Security in and around the I-X Center has been increased after a large-scale Saturday night fight that led to five arrests. The I-X Center is currently hosting the 28th annual I-X Indoor Amusement Park. A large group of teenagers began "fighting and being disruptive" around 9 p.m. Saturday.
Read more from The Plain Dealer.
I grew up in Cleveland as a coaster nerd in the late 90s and early 2000s and it was pretty epic having Worlds of Adventure and Cedar Point as my home parks, and a grandfather who lived 20 minutes from Kennywood. As hardcore as my hobby was in those days, never once did I ever have an interest or ask my folks to take me to this. But I still get that theme song stuck in my head whenever I hear mention of the IX Center (do those spots still run in Cleveland?)
I never went either. At the end of the day, it's just a fair that happens to be indoors.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Yes, the spots with the same song still run.
I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.
Over the years I've been there twice I can remember for sure. Once when my husband and I were still dating we went with friends from work so at least 23 years ago and once when my kids were young because we got free tickets probably 8 or 10 years ago. Last time I remember the sounds of the rides and people reverberating off the walls was so overstimulating by the end of the day. The sounds don't escape like outdoors and it makes me uncomfortable in a people with ADHD get sensory issues too sort of way. I've had no desire to go back. If the timing was different, like if it came in the middle of January, maybe I would have some interest but it's always here in March and Cedar Point opening day isn't far off enough for me to feel desperate enough to go.
I always found it odd that it wasn't a middle of the winter kinda thing to help with the boringness that is northern Ohio. Then again I guess it is all dependent on when Bates Amusements does their winter rehab on the rides. I use to go as a kid and always loved it because of the amount of rides and coasters they had all in one place. It also seemed to have a cleaner and safer vibe than a carnival in a field somewhere. Guess its not that way anymore.
I went once, I think it was either on my 8th or 9th birthday, so it was around 22 or 23 years ago. I got really sick there. I've had no desire to ever go back there. I can wait till the parks open and go on good rides.
The only time I was ever there was for an Amusement Industry Manufacturers & Suppliers (AIMS) Safety Conference. That would have been in February in the 90's. Wasn't overly impressed with the venue, other than it was fracking big. Had to share a downstairs level with an UAW meeting of a large group of recently laid off Ford workers (they were not happy people). They put guards on their doughnuts, for fear us "carny folk" would take them..........
99er said:
I always found it odd that it wasn't a middle of the winter kinda thing....
It's always been set as a Spring Break kind of event.
A lot of people in northeast Ohio hibernate in the winter. They only leave the house to go to work, the grocery store and church. I have neighbors who I don't see for 3-4 months a year. See them all the time the rest of the year. First sign of warm weather in the spring and they emerge from their dens squinting at the bright light of the sun. Winter event likely wouldn't be very popular. Spring event makes more sense. Real parks aren't open yet.
And that's precisely why I don't live in Northeast Ohio anymore.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
RCMAC said:
It's always been set as a Spring Break kind of event.
I had never thought about that before. I guess because I left the cold for warmer weather on spring break instead of sticking around.
Never been there or had any desire to go. Just a glorified indoor carnival, with the same old theme song.
If it wasn't for Ohio's winter season, I'd never get any work done in the house. :-)
884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube
jkpark said:
the same old theme song.
That jingle was written, produced and sung by a local Cleveland artist named Billy Sullivan. He been traveling with Herman's Hermits since 2009 and does some awesome Beatles covers. He still plays bars in the Cleveland area. My wife and I try and see him when ever we get a chance. Every once in a while, people will request he sing the jingle. He is more than happy to oblige. That being said, for something that has been used for 20+ years, he didn't make nearly enough money on it. A few hundred bucks as I recall. :-)
884 Coasters, 34 States, 7 Countries My YouTube
There are videos of the fight set to the commercial jingle going around facebook now.
I used to go nearly every year between junior high and college with my church youth group on the youth group day when they would have concerts. It was a lot of fun running around there with my friends and have a lot of memories of getting thrown up on by people while on rides, having workers forget to let me out of a ride and workers climbing in the rides with me. I've never had any of those things happen to me at regular amusement parks like, Cedar Point or Six Flags. :) P.S. GoBucks89 that is such a great description of life in Ohio in the winter.
Julie M said:
...It was a lot of fun running around there with my friends and have a lot of memories of getting thrown up on by people while on rides,...
And that is why I left Northeast Ohio.
GoBucks89 said:
A lot of people in northeast Ohio hibernate in the winter. They only leave the house to go to work, the grocery store and church. I have neighbors who I don't see for 3-4 months a year.
Those people are missing out, winter is a beautiful time of year. I'm outside in the winter as much as I am in the summer.
I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.
Winter sucks. No thank you. It's OK to visit winter, a drag to live in it.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
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