10 easy ways to enhance your Goliath ride!!!

ROS's fourth hill at SFNE is even more vicious air then the other two ROS's third hill.  Thats my opinion.

Coasterman Mike - who would hop aboard ROS any day of the week

Total rides on Phantom's Revenge: 49
Total rides on Pittfall: 255
Total rides on Superman:UE : 633

I agree Coasterman. I also agree with Jeff's saying, there is more to life than airtime(the enthusiast's legal drug), but I look for a great balance of everything, and SFNE's Superman was it! Going round and round about the other hypers is pretty moot when they all fall to S:ROS.
Have you ever considered that it may not be the park that's the problem, but YOU???

*** This post was edited by DWeaver on 1/17/2002. ***

Joe: I really dont know why bull is my favorite. Kinda like the kids in the Apple Jacks commercials "I ride what I like"! Seriously though, I think it's because it has the best layout of all the (steel) coasters I've ridden. Sure, I'd LOVE to see what Intamin could do with a similarly twisted layout (as I hear SFNE's Supe has). But until I can get to that, RB will have to do. I really look forward to Titan (and by extension Big G) because of the added Positives.

Oh and my number 1 wood (The Legend, no duh!) and number 2 wood (Lightning Racer) only have some level of twisted-ness as a common trait. For some reason though, I cant really get down with the out and backs.
--who felt a moment of intensity in the upwards helix of NITRO

ApolloAndy's avatar
Wow.  This really devolved quickly into a vs. war.

But, before it gets closed, I might as well throw my two cents in.  Goliath and S:ROS SFA are both at the bottom of my hypers list (S:ROS a bit above G) out of PR, MF, Mag, AC, Nitro, S:ROS SFNE, Steel Force because it just made me sick.  I rode it 3x (one in front, two in back) and I couple hardly stumble my way off it by the end of the third.  Both Goliath and S:ROS SFA have way too much spinning, which I would never take over even the smallest pop of airtime.

I started with AC and haven't been back in a few years, so I probably had an inflated view of it, but it has 825' of drops and I'm an airtime whore, so maybe not, but IIRC it has a ton of air of both floater and ejector (ejector mostly on the last few drops).  This was pre-third drop trim, so maybe it changed a little bit.  Anyways, I don't think B&M's lack ejector air, but they do lack hugely intense positives which I can live without.

I really think PR is the top of the heap as far as hypers go  (Don't say it's not a hyper, because I don't care) for the same reason I liked Talon the best of all the B&M inverts. The pacing of the forces.  It switched between positives, negatives and laterals, instead of just doing one then the other (S:ROS SFNE, Goliath)

So in conclusion, I didn't like Goliath because it wasn't a good mix of sensations.  I also really didn't like the hard plastic seats.  The B&M speed coach seats are head and shoulders above the Intamin, Gio, Morgan, or Arrow.

The legend lives!

Legendary Have you even ever Rode Goliath. Its longer than 50 seconds buddy.
Hart High. Indian Pride.
Ok Golaiths camel back three months ago. I am riding solo. I am holding on for dear life cuase i have one of those feelings. Then the Camel Back I am standing now holding on for dear life trying not to get the ride closed for being ejected. I wasnt standing before the camel back only when the huge massive piece of air hit. and Magnum lovers there are other coasters.

Hart High. Indian Pride.

DWeaver, sure, floater is what I meant.  Amazing floater, so my sentence still works. :)

There are a few ejector moments on the Beemers (Bull's first drop, third hill, block drop, AC's block drop, last drop, Nitro's block and bunnies) but for the most part, they offer extended periods of floating high off the seat.

Intamin's feature hurtful ejector airtime, but I've never ever been overwhelmed with the +G's on an Intamin hyper...probably the worst is bottom of MF first drop.  I've never had anything in the SRoS helices (any of them).  I think the one thing Intamin has over B&M is the fact they can, for the most part, sustain the speed over the tops of the hills.  Bull and AC lose quite a bit of speed at the top.  Nitro, imo, never loses speed, it feels fast the whole way through, and I must admit it surprised me.

About the track lengths, that is a HUGE part of my love for the B&M's, SRoS SFNE, MF.  They are like a great story, they have beginnings, middles, and endings (and what endings they have!).  Goliath, Titan, and for the most part, the Morgans, missed out on the middles.

One thing I should also mention about my hyper likings (I think I've mentioned this before somewhere but I forget)...the reason I love the B&M's are because of the abundance of larger hills.  I would rather fall the 190' on Nitro's second hill than blast over the 4th camelback on SRoS SFNE.  That's just my preference.  On the Gio's you go down a big hill, up high, down low, and stay low.  Doesn't appeal to me (same with the length/heighth ratio).

DWeaver, I've never seen the creampuff term thrown around before, I think you've created something there. :)

"That's BS you MF! They're WT!" -- CP's R&D team

I've said it once, and I've said it before:

B&M's feel the best when the trains are below the track. 

