coaster mania at CP


Tuesday, June 11, 2013 12:55 AM
Bobbie1951's avatar

Jeff said:

It was an improvement over last year, for sure. The VIP party wasn't bad either.

I found it a disappointment over last year because I didn't get in nearly as many rides. Last year I was able to get on MF three times in succession, even after getting there late as I did last year, whereas this year the line was so long that I was able to manage only one ride on it and four rides in all.

I never got to enjoy the lunch because I had to allow enough time to drive back to Cleveland to make my flight. I did get a Gatekeeper jacket but by the time I got to the front of the line they had run out of everything but large and extra large. I take a small but what can you do? It was free and a souvenir. I think I'll take it to my tailor and try to get it altered so that I don't look like a linebacker in it.




Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:06 AM
Tekwardo's avatar

I thought he was saying Luminosity was an improvement over last year.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:13 AM
Bobbie1951's avatar

Tekwardo said:

I thought he was saying Luminosity was an improvement over last year.

You're probably right! After doing Silver Dollar City on Thursday and Cedar Point on Friday, taking a total of six flights and running around like crazy trying to get to airports on time, I'm not thinking straight - even though I've had three days to recover from my trip.




Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:51 AM
birdhombre's avatar

Tekwardo said:

I got there and registered and was in the gate at 7:30. I waited an hour for Gatekeeper (I got in at the wrong time, as my friends 10 minutes ahead of me waited less, right birdhombre?).

According to a text I sent when I arrived, I got in at 7:35 and headed for GateKeeper. I believe we waited about 25 minutes. I was disappointed it was running slower again, but I think it just wasn't warmed up; I rode it again after Coasting For Kids and it was back to its speedy self.

Raven-Phile said:

I think Luminosity was so awesome because of who you were hanging out with. I'm just saying.

And because of the flashing Snoopy necklace.

I was seriously impressed with Luminosity. I didn't see it last year, but didn't think much of the video clips I saw. But these performers have some serious talent, matching great vocals with sharp choreography. And even though I wasn't familiar with most of the songs, both the staging and the visual effects kept me engaged. The DJ mix afterward was a nice informal way to keep people excited while bringing an end to the day, as it went on for a full 30 minutes after the rides closed.

The GateKeeper jackets we got are sweet. And a $45 value. And came in handy for nighttime ERT since it got colder than I expected.

I actually left around 9:45 a.m., went into work for 6 hours, then came back for the evening. For how long I was at the park and the amount of driving I did, I suppose my ride count isn't particularly special, but it was good to see out-of-town friends again. And Tekwardo. ;)

Last edited by birdhombre, Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:53 AM


Tuesday, June 11, 2013 2:03 AM
rollergator's avatar

Argh...I missed the Bird and Beavers Show!



Tuesday, June 11, 2013 2:09 AM
birdhombre's avatar

Birds, beavers, gators, dopey turtles... Jon is roadkill... and we even have a rat with Sturat. We're quite the zoo.



Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:38 PM
Raven-Phile's avatar

Yeah, the dopey turtle was there, too.



Wednesday, June 12, 2013 3:19 AM

For as many people that were there for Coastermania, I thought the ERT was still decent. If you were stuck waiting over an hour for GateKeeper ERT in the morning, you did it wrong.

My group entered the park right when the gates opened and headed for Millenium Force (well, for free donuts and juice first). We took a quick 2 laps, and there was still a 5-10 minute wait. Then, no wait for Mantis, about 5 minutes for Raptor, maybe 15 minutes for GateKeeper, no wait for Wicked Twister / WindSeeker / Blue Streak. By the time we got to Maverick, the wait was about 35 minutes, and that was the longest of the day for us.

The night ERT wasn't bad either. Started with a double dose of Magnum, then Maverick, Mine Ride, and finished with 2 laps on Dragster (almost 3 laps).

This was my first Coastermania, and I thought it was another great CP event. I was shocked at all the park did for enthusiasts.


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