Aptitude Test Required to Join

Due to the recent rash of noise we all have seen here, I propose a test for all members to take. You should have to pass the test before you can post to prove that you are aware of and know how to use the tools this site provides for your convenience. It should ensure you can use the spell check (Millennium), spell out words (Not u in place of you, etc), use the search function to look up old topics, and abide by policies set forth in the FAQ and TOS. If you refuse to use the spell check tool and repeatedly show that you fail to comprehend the tools at your disposal you should lose your posting privileges for a while.

If the "test" idea is a little extreme (obviously you don't want to turn away traffic), maybe consider a probation/trial period for new members, or perhaps a demonstration page for newbies to get used to how things work here. Members should know how to use the edit feature, and when it is appropriate (and how) to snip a quote. We should all know what the meeting calendar is and how to use it. Those are but a few examples of the great tools provided for us that many of us don't use.

I am just kicking ideas around here, and I know I don't have all the answers, but something needs to be done about all the crap being posted around here lately. It bothers me to come here and see "Which _____ is the best?" and "Me too"/"I agree with _____" and "Who is going to be at _____ park tomorrow?" posts over and over, it's like there is more noise than substance of late.

I think the moderators do a good job, but when I click into the forums and see more closed topics than open ones on the first page, it indicates a lot of people are ignorant to or just choose to disregard the policies on this site. It would benefit the entire coasterbuzz community if everyone understood what is acceptable and what is not. I really like this site and want it to become better because of its members... not worse.

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 6/21/2001. ***
Noise comes from off the wall topics, not just the misuse of grammer or spelling. This is an outlandish idea in my opinion. Anyone has the right to join. The moderators are doing fine quite fine alone. Let them deal with what is noise and what is not. Earlier I read a post where a person was critiqued for using this sentence: "How am I to respond?" Or something like that. Someone posted something saying that it was improper. Actually, it is proper english. This could be said many ways. But I digress.

Shawn Bailes
110 Drumline
I think it is a superb idea! I'm not out to offend anyone, but when people act really ignorant and start to argue over a topic, it shows that they are unable to let it go. But yes, I think every Coasterbuzz member should have to pass a aptitude test.

Mindbender...Can you hear the Riddler chuckling?
I certainly don't mean to condemn people for making mistakes... but I also know that it is really hard to read posts that have abbreviations instead of words (R U redin thes?), and it creates noise for some other member to pipe in with "Millennium is spelled with 2 n's" when it isn't spelled correctly. Proper spelling would eliminate some noise.

Noise is created when someone posts a topic we see daily without searching or reading the FAQ first (Is Superman the Escape a coaster?) If people had to read the FAQ and learn to use the search utility before they were able to join, they wouldn't ask these questions over and over.

Noise also comes from people responding to bad topics with bad replies. What good does it do to say "Don't say that about _____" Just let it get closed or deleted without replying, no matter how tempted you are to put someone in their place. Let the moderators do it, it is their responsibility.

Why do you think the spell check is there? To be ignored? I think the webmaster wants the posters to use the tools provided.

Do you think it is outlandish to expect the members of a community to abide by the rules of that community? It is not a free-for-all in here, we need to be respectful of the rules and of one another. We should equip people with the knowledge and the tools to use the site as effectively as possible. Correctly using the tools provided would eliminate some of the noise. That is my point.

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 6/21/2001. ***
This is a website, not a college. Understand what I mean? lol. An aptitude test that you seem to be describing is concentrated on grammer and spelling, correct? FAQ's do not seem to fall under that criteria. If ignorance is bliss, then the misuse of FAQ's is Heaven. People are sometimes indifferent to use that feature. I agree about the spell check, but you expect an error here or there. Not like what you said... something like: "hay, wut u up 2". THAT is what needs to be eliminated. I know people know how to use correct grammer, they simply ignore it and choose the short way of abbreviating their own words. You is U. to/too is 2. Know what I mean? Any person could take this aptitude test and agree to the same liscense agreement set by Jeff and still ignore to use correct grammer and spelling, just as they are now. This will not eliminate the problem. You know what I mean? A person can pass it, say yes to the agreement and flush it out of their minds as soon as they get access to the boards.

Shawn Bailes
110 Drumline
Jeff's avatar
You know, it's funny, I was thinking about just this on my five-hour drive from Grand Rapids today.

Here's the problem as I see it. Now that it's summer, the moderators and I are actually (gasp!) enjoying life outside and riding coasters. Other than Lynch, we've been fairly low profile because we've been out doing things. Lynch is no dummy, but he doesn't have his own wheels like the rest of the mods do.

So the majority of the noise ends up coming from the kids who are too young to drive or can't afford to visit parks. I'm not picking on the kids here, as I do love working with teens, but at the same time teen boys are notoriously immature (just ask the teen girls). I was that way too, and I'll be the first to admit it.

In the end, you just have to try and ignore the noise and try to avoid responding to it. It's rare that any nonsense goes more than six hours before one of us deals with it. I still think we're better off than most forums.

I appreciate your patience... we're doing our best.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com

Jeff said:
"Lynch is no dummy, but he doesn't have his own wheels like the rest of the mods do."

Actually, I do have my own wheels. I just don't have a full-time license yet. Just a learner's permit.

