) close down for the County Fair. I don't know if Circleville schools close for the Pumpkin Show or not...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
*** This post was edited by RideMan 3/29/2003 8:46:52 PM ***

Brian Noble said:

I'll be on I-75 from Toledo through Cincinnati. Where's the most convenient place to nip off the highway for a good four-way? (I too prefer the four-way, especially when my wife is not along to complain about the onions.) A Skyline outlet would be fine, but a lesser-known place would be even better, since I've done the Skyline thing already.

My suggestion would be the family owned Camp Washington Chili (Cincy Best 2003 Non Chain), right off I75 at the Hopple Street exit on the corner of Colerain Ave. and Hopple St. Here is a link to news story from a couple years ago The new place is absolutely amazing.

I also was a student at Miami U. in Oxford.

CBCon Quote "We didn't even get wet"......30 seconds later you hear plop, then splash!!!!

"I'd also like to point out that we most certainly do not think of Florida first when the word "Miami" is mentioned-half of my graduating class went to Miami of Ohio, as did my older brother. If someone here says they graduated fro m Miami, I always assume Miami University."

Well, yeah, I guess thats understood in Ohio. Kind of like if you say "OSU" in Oklahoma they would know it is Oklahoma State and not Ohio State. Makes sense.

Yes there are schools in Ohio that close for the deer season.

Columbus Metro area: 1.5 mil

Cinti Metro area: 1.8 mil

Cleveland metro area: 3.0 mil

In todays suburban sprawl wastelands it is more accurate to look at the cities metropolitan area population if you want a clearer understanding to the size of a city. Just because Columbus wasn't growing in the 20's through the 80's there weren't any suburban incorporations of note. Therefore there was a lot of land free to annex in the late 80's and 90's when the city was looking for a way to increase population without building anything new to increase the existing city's pop. So Columbus, like many "new" big cities, ballooned up almost over night. To claim that city population is a big important issue for quality of city is rather silly anyway, i think most people would rather have certain ammenities and services and qualities of life. All of Ohio's three main cities have great qualities. But Cleveland is clearly the largest of the three.

The funniest thing about my comment of hating is that i don't even include Columbus because none of the three cities i cited have any opinion about Columbus. It's just an overgrown cow town with a major university and state capitol. And recently it has benefited from existing on a MAJOR transportation node of 71 and 70 as goods are shipped from places of note to other places of note. Columbus, like all Ohio cities are great places to live, but terrible places to vacation..

edit: if someone is complaining that another city is spending tax money on sports venues it sounds like sour grapes to me. The city of cleveland, rather the whole county, felt that at the time it was in their best interest to pay for those facilities. Just because Cleveland and the surrounding area is large enough to support the investment into major institutions of all kinds doesn't seem like a bad thing to me. It's just another thing that large cities/metro areas do, and another reason that i think that columbus is bitter because they do not have that recognition as a "large city" (which really means city of value and/or note) There are plenty of thing one can point out about any city anywhere in the world that stinks. Perhaps the people of Columbus should look toward fixing their own problems before they worry about casting aspersions at other people.
*** This post was edited by meangene 4/1/2003 10:18:59 AM ***

Actually, Columbus benefited from the best kind of "smart growth" initiative back in the 1950's when a conscious decision was made to keep annexation corridors open in all directions and prevent the city from being surrounded by its suburbs. The result is that almost all of the people who live in the Columbus metro area live in the city of Columbus, while most of the people who live in the Cleveland and Cincinnati metro areas do not live in the 'host' cities. City population is important when you are talking about city services and city amenities because the population of the city (not the metro area) in many ways determines the tax base. It's less of a problem now than it was ten years ago, but a recurring problem is the 'urban doughnut' where center cities are dying off as everyone flees to the suburbs. That trend is reversing across the country as cities revitalize themselves, but it never happened in Columbus because people fleeing to Columbus' suburbs never actually made it out of town.

And yes, Columbus is a great place to live, but I'd hate to visit here. :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Well, I consider myself very lucky I was born and raised in Sandusky. I have some CP stuff you would all sell you right testacle for.

I currently attend the one and only Ohio State University. Home of the best damn band in the land, and the best team now. Thanks to a man from Youngstown. OSU proably has the best school songs of any university.

Great thing about being from Sandusky whenever you go to another park and hear people talking about making thier first trip to CP, you can cut in and explain ony problem is the conversation normally last about 30 min. Good length as this usally happens in line at a six flags or paramount park.

Er, I wouldn't give my right "testacle" for my own TTD in my back yard. Just out of curiousity, how does living in Sandusky (with a population of over 50,000 I'm pretty sure) entitle you to cool CP stuff? Just asking.

A day is a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. A week is seven drops.

The only thing living in Sandusky entitles anyone to wrt. CP stuff is information and proximity, so that when certain artifacts become available (legally or...otherwise) the locals have a slight advantage.

Just guessing, but it makes sense to me...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Well Rideman is right, also all of my 5 uncles worked thier in the 50's and 60's and I have worked there for 4 years, and various things come up now amd again, plus Sandusky is littered with CP artifacts, if anybody wants the mill race its sitting behind LewCo on first street in about a thousand pieces.
*** This post was edited by Sharpel007 4/1/2003 4:34:12 PM ***

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