IAAPA 2000: Six Flags Over Texas announces Giovanola Titan

Posted Wednesday, November 15, 2000 12:30 AM | Contributed by Mantomatic

Here's a quick link to a story on Six Flags Over Texas' 2001 addition of a Giovanola hypercoaster, to be called Titan.

Visit The Dallas Morning News for the whole story.

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terrapin flyer

Wednesday, November 15, 2000 9:08 AM
i was just curios to weather the layout will have that near greyout helix, and if so do you think they will put brakes on it like goliath.
brakes anything but brakes


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 9:47 AM
Titan, now there's a name for a coaster

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 10:29 AM
Soggy's avatar
I am sure the layout will allow for larger, more sweeping turns, which means that the mid-course breaks will not need to be hit so hard. Goliath, which is squashed into a small space, needs the breaks, or the second half would simply be too fast to comfortably negotiate the twisted course. The helix is one of Goliath's best parts, why not add it to another? Personally, I am hoping for 2 or more camelbacks, like on Goliath. Gimme some air!

So you want a coaster in your backyard? I hope you have a big backyard.


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 11:20 AM
They should have named it Texas Titan, but who's complaining.


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 11:26 AM
HMMMMM, didn't see this coming.

(Sarchasim. You gotta love it!)

I think the name Titan is very fitting for a Hyper of this nature. I'm sure it will be an excellent ride.

Giovinola have learned their lesson well from fabricating B&M's coaster parts.


Flying over metal is a beautiful thing!


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 12:43 PM
Jeff's avatar
Giovanola has a nearly identical track design, but they do not manufacture B&M's track. B&M's track is manufactured by a fabricator in Southern Ohio and I think by someone out west.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 11/15/2000. ***


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 2:18 PM
Yes Soggy you get your wish! Titan will feature two bunny hops after the second drop. You are also correct that the coaster will be more spread out, allowing for more speed and less brakes. Boy, your a smart one!
In 2001 a new *beast* will rise at SFMM.


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 2:59 PM
Simcoaster, where did you hear that it will have two bunny hops after the second drop? Everything I've read up to this point says it will have a few more turns after the block (no bunny hills) and instead of a left hand curve into the blocks, it will have a helix. Care to elaborate where you got that information? I hope you're right!

"Legend 1 looks too intense for me."


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 3:36 PM
Jeff where is the fabricating plant in Ohio. If you know.


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 4:25 PM
It is in south of Dayton Ohio.

Ride with full FORCE


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 4:25 PM
Jeff's avatar
Or east of Cinci...

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 5:28 PM
Have you been to http://sfotcoasternet.com yet?

Ride: Roller Coaster
I know its a roller coaster...what's the real name? *** This post was edited by coaster0 on 11/15/2000. ***


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 6:08 PM
I still want a Hyper Looper!

Oh my freekin' head!


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 6:08 PM
Bunch of whimps out there doing the engineering!

Oh my freekin' head!


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 7:40 PM
Skyboss: You had it... Steel Phantom.

SOB's 200+ ft., too, and it loops. There's two that I can think of off the top of my head. (Of course, you can stick a fork in SP's loops. They're done.)

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.


Wednesday, November 15, 2000 9:16 PM
I'm just glad that I have a cousin that lives in the Dallas-Forthworth area. Maybe I'll visit him soon. hehe.


Friday, November 17, 2000 2:41 AM
Jeff is right. Southern Ohio Fabricators is on the east side of Cincinnati off of I-275. A friend of mine drove by it one day on his way to work and told me that he saw Raptor-like tracks at this coaster factory. I plan on driving by there someday and check out what's there. I just need the address.


Can you take me higher? (CREED)


Friday, November 17, 2000 12:36 PM
Can't wait to ride it. Loved Goliath and also I have never been 2 S.F.over texas


Saturday, November 18, 2000 4:12 PM
I've heard of a SECOND helix on TEXAS Titan, Yes. the name IS Texas Titan..thats what it says where i've seen it anyhow. I Live in Fort Worth n i CANT WAIT. Is Goliath really as good as everyone says ??

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