"...but at the same time teen boys are notoriously immature (just ask the teen girls)."

Hey... I'm a teen boy, and I'm a mod! ;)

But yeah. I've ended up being here a bit more than the other mods lately due to the fact Jeff mentioned. Just the way it is, I guess. I suppose I should try to be more strict, eh?

Matt Lynch, apparently the exception, not the rule...
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard

Coasterfreakbailes said:
"This is a website, not a college. Understand what I mean? lol. An aptitude test that you seem to be describing is concentrated on grammer and spelling, correct?

I think you're over simplifying my argument. If you read my posts you would know it is not just about spelling and grammar, but also about having the skills and knowledge to avoid having to ask "why was my post deleted?" If we had a test, no one could claim ignorance. ("I didn't know that question had been asked a hundred times") Read back and ask yourself if my beef is really with spelling. Of course it isn't. It is about making a good point as opposed to posting something which adds nothing to the discussion just to hear yourself talk.

Some people will always want to hear themselves chatter (If someone wants to be a moron, no one can stop them), but as a group we should try to keep that from happening. We should try to be better than that. Does anyone really want to read through a bunch of closed posts about the same tired garbage? Nope.

Coasterfreakbailes said:
People are sometimes indifferent to use that feature

That is exactly my point.

We don't need a test, we just need to be a more thoughtful group of posters. I find it hard to believe that the best topic we can come up with is "Which is better...______ or ______?" I also find it hard to believe that the best response to such topics we can provide is "_____ sucks!" Come on, we can do better. If we took the time to search old posts and read the FAQ we would be better.

Jeff Said:
I appreciate your patience... we're doing our best.

Of course you are. My bellyaching is not aimed at the moderators. They do all they can to improve the situation. All the moderators (especially Lynch lately ;)) do a great job. Maybe if I were out riding instead of being stuck at work, these problems would be easier to get past. :)

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 6/22/2001. ***
And an aptitude test would help these problems how? Exactly what kinds of questions would it include? Doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Yeah, thanks for insult there Camel. Ever consider I read wrong or got the wrong idea? No, I'm not posting just to hear myself. Look at me, I'm member 480. I have fewer posts than some recent members. I will retract and reread what you posted. In honesty, I skimmed quickly over what you wrote and got the wrong idea. I apologize, but that doesn't give you the right to judge me, saying that I'm posting only hear myself talk. I only really participate in worth while discussions. It's late, so I'll read it again tomorrow sometime and send a different reply. Again, I apologize.

Shawn Bailes *** This post was edited by Coasterfreakbailes on 6/22/2001. ***
When I said:

It is about making a good point as opposed to posting something which adds nothing to the discussion just to hear yourself talk.
I should have used the word themselves rather than yourself. I meant members in general... not you specifically. Please don't take it that way... I am not trying to make it personal. :)

BrandonR said:
And an aptitude test would help these problems how?

Hopefully it would make people aware of the fact that many of the questions they want to ask have been answered before (by teaching them to use the search utility), and make them aware of what sorts of posts would not be acceptable (by forcing them to read the FAQ), thereby eliminating some noise. But like I said, we don't need a test per se, just a more responsible and thoughtful bunch of posters.

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 6/22/2001. ***
And then there's me. I have my own wheels, and a full-time driver's license but I've still only been to one park this year. The problem resides in my mother who says things to the effect of, "Don't spend all your money on stupid roller coasters." I just have to remember college is coming in the fall. Sigh.
Hey, I am member 115, have a full time driver's license, am older than Lynch, have been here for almost 2 years, so why can't I be a mod? :) If you "older" guys need some help, I'm up to it.

I think Camel has a good idea, but trying to implement it would probably scare off some potential members. I do think it's sad when there are more closed topics than open ones though.
The question is what would this accomplish? Basically nothing. Yes, it might slow down the number of new members who post "noise", but what about the four thousand other memberswho already exist. How would you deal with those of us who are unable to know what the Search bar is for?
When have there been more closed topics than open ones? I think you guys are exaggerating a bit.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
It looked to be that way when there were all of those SFWoA bashing threads...I counted 8 closed threads. Yes it's not more than the open ones, but it's still pretty bad.
Lynch - there were never more closed topics than open ones. However, about half of the total topics on the first page in the general buzz forum were closed during the day shortly before I started this topic.

Sinker515 - every member would have to pass this test, not just those wishing to join.

We all know the test idea is not going to happen. We should try to figure out a way to make sure that all the members here how all the cool tools work though. It can only help to make this site better.
Once again, the problems with this test of sorts arise. How easy would it be to cheat? Would you even need to? What kind of questions would be on the somewhat rediculous test? Someone asks a stupid question, do you:

A.) Flame them.
B.) Correct them, but them flame them.
C.) Correct them nicely.
D.) None of the above.

See my point?

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
The idea is not to make sure you can answer questions on a test... the idea is to arm members with the knowledge to avoid having their posts closed/deleted and to make us a better group of posters as a whole. The test may not be the best way to do it, but instead of just trashing ideas, let's work together to come up with a better solution to the problem.

*** This post was edited by Camel@Work on 6/25/2001. ***
Make them read the FAQ before their first post and then ask questions about it for the test.

Closed topic.

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