Jeff said:
You're attacking the member instead of the plausibility, and frankly that's not cool.
I'm not really defending someone here or putting any sort of dog into any sort of fight but when you bring up something like head mangling and then someone, anyone quite predictably asks for a source and you come back with a quite over-the-top and incredulous...
Cropsey said:
But I really would hope you'd make an effort to get over yourself.
...then I dunno. I think the best policy is to stay out of the kitchen if you can't take the mildest of mild heat...
Jeff - Editor - - My Blog
The Time Shaft (standard Chance Rotor) at KD wasn't all that great. We waited a long time, the queue area made me claustrophobic as it was in the mountain with the walls in the narrow hallways made of fake rock, and the ride was short with the floor moving maybe 2 inches from the riders feet. I think the light inside changed from white for load/unload to red for the actual ride portion. That was about it.
Now that area has, what, Anaconda, Volcano, and Avalanche. Less is less in this case.
I've only been to KD once, and by the time I got there, looking for Time Shaft was a disappointment. If I ever find a REAL time shaft, I will go back in time to ride it.
Truthfully, it's been so long now that I don't remember where the line started, but I do remember where it wound up. At a rotor (and not a good one), in a fake cave after a long wait in a hot and stinky environment. Not awesome. And no amount of strobe lighting could fix my bitter, bitter attitude at that point! Really- it was ok, just not all that great, as I stated.
And ThemeDesigner, if you are one or hope to be one, I trust that you will not leave half your audience "in the know" to laugh at the other helpless saps who find themselves toughing out a long and uncomfortable wait only to be rewarded with a poorly planned attraction. Disappointment like that will cause people not to spend money with you.
Oh, and I'd like to add that I would take Anaconda, Volcano, Avalanche, Crypt, Flight of Fear, and even Stunt Track over a shuttle loop, flyers, a Bayern Curve, the Doozy train, and a crappy rotor. But that's just me. I will say that the KD ride I most miss from back in the day is Haunted River. For a park like that it was a great ride, and very well decorated and themed. The atmosphere and mystery of the original mountain is gone now, that's for sure.
Or maybe not. I'm just trying to offer a reason.
It's come to mind that Time Shaft had this odd light that hung in the middle over the drum. It was a large dome, like an overgrown utility light that had a neon filament or something like that in it.
'Bee and I are moving in together in a bit more than a week, but I'll only be home a few days between now and then--with her parents coming to the States this weekend and all. Then I had to compress my usual week into two days so I'd have time to do Nick Universe with Da Midget Wednesday and fit in a day of off-site training. So that makes three TRs I owe this site as it is, much less my other obligations.
But anyway...I should respond to a few things here and there while I'm on.
Jeff said:
I don't care what time you were posting, or even your assertion that whatever never happened. You're attacking the member instead of the plausibility, and frankly that's not cool.You do sarcasm well enough, just make sure it's not all you do.
Fair enough. In fact, I'll go one step further. Roller coasters and theme parks serve as an escape from the 'real world.' Frankly, the Internet is an escape from that same 'real world' for many. So it isn't very sporting of me to whip back the curtain and proclaim, "Hey, your real world SUCKS!' to those looking for a break. So I won't. From here on out, I'll keep it to what people choose to bring here with them. Fair enough?
And now I must apologize in advance. For while I will stick to the rules I hold myself to, I have a bit of unfinished business. But again, I'll only use what's here already and do my best to be civil. Scout's honor.
LostKause said:You are a bully and have some real emotional issues. I really don't think that you would ever say some of the things that you say to people here "in real life". It's pretty easy to hide behind a profile. That makes you a coward. You probably wouldn't survive the real world treating people the way you do here.
Me hide? Really? I don't know. There's shots of me in group photos of some of the largest events this site has put on. There's photos of me on other people's pages. I've hung out with folks here at parks, in their rooms after events, crashed out at a few friends placed now and then. Me? Hide? Where?
Swoosh and I have argued over who's home park is the bestest since before there was a 'Buzz. I know him. He knows me. Frankly, there were shots of me on his website giving one of their coasters a high-flying salute (in fun) for that matter.
I could end this in a collage of photos of me and other people and places and pals, but then I'd only hear about how hard I try to prove I'm better than other people or something...and heaven knows we don't wanna sit through that again.
But of course, that's not all you had to say.
LostKause said:
Seriously, did you have a challenging childhood or something? Was Mommy mean to you? Did Daddy defile you?
How are you going to call anyone else an internet-skulking coward and in the same breath...well, say that?
Being a person of principle--much more than I, no doubt--and nothing if not absolutely fair, there's only one logical answer to this rant. Looks like it's time to pay me a visit!
