Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom


I'm sorry for the lazyness everyone, but I go to University of Kentucky, and I recently decided that I would take a trip to SFKK on Sunday April 18th. Basically, what I wanted to know is where the best place to buy tickets is. Remember, I'm a cheap college student, so I want to save as much money as possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, happy "Thunder" Louisville people. I had never heard of it before I came here. A TR will follow sunday's trip.

Down is the new up.


Looks like on the six flags website you can print tickets at 33$ for a one day or 49.99$ for a season pass.

I have a half price ticket for a friend coupon that I think you could have had but it is too late now.

If you know any season pass holders they should have bring a friend free coupons.



Thanks for the help, but I don't know anyone with a season pass. Every time I tell someone I'm going to Six Flags, they get mad at me and tell me to go to Kings Island, becuase it is only about ten extra minutes of driving.

I was actaully wondering about coupons from coke, or a special place to buy the tickets for cheap.

Down is the new up.


Howdy fellow Wildcat! I used to drop into SFKK a couple times a year when I was a UK student. The best advice I can give you is to call the park info line (800.SCREAMS) and ask. They should have someone manning the line who knows what discounts, if any, are currently being offered by local fast food joints, on soda cans, etc.


Rich G


Charles Nungester

Any local Kroger Store in Lousiville has Season Passes for it's either 39.99 or 49.99.

I know one day addmission is at least $33.




Thanks for the help. I just saw Chuck Hayes, and while he didn't say anything, I'm sure he was thinking 'Tell TCKR Hi for me', so "Hi" from Charles!

Edit: Charles meaning Chuck Hayes, not the cat that just posted 20 seconds before me.

Tubby for president! *** Edited 4/17/2004 7:45:11 PM UTC by Word***

Down is the new up.

Charles Nungester

Heck, If they don't want to go to Six Flags Take a hour west and hit Holiday World.

Chuck, who says of course it isn't open yet :(



Yeah, I thought about mentioning Holiday World in my first post. But, I figured he had some reason for going to SFKK.

Intamin Fan

Word said:
Every time I tell someone I'm going to Six Flags, they get mad at me and tell me to go to Kings Island, becuase it is only about ten extra minutes of driving./quote]
If only that were the case.
*** Edited 4/18/2004 2:29:42 AM UTC by Intamin Fan***


Google is a good friend of mine. "Cheap Six-Flags tickets" would be a great search for starters. To answer your question, if you are going to be at a crap six flags any time soon, you can get a season pass there and pay less. That's what I do for CP, buy season pass at ValleyFair! - $60 right now - very cheap.

crazy horse

crazy horse's avatar
Save your money and go to kings island or holiday world.

Six flags kentucky kingdom has got to be the worst park I have ever been to.A whole group of us(10 peeps) went to this park last weekend and all of us agreed that it was a bad park. Here are a few reasons

Chipping paint

1 train operations

no place to eat in

ride ops walking away from the controls after dispatching a train.

the rides all seemed beat up

the motion theater was a joke

parts falling off of a certain coaster

no sign on how to get to the entrance of t-2

slow ride ops

overpriced food......what little food we could find

dirty midway

the one show that they had was horrid

the bridge seperating the park

no signs directing you to the parking lot

oh yea....the racoon crap on the loading platform of one of the coasters

The only good thing we found at the park was the gift shop prices...speccialy the 25% off for sf pass holders and thunder run.



I am sorry crazy horse, but with a list like that of negative things, you had to have been looking for things wrong at the park.

SFKK is not that bad. You make the most of what they have to offer.

Oh, and they do have an eat-in restaurant. It's near the main entrance.

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.


crazy horse

crazy horse's avatar
Yea, silly me for seeing these things.

I guess all of the trips to pki and cp have spoiled me.

And no....I am not bashing six flags, just this park. I have been to six flags in chicago and georgia, and loved the parks.

How could you not notice the paint on chang?

A one train operation on every coaster with a 30 min wait on some of them is enough to piss anyone off.

And the restaurant I think you are refering too...It only served $8 cheeseburgers.

I could go on and on about this glorified carnival, but I wont. These are obsevations made by everyone in our group, not just me.



How you were able to distinguish 'coon turd? Experience?

Cory Patrick

I say buy a season pass, it's only a few dollars more than the price of admission. SFKK as a park may not be better than PKI, but I think the coasters are hands down better. Once Holiday World opens, you have to go there. Another thing, how far is Dollywood from Lexington, it can't be that far!?

By the way, I'm a UL student and GO CARDS! =)



Mad Six Flags Haters: At least I will get a tan! I've already been to PKI and it just pisses me off how much potential SoB has, for how terrible a coaster it is. Also I'm too tall to ride the frisbee. Anyways, have fun tomorrow bashing six flags and such. I'll be busy riding poorly painted, one train operated coasters.

