Actual Chatting with other members

LOL, Coastaplaya! This thread makes an interesting companion to the "age generalization" (stupid email) thread. :)

- Peabody

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 9/24/2002. ***

CedarPointNut said:
Jeff, can I be a moderator?


"I just wanted to bbe a moderator"

Oh, well I guess you had to be there. Reminds me of a thread on the forums by a guy who was posting an alleged suicide thread. It was quite humorous, and after being banned the guy did NOT kill himself and DID come back to be a moderator for a week or so. He did a decent job too.

Go here: and scroll down to April 2001 for the backstory. Anyway sorry about the tangent, it just entertained me for a minute.

boo hoo hoo. cry me a river. u all take this crap way to seriously. some people need to get a life.

*Top 5 coasters* 1.Millennium Force 2.Steel Dragon 2000 3.X 4.X-flight 5. Batman KF

boo hoo hoo. cry me a river. u all take this crap way to seriously. some people need to get a life.

Seems most of us were having fun....we only take this seriously enough to use our 'Shift' key when we start sentences.

Could someone translate that sentence into Doooooiiiiieee for me? Thanks.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 9/25/2002. ***

boo hoo hoo. cry me a river. u all take this crap way to seriously. some people need to get a life.

*Top 5 coasters* 1.Millennium Force 2.Steel Dragon 2000 3.X 4.X-flight 5. Batman KF

Profile says he's 13-14 years old. Sure makes that top 5 believeable! Maybe he went to the young American spelling and grammar championship in Valencia, CA, and then the world championship in Nagashima! ;)

- Peabody

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 9/25/2002. ***

This has got to be one of the funniest threads I have ever read!

BGCPFAN and CedarPointNut, you both bring a bad name to teenagers on this site. Learn how to spell and use proper punctuation before you post here again.

To others, please dont confuse these two with the tipical teen on here, most are much more responsible and sensible.

800,000 years in 7 seconds: Time Machine the movie or next S&S creation?
"So Quoth the Lemon Chill Guy" (TM) (C)

Oh boy, not the "typical teenager" argument again.

You are who you are. Be yourself, wether it be typical or unique. It's more fun that way ;)

Tommy Penner - Variable X
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001. || (PT) Cruiser Boy since 2002.
What would you say if I told you I met my Homecoming date at Cedar Point?

I'm always up for chatting with other coaster tools. My SN is the same as here, and it's in my profile too. I've met lots of people to meet up with at parks and just plan coaster things with through that method.

I agree that the space on the site doesn't need chat. The profile feature is pretty good for a non-corporate site, and even let's you send a picture (which i swear i will do someday).

If people want to chat, they'll put their AIM, Yahoo, MSN whatever name on their profile. But, i'm not completely dogging your suggestion - i enjoy people suggesting new things for CB, as the site, as good as it is, is as exciting or bland as the creativity of the members.


Peabody said:

Profile says he's 13-14 years old. Sure makes that top 5 believeable! Maybe he went to the young American spelling and grammar championship in Valencia, CA, and then the world championship in Nagashima!


Ow my..., this thread is even more hilarious as the 'Stupid email tricks' thread!!! Funny how generalisations can be so true sometimes...
Woops!!! Did i say that out loud?!

(If i offended anyone by this post, please ignore and read on)

Werner Stengel: Ich sprich, denke und traĆ¼me Achterbahn!

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