I'm pretty easy to find. I live in the #15 U.S. metro area. There's air, rail, interstate, bus...and between the cash from that huge band of yours and what you no doubt save from Fastpass and Q-bot refusals, I'm sure you can find a way here that meets your budget. Step up, introduce yourself, repeat what you said there and be sure to call me a cockroach again, too. Then stand your ground.
Until that day--may it soon come--please kindly accept the honor of Hypocrite of the Millennium. I know, I know. It's a bit early in the 21st century to bestow such an award, but I believe in you.
While you bide your time, perhaps you may find these suggestions helpful:
- Say you're not going to visit the site as much as you used to. Again.
- Say goodbye, close your account, open another one with a new name and say you're back. Again.
Or whatever else you choose to do. I'm going to head back to my imaginary 'life.'
Speaking of which--could you imagine away some of my heavier pieces of furniture? Aw c'mon! Be a pal!
NOTE: Severe fecal impaction may render the above words highly debatable.
Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!
CoastaPlaya said:
What a week, what a week.'Bee and I are moving in together...with her parents coming to the States this weekend and all...Da Midget Wednesday and fit in a day of off-site training....much less my other obligations.
But anyway...
We get it. You have a life. Hell, I wonder how many people here know you and your family well enough to care? YOU. ARE. NOT. THAT. IMPORTANT. Write a Blog or something.
CoastaPlaya said:
Jeff said:
...You're attacking...and frankly that's not cool...Fair enough...
There's that brown nosing that was talked about earlier. It looks like you're getting all buddie-buddie with the web master there.
And now I must apologize in advance. For while I will stick to the rules I hold myself to, I have a bit of unfinished business. But again, I'll only use what's here already and do my best to be civil. Scout's honor.
Wow! A man with focused integrity. That's new. CoasterBuzz would be a better place if you had that attitude all of the time!
...There's shots of me in group photos of some of the largest events this site has put on. There's photos of me on other people's pages. I've hung out with folks here at parks, in their rooms after events, crashed out at a few friends placed now and then. Me? Hide? Where?
Swoosh and I have argued over who's home park is the bestest since before there was a 'Buzz. I know him. He knows me. Frankly, there were shots of me on his website giving one of their coasters a high-flying salute (in fun) for that matter.
I could end this in a collage of photos of me and other people and places and pals, but then...
Continuing the previous verse is funny indeed...
...I'd only hear about how hard I try to prove I'm better than other people or something...and heaven knows we don't wanna sit through that again.
Maybe the new and improved CoastaPlaya will realize that he always wants to prove how much better he is than everyone else. We all have friends who post pics of us on the net. Feels good, doesn't it?
I'm not going to repeat my Mommy/Daddy quote because you may be right that it may have been unfair. I just wondered at the time what makes you so hateful. It really isn't any of my business why you come off so brutal. me a visit!...I'm pretty easy to find.
You are not that important to me. Are you admitting that you are a jerk in real life too? You have to resort to physically threatening me? Your adoring fans want to see wit, not violence, Playa. You must be losing you talent.
I am pretty tough in real life, and you could find me to be a real challenge. Why would you instigate violence on an Internet message board with someone you've never personally seen "in real life"? That's not a very smart move, and in the past you've seemed like a pretty clever person, so you are clearly bluffing.
You accuse people of being a stalker, seem to know intimate details of their life, and then invite them over for a visit? That's creepy.
I live in the #15 U.S. metro area...
I only live in the #106th. Brag much? me a cockroach again...
Okay. Name calling isn't nice. I shouldn't have resorted to those tactics. From now on I'll be like you and just insinuate insult. You are always a pest and you never seem to go away, like a cockroach.
...Hypocrite of the Millennium...
I nominate you.
And no, you can not make me go away or change my name or whatever. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Use this as a learning experience. Bully me and I'll fight back from now on, Playa. Everyone else you push around should stand up to you too!
Edited - deleted a few words... *** Edited 5/20/2008 5:23:13 AM UTC by LostKause***
CoastaPlaya said:
Kissing up? Really? Me? To who? When? Where? Show us.I've got almost 3500 I-don't-really-have-a-life-and-am-in-such-deep-denial posts, right? So there's plenty of opportunity. You can dig back through each and every one of them. You've already demonstrated that you know how, so...go on. Right here. Right now. Sift through my countless 'I have a life' posts and show us where I kiss up to anyone here.
Put up. Or shut up.
No need to. Scroll up four posts and behold the Playa Best of... package. All the greatest hits including:
Name Dropping; Sucking up; Mysterious sense of superiority due to having taken pictues with people on this site in the past (that's like a suck up name dropping montage); Hey look I have a life everyone...really I do; and many many more....
You covered it all perfectly, nice work! Outstanding actually!
I don't see anything about a Rotor tho- I'll look further.
Maybe ProgRay saw it in person.
I've heard Laffland is the greatest.
- Jeff
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