Don't get me wrong, i really do adore the b&m hypers, but i still prefer the feel of the other brands out there.  There's just something about Goliath that feels a lot more......meaty to me, if you get my drift. 

And actually, i agree with the fan's of Goliath's straight hill.  Its the most wonderful, sustained float on any coaster i have ever experienced.  It blows away anything Intimin has ever done. 

Father Lucifer, you never looked so sane. You did always did prefer the drizzle to the rain

From first drop to station breaks, Goliath is about 50 seconds long, I've timed it. It's ok to like the ride if you do, but the truth is the truth. People like what they like, period. You don't have to justify it.
Have you ever considered that it may not be the park that's the problem, but YOU???

john peck said:
I don't compare anything to Magnum....you don't mess with perfection, but Phantom comes really close.....

Oh goodness, then that wouldn't work wouldn't it? Magnum isn't perfection, not even 100 miles close. The ride is rough, has not aged well, has terrible lap-bar restraints, and has sharp-topped angular camel back hills that send your whole body weight slamming into the restraint which is painful airtime, not enjoyable.

Hey, hey, hey! (no not Fat Albert you nit! :)) No one ever claimed that Magnum was made for *comfort*. You want comfort, go ride one of those "family" hypercoasters :). Maggie's hills were built "to maximize airtime". And I think they do that job very well thankyouverymuch!

But I'd still rather be on Phantom's Revenge ;)

Oh and for the record, the airtime on the Intamins I've ridden (SFA, Millie) didnt hurt at all. The stop on S:UE did though *ouch*
--immensly enjoying this "You Suck"-less thread

IntaminAG1@school said:

Legendary Have you even ever Rode Goliath.

Only nine times. I thought I stated that already?

Its longer than 50 seconds buddy.

I'm assuming you're having trouble with the term "drop to stop."  As soon as the entire train clears Goliath's lift, start your watch.  As soon as it hits the service brakes (the first brakes it enters after completing the rides course) stop your watch.  It will not be longer than fifty seconds. 
You seem to be very defensive of Goliath.  Why?  How does my, or anyone else's opinion of the ride affect you in any way?  When you get a little older, you'll see that other peoples' opinions shouldn't matter much to you when it comes to favorite coasters. 
"That's BS you MF! They're WT!" -- CP's R&D team

*** This post was edited by Legendary on 1/17/2002. ***

Actually someone over at URC came up with the term creampuff  when reviewing Medusa a few years ago. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard this because it's such an accurate dicription of most B&M's. They're like angel-food cake. Light, fluffy, delicious and they don't have a mean bone in their body. But they also tend to evaporate 10 minutes after you've ridden them. Of course that's just my opinion, and I'm speaking mainly of their hypers and floorless coasters.
Have you ever considered that it may not be the park that's the problem, but YOU???

*** This post was edited by DWeaver on 1/17/2002. ***

Try it on titan.


Formaly Inverted of Danimation

john peck's avatar
I Love My Taxi Jam!!!!!!!

Now theres some air!

Bah.  I'm tired of hearing of people ragging on us Magnum lovers.  You either dig it, or you don't, but yeah, we DO realize that there are other coasters out there, and we like them a lot, too.  We just like Magnum a hell of a lot better.  :)  What's the deal? 
Father Lucifer, you never looked so sane. You did always did prefer the drizzle to the rain
Hehe.. he said Intamin and ejection. Funny.. isn't that what Intamins do to people? JK!!

Well i've never ridden Goliath but I will chime in on Intamin vs B&M. Having ridden both Apollo and SROS I would have to go with Apollo. For me SROS was nothing more than a nice drop followed by a super slow rolling hill into some helixes (which are a waste of track IMO), over a very nice ejector camel back hill (there's that ejection word again...ooops I did it again), and into more wasted track of boring, boring helixes. Finally SROS heads into the bunny hop sections and slams into the station (hehe..i'm tired sorry guys). For me the experience on Apollo was much more intense and only had one slow area the whole ride. SROS could have been a great ride if not for the slow second hill which was devoid of any neg G's, and wasted time going in a circle. My vote.. B&M.

I hope to get my ride on w/Goliath and X this May (crossing fingers). Ok i've said enough useless stuff. Blah.

Riding the rails from the East Coast to the West Coast

rollergator's avatar
wow, CoasterBearVa.  Don't think I've ever heard anyone dissing a S:RoS before (I know I haven't).  But, like Legendary siad, everyone's entitled to their own opinion...paraphrased.

Jeremy, you sound like a postive-G freak to me.  I love the positives too - you will LOVE Goliath's helix, I promise...makes the helices on RoS seem stretched out!

PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!

All I can say is, try Goliath for yourself. Take what you've read hear and throw it out the window. One thing I hate is to ride a new to me coaster without an open mind.
"Conviction is a luxury for those who sit on the sidelines"-A Beautiful Mind(best film of 2001)

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