The new guidelines mean Disneyland in Anaheim and Universal Studios Hollywood in Universal City will have to wait. Orange County remains in the state’s red tier for reopening, the second most restrictive tier. Los Angeles remains in the most restrictive purple tier. Smaller parks have different opening guidelines.
Read more from KNBC/Los Angeles.
FINALLY! Let's hope the counties go to acceptable tiers soon.
Not super encouraging news... With 10 new Coronavirus cases per 100 residents every day Los Angeles is in the highest tier. They would have to get it to <7 cases per 200 to get to the next lowest tier, and less than 1 per 100 for SFMM to reopen.
Orange county has half as many cases per day, but is still in the second worse tier, and thus a long way from opening Disney or Knotts. Looking around at the other roller coasters in the state CGA seems the most likely to open, but the season traditionally ends in a few weeks anyways.
This is probably the thing that will get me to finally cancel my six flags subscription. I don't see LA county getting to "minimal" any time soon.
Santa Clara County (where CGA is and where I live) has been extremely restrictive this entire time, but is also doing exceptionally well, case-wise, especially given that it's home to San Jose (which has more residents than San Francisco, though much less dense). We just hit orange tier a week ago (3rd best of the 4) so I think CGA will be able to open at 25% capacity in the spring. They announced sometime in late summer/early fall that they weren't going to open at all in 2020.
Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
LA County has 700+ per day. I think you mean 10 per 100k.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
It's not nothing. The presence of someone else doing worse does not magically transform it to "okay."
Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."
What, we aren't grading on a curve?
San Francisco County, where I live, is already in the least restrictive tier. It's too bad that southern California in general has done a poor job of managing their COVID response, but it's possible for them to get to Minimal Spread. Here's the website showing the tiers and how each county is doing:
At least he isn't a governor that gives free trips for his goons while the rest of the state suffers. That's what California is going through right now.
Does the new guy have an axe to grind with the governor of California? If he were only a little more subtle, we might be able to figure it out.
Newsom just gave Florida's businesses that were near Disney World Orlando an unfair gain while his own state's businesses near Disneyland Anaheim are virtually a ghost town. I wouldn't be surprised that Disneyland and surrounding may have to close for good. So, bigboy, you see any end to this turmoil that is the most unfeasible guidelines that will accelerate the death of Disneyland?
What are you talking about? I don't think "fairness" and "gain" mean what you think they do.
If you didn't get the hint, maybe you should hang out a bit before you try to be the life of the party.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Even if Disneyland stays closed until mid or late 2021, it's hardly "the death of Disneyland". The nearby tourist area around them will absolutely be crushed in the short and medium term, and that truly sucks. But even if the Disneyland closure winds up spanning a full year and a half, they'll survive.
I agree that the California parks can safely reopen with similar guidelines to all of the parks currently operating. But your rhetoric is laughable.
I’m not sure what ShadowThaHedgee’s vested interest is, or where they’re from. Is it because they’re an employee? A manager? A major stockholder? A business owner? Or just a narrow-focused enthusiast who has yet to realize that the economy doesn’t revolve around whether people get to ride roller coasters? Or that safety is and should be each state’s number one priority? Seriously, I’ve been trying to figure this out for a minute or two.
Maybe it’s because he’s new, but around here our conversation matured past that many months ago. At least I feel it has.
Truthfully, the last straw was when he tried to tell me what a great coaster he’s heard Lightning Rod is and how it would totally be worth my time and effort.
Hedgehog, et al-
If you want to wallow in the challenges that Disneyland overcame vs lament on those that it will continue to overcome, I recommend Disney’s Land by Richard Snow. Coasterbuzz book club of month...
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