Oh. I see how it is. :(
But Josh, I thought you weren't a coaster person. I know a park that has 13 fewer coasters than CP and also has an event that weekend.
Shut up, Bird, stop stealing all of the good participants!
That's true, but the park with 13 less coasters is 5 hours farther away. :) Besides, I do love me some Maverick.
...and Clint & Lori. Or just Maverick. Either way, we get to keep Josh.
That's OK. You wouldn't like the Lake Rudolph cabins anyway; they don't come preloaded with papier-mache bird heads. And they certainly don't have bidets.
LOL I've been in the Rudolph cabins. Probably the same one you were in last year, I think on Saturday nite. I wish Knoebels Cabins were as nice.
You might have been in the one next to mine. Ours wasn't really a 'hangout' cabin so we didn't have any riffraff wandering in. :) I was out by the campfire for a little while, but I didn't really know anyone back then.
But Josh, Robo is gonna be at HoliWood Nights! ;)
AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf
I haven't been to an event at Holiday World since 2003. Ive gone back during regular operating hours, but not an event. If anything, I might like to give the Fall Affair a shot.
I'm considering fall affair myself so I can at least try out the Timberliners at nite.
I think we're tentatively looking at 9/17, the last day the water park is open.
Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog
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