Aptitude Test Required to Join

Well, How about an Aptitude test just for fun?? I think that would be cool. It could be like an IQ test, where you just get a score. That score could also show up in your profile. But, just to keep things fair, having the score in your profile would be OPTIONAL.

I think that is a reasonable idea...
Oh, another idea, how about making the quiz montly or bi-monthly, and it could have questions about things that have been discussed in the forums. It would show who's been paying attention, and who's not. I just think it would be fun. I know I love it when friends try to stump me with coaster questions!

Just remember, no stakes involved, just keep it as a fun thing to do.

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
Hey, how about giving this suggestion a rest? This has become a "dont know where we are going" suggestion. End of story

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""

Closed topic.

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