Another Reason Why You Should Attend Coaster Mayhem!

There will be some cool things though -- probably not from OE though. :)


Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
I sent it in, Saturday, Swooshy. See ya there. :)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Everyone sign up please so I can plan on going next Year.... I can't make it this year please!!!!
I sent mine in as well. The weather is supposed to be pretty nice for Saturday.

Skol Vikings
Let's shoot us some deer Joe Joe!!!!

TBJ, honestly, what could you possibly have to do that would be more important than going to this event? ;)
My job I just started 2 weeks ago. There are only 3 people that work in this store and Saturday happenes to be the GM's day off. So it's hard to get off ecspecially because I'm the new guy. Plus I think the other guy I work with already asked for it off so he could move. If the event were in June I'd have no Prob getting off probably but not this month. *** Edited 5/16/2006 2:23:20 PM UTC by TonyBlackjack***
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Do you work akk day? You can always come for the evening portion :)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

I get off at get off at five but then I would have to drive 2 1/2 hrs to get there. Getting me ther abouy 7:30-8 O'clock. Is there enough in the night portion to make it worth that? The thing that sucks is my old job would of been no prob getting it off but I would not have the money. Now I have the money and I can't get it off. Ticks me off I almost want to cry to be honest.
Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
You'd have two hours to enjoy Patriot and SD before the 10-11 ERT on Timber Wolf and Mamba. DO you have a season pass? If I were in your situation (and assuming you have a seaosn pass), I would actually go, but I don't usually like spending a whole day at WoF anyway. Three hours in the evening is a very nice visit for me. Unless there are a ton of student groups there this weekend, I don't expect the crowds to be too heavy, so you'll probably be able to get plenty of rides in those couple of hours before ERT. But check the flyer to make sure I'm not missing something. I forget if we have to meet somewhere before 10pm to hide out until ERT starts. That might cut into your time.
Why do I feel like I just posted for Swoosh. ;)

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Haha I may still do it then I'll call in sick to my other job. That night thats why I didn't mention it when asked what I work because there are ways around that one and I'm putting my 2 weeks in there today so if I call in sick, them threatening to write me up won't work. Do you know If I can bring one guest that isn't a coaster Club Member?

Major fork in the road I was going to pay my $20 for Coasterbuzz tonight but I won't have my card by this Saturday will I? *** Edited 5/16/2006 3:42:21 PM UTC by TonyBlackjack***

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
You are allowed a "reasonable number" of guests, according to the flyer. I am bringing three guests.

I can pretty much guarantee you won't get your CB card in time unless Wednesday is the day Jeff does his mass-mailing of new cards and it actually arrives by Saturday afternoon.

If you're really serious about going, check with the park to make sure you can register for the event at 8pm the day of and be added onto a club member's registration that has already been submitted and said member is already at the event. I can walk out and sign you in, I suppose.

Or perhaps you can get your membership number from Jeff before the card gets mailed out and maybe they'll let you in if you know your membership number? *** Edited 5/16/2006 4:04:18 PM UTC by Acoustic Viscosity***

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

Yes I hate procrastination I have been meaning to sign up as a Payed member of the club for the last year and half. Now when I need it most I put it off til it's to late. I was that way all thru High School and the little college I attended. Waiting til the night before and Getting no Sleep So I could finish it.

I was really looking forward to meeting some you guys too. If I would of been thinking I would of got a Season Pass this year anyways because I am going to be down there about 4 or 5 times. I would of had it payed by 2 1/2 visits. *** Edited 5/16/2006 4:06:08 PM UTC by TonyBlackjack***

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
Or check out the RideWorld club website. I think you can print off a membership card from them and use that to get into the event. I believe some people do this to get into Solace each year.

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

cool I'll have to wait til I get home and put it on my credit card I never knew about that place and will probably never use it because I'm Obsessed with Coasterbuzz.
I'm not sure RideWorld is recognized as a club. I know I wouldn't recognize anything by ******* as a club. XP
Ok well it looks like even if they were recognized I will cross my fingers and hope they have one next year because I would be getting there so late that I'd miss all the other great stuff going on at the event. I am going to plan on going next year and be at the whole thing all day long. So please keep us posted on when next years might be as you find out. Thank you.

What stand had the Orient Express Tshirts because when I was there the last weekend in April I didn't see them I saw shot glasses still but no Tshirts. I will be back down to WOF Sunday June 11th all day long.

Thanks for everyones help. I hope Coaster Mayhem is a huge Success.

It is the stand closest to the Tivoli Music Hall - not Norsemann's but the other one across from the Cotton Candy stand. Name of that place changes almost every year so I'm not sure what they are calling it now.
Cool Thanks Swoosh Hopefully they will still have them when I get back up there in June.

You want to hear something funny the first year I haven't gone on a Vacation with my Parents in forever and they are going to Branson and getting into Silver Dollar City for free!!!!

I told my mom she better ride Powder Keg twice once for her and once for me. HaHa.

I would say that a lot of them will probably be gone after this weekend with all of the ACErs and so on coming in.

You know you could always go down to Branson yourself. :)

Yes but they are getting in FREE and I would have gone but my wedding is in July and saving as much money as possible for my honeymoon In Chicago. Maybe Branson and Silver Dollar City will be our Vacation next year maybe for our 1 year Anniversary to justify it.HaHa.

After your recomendation I decided not to join that other club by the way. I will be paying my Coasterbuzz one later this week thow.

MIG will have photos from Coaster Mayhem I assume?

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