I do not have time to research the topic further, but it should be on the various news sites soon. I heard the news on WTAM 1100 in Cleveland.
I have to run to work. If someone doesn't beat me to the details, I'll post more later.
Holy Sh*t!
I came here expecting to close the thread.
Huge news! Can't wait for more details to trickle in :)
Just wondering how the SFWOA passes will work this season. I'd assume they'll still be valid at SFWOA, but will they get you into CF parks now and not SF? What if I want a pass to SF parks, not CF parks? What if I already own a CF pass and only got a SFWOA pass to use at SFWOA - would my CF pass get me into SFWOA now making my SF pass unneeded? Lots of pass questions...
*** Edited 3/10/2004 1:35:22 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***
Ok edit for two more things:
#1 - Will my SFWoA pass for '04 still work at "Geauga Lake: a Cedar Fair park"? Or did I spend that Six Flags money for other parks only now and I should use my Cedar Fair pass there? (I know there's no solid details, but anyone hazard a guess?)
#2 - When is Cedar Fair going to just offer to buy Northern Ohio for $200 million? ;) *** Edited 3/10/2004 1:36:06 PM UTC by Impulse-ive***
Edit #2 - I just noticