To make room for a new, robotic version of the 44th president of the United States, Disney will close the 37-year-old Hall of Presidents after today for an extended refurbishment. The show will stay shuttered for more than eight months so Disney can update the hall's aging light, sound, mechanical, projection and show systems.
Read more from The Orlando Sentinel.
Last time was actually for the silly lapbar rehab. Fortunately I got it this year on a June visit. I expect it to be closed again during IAAPA. :)
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Actually, Disney does a pretty good job of updating the rehabs online. If you click on the calendar tab and put in the month, they will give you the operational updates going on. I booked a trip for my son's birthday over MLK weekend back in September and knew that Hall of Presidents was going to be closed then. Unfortunately, going on the website today, I just found out that Splash Mountain is due to be closed through that weekend,as well. Bummer, because my son is just about to hit 40 inches (he was measured at 39.5 yesterday at Cedar Point), which seems to be the magic height for many Disney attractions.
Oh well, he'll get his opportunities in the future!
Anyone see the problem with the title of this thread?
In this day and age this isn't PC and someone will be outraged.
Intimidator 305 the tallest most hated coaster nobody has ever ridden...
I had to read it three times to realize what you were talking about... that is quite a stretch.
Yeah, except it was published the week before the election, and it's a common term for shows. Nice try.
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
Yeah, Jeff, as if you didn't know Obama was going to win by a landslide.
Hope you looked in that Magic 8-Ball and put money on Iowa.
My author website:
Even so, I love the irony of the title, and find it quite hilarious.
PS I voted for Obama.
Wow I didn't even read it that way... I mean shows go dark. It's not like he was using different terms to offend someone. I said I wanted my coffee black to a african american the other day, should I have changed what I said?
PS As did I Raven-Phile
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