2005 CP ride announcement

Does a coaster have to set records to be good? The Dania Beach Hurricane didn't set a single record but it is one of the best woodies I have ever been on.
Mamoosh's avatar
Other highly-rated coasters that did not break any national or world records:

Cornball Express
Shivering Timbers
Superman Ride of Steel [pick one]
Dueling Dragons
...and I'm sure you could add hundreds more to this list.

When it comes to wood records seem to hurt, not help:

Mean Streak
...need I say more?


alright rookie when i say 3 years between big rides i mean rides that cost more then 3 million dollars. wicked twister is not a main attraction at cp thats what i ment by that.

also i agree compleatly with you wahoo^ maybe not a woodie but i still agree with not always needing the est of something.

has anyone been on X i havn't rode that yet. I kinda would like to see a 4th dimension coaster at CP you don't really see off the wall coasters there like alot of other places. Maybe just to mix it up a little. They might also get a flying coaster or somethign like that those are fun to ride.

Once You Feel the Force You Will never Be The Same
Wicked Twister cost at least 3 times more than $3 million, so by your definition, it's a "big ride" and possibly even "main attraction" if that's equal to "big ride" in your book. Talk about being spoiled if you don't consider WT a "main attraction".


According to rcdb.com, Wicked Twister cost $9 Million. While that may only be 1/3 the cost of either Millie or TTD, it's still a major investment in the park. They certainly advertised it as a major attraction. Whether or not the ride is enjoyable or not is your own opinion, but by your own definition ( > $3 Million), the ride was a main attraction.

- DJ

"When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Cincinnati because it's always twenty years behind the times." - Mark Twain

I agree with Danny and Cinci here...Twister did cost more than 3 mill...was 9 mill like they said....and id have to say it's one of the main attractions...people love that ride and it was a major invesment in the park at that time. So even on your terms it's a main attraction ;)

Now, on the other hand...a coaster like X would be something awesome to see in the park...but from what i've heard X had alot of mechanical issues. I don't think CP wants another mechanical monster on their hands. TTD has been there for 2 seasons now and it still has a good amount of down time. So i doubt we will see anything like that yet.

CP normally puts in a major atration every two years. MAgnum 89, Mean Streak 91, Snake River 93, Raptor 94, Mantis 96, Power Tower 98, Millenium Force 2000, Wicked Twister 2002, Dragster 2003.
Keep in mind I dont consider SRF a major atraction adn thats probably why Raptor was planned for 94 because SRF wasnt a big enough adition. CP seemed to do the same thing with WT and adding a huge coaster the next year. I wouldnt be suprised if CP added something huge in 06 because a new flat ride isnt a big enough adition to be the newest ride for 2 years. This isnt a promise but looking at CP's history it sure would point to this. After a major new ride is added CP waits 2 yeaqrs to add another ride. However if after 2 years CP add's a big ride but not "Major" atraction like a huge coaster., they will add that major ride the fallowing year. WT was big but it wasnt good enough to wait another 2 years for another ride.
matt.'s avatar
In the boardroom:

Exec 1: Ok...so, I think we should get a flat ride this year.

Exec 2: But but...we get a major attraction every 2 years! We MUST spend more than 9 millions dollars or else!

Exec 1: Ummm....what?

Exec 2: We have a history here! Don't you know that all of our ride installations follow a strict, predictable, yet completely arbitrary pattern?

Exec 1: Well, based on our market studies, I think that a flat ride would be a good investment. I have some data right here about what our guests are requesting, what our potential return on investment on several rides could be, and..

Exec 2: ...this in nonsense! Somebody get B&M on the phone! We have a *pattern* here! Why does nobody understand this?!

Mamoosh's avatar
LOL Matt! Best laugh of the day [so far] ;)
Without attempting to beat up on anyone...
I present the Ironic Post of the Week.

MForce Aholic said:
has anyone been on X i havn't rode that yet. I kinda would like to see a 4th dimension coaster at CP

And that, my friends, is irony.
I tear up in the face of greatness.


NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.

Jeff's avatar
Do we really need another ride that doesn't operate half the time?

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

And gives half its riders shaken-baby syndrome when it does?
Matt, that might qualify as post of the year.
hahah....im still reeling from matts post...that was great:) he outta get an honorary seat on the MOJ, playa;)

still trying to think of a good signature...

matt. said:
In the boardroom:

Exec 1: Ok...so, I think we should get a flat ride this year.

Exec 2: But but...we get a major attraction every 2 years! We MUST spend more than 9 millions dollars or else!

Exec 1: Ummm....what?

Exec 2: We have a history here! Don't you know that all of our ride installations follow a strict, predictable, yet completely arbitrary pattern?

Exec 1: Well, based on our market studies, I think that a flat ride would be a good investment. I have some data right here about what our guests are requesting, what our potential return on investment on several rides could be, and..

Exec 2: ...this in nonsense! Somebody get B&M on the phone! We have a *pattern* here! Why does nobody understand this?!

CP dose follow a trend. They add a new ride at least everyother year, theres no denying that. Will the ride be major, who knows, but CP has been doing the same thing for so many years it seems silly for them to change. Flat rides will help the park, but people dont normally notice them. CP still adds the things that will help the park every ear, and flats are what will help the park most this year IMO. However CP will then most likley add a major atraction next year, because thats what they do, unless there starting a totally new process, which I would be very suprised by.

Adding major atractions dosnt stop them from adding other things that will help pout the park, an example would be Camp Snoopy in 99, but CP has a reputation of adding a huge new ride every couple of years, and people have come to expect that of CP. That is one of the reasons CP is so far ahead of other parks, is because they are constantly adding new rides, while still maintaning the whole park experience. If CP wants to continue to be the best and offer the newest thrils theyll definatly continue this pattern. Dosnt meen there going to follow it extremly strictly, but it will be followed, and I wouldnt expect anymore than 3 and at most 4 years between CP adding a major atraction. *** Edited 11/18/2004 1:35:51 PM UTC by RockingRollerFarm***

I've heard that if you keep saying something often enough, it eventually becomes true.

rockingrollerfarm...the distant cousin of CPNut! :)

uh, dude.....matt. was giving us all a good laugh....a good belly slapping chuckle. kick back, join us, loosen your belt, and feast on the guilty pleasure known simply as "not taking everything seriously" :)

also, back off the quoting the entire post....there was no need to do that, the post in question was only two replies back..*** Edited 11/17/2004 11:10:03 PM UTC by vacoasterfreak*** *** Edited 11/17/2004 11:10:27 PM UTC by vacoasterfreak***

still trying to think of a good signature...

Mamoosh's avatar
RockingRollerFarm - I'm not trying to be rude but if you want to be taken the least bit seriously you have to slow down and watch your spelling and grammar. There is a reason Jeff put an 'edit' button at the top of each post.

You don't have to be perfect, no one is...but come on, "fallow"??

Main Entry: 1fal·low
Pronunciation: 'fa-(")lO
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English falow, from Old English fealu; akin to Old High German falo pale, fallow, Latin pallEre to be pale, Greek polios gray
: of a light yellowish brown color

Main Entry: 1fol·low
Pronunciation: 'fä-(")lO
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English folwen, from Old English folgian; akin to Old High German folgEn to follow
transitive senses
1 : to go, proceed, or come after

Sorry I sound like the internet spelling police ;)


[edit - oops...I misspelled a word. See, that's what the "edit" button is for]

*** Edited 11/17/2004 11:10:57 PM UTC by Mamoosh***

Oh, c'mon 'moosh. A and O are really close to one another on the keybo...oh, nevermind.

My feeling is that Cedar Point's fields may lie fallow for another year ;)


I was pulled over by the Internet Spelling Police on the I-56.6 a few years back. Seems my finger slipped while typing the word "duck."

Closed topic.

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