I think I'll buy a season pass at kroger for $39. I live between St. Louis and Chicago, and I have never been to SFGAm, so the season pass for $39 dollars seems like a steal. Thanks for the help everyone.

Edit: Dollywood is 3 and a half hours from Lexington according to map quest. *** Edited 4/18/2004 5:54:25 AM UTC by Word***

Down is the new up.


crazy horse said:

How could you not notice the paint on chang?

A one train operation on every coaster with a 30 min wait on some of them is enough to piss anyone off.

And the restaurant I think you are refering too...It only served $8 cheeseburgers.


Yes, I noticed the paint on Chang. However, I am still trying to figure out how that would constitute a bad day. The ride itself is fine so the paint isn't going to change that.

I will agree with you on the 1-train operation of certain coasters. I did a 2-day trip to this park a couple of weeks ago so it didn't bother me to much.

You said they didn't have a sit-down restaurant and I pointed it out. Doesn't mean you have to like the food they offer. :)

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.


Joey Stewart

>>Chipping paint

I can see where chipping paint would totally ruin my day at any park. The nerve of any park that is on a tight budget as is, to spend money improving guest relations instead of painting a coaster.

>>1 train operations

When it's your turn to run the park, I'm sure you'll have every coaster running full capacity won't you? While your at it, put another block on Thunder Run, add the second train so badly needed, Build an unloading platform on Chang and T2 to increase the amount of ride ops needed and make your time in line go by 10 minutes quicker.

>>no place to eat in

If prices at the park are SO high, why don't you pack a picnic lunch, and eat in the parking lot? Or can't you find your way back to the parking lot due to lack of signage?

>>ride ops walking away from the controls after dispatching a train.

Does a ride op have to be at the position of attention at the controls the entire time he's on duty? If it's only a one train operation, how wrong could things go, since the computers control most of the ride anyhow?

>>the rides all seemed beat up

Well now, we all can't have the newest latest greatest rides in quite possibly the smallest park in the SF chain now can we?

>>the motion theater was a joke

Aren't they all?

>>parts falling off of a certain coaster

Now this I would just have to see to believe. Not calling you a liar, just that I'm originaly from Missouri and we all know that's the SHOW-ME show me what your saw so I can believe it.

>>no sign on how to get to the entrance of t-2

Go where the crowd seems to be going. Surely they're not all heading for a great fiery chasm now are they?

>>slow ride ops

This isn't really isolated to SFKK trust me on this. There are plenty of parks who could look up the word HUSTLE in the dictionary to get a clue on how to speed it up a bit.

>>overpriced food......what little food we could find

Have you ever in your life been to an amusement park where the food WASN'T overpriced? I mean c'mon, that's how they make money!

>>dirty midway

Unless your wading in the garbage, I say "BIG DEAL"

>>the one show that they had was horrid

You,being a coaster lover, actually went and sat down for a show at a theme park and expected it to be entertaining? Perhaps your time would have been better spent taking photos of coasters or was the paint too chipped to do something like that?

>>the bridge seperating the park

This is a fact of life at SFKK, don't like it?...stay on the entrance side.

>>no signs directing you to the parking lot

I can't believe that a grown up in any context would actually forget where they came into a park and get lost looking for the parking lot. I have NEVER seen a park with signs saying, "THIS WAY OUT" so what makes SFKK so bad for not having them? Lost? Get a GPS device or perhaps pull your head outta yer butt and watch where your going.

>>oh yea....the racoon crap on the loading platform of one of the coasters

See coastaplaya's above remark.

Dude, I know SFKK is no CP or PKI or HW for that matter, and I really don't think they advertise that they are, but you gotta realize that it's a small park, it's basically at the bottom of the food chain in the SF scheme of things, and things do get better in time. Read up on some of these forums and just look what people are reporting back; guest relations seem to be imroving, landscaping being done, Ride-ops being more friendly and attentive, ect...

Sorry for the rant, but this guy had it coming.

This ain't no book you can close, when the big light hits your eyes. Cropduster-Riot Act-Pearl Jam



"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller


I'll agree with Joey on everything. Just read my TR from 4/4/04-

1-train operation was more than acceptable, ride ops were kicking line jumpers out of line, sweeps and trash cans were everywhere, season pass lines were fast, the crews at Thunder Run and Greezed Lightnin' were doing a fantastic job, everything was operating besides the Chaos (mechanics working on it), Roadrunner Express (mechanics working on it), and Quake (hasn't operated in a very long time AFAIK), service was the best I've ever seen it,... We had a great time. Of course PKI, HW, and CP are better parks for most people, but who says you can't have fun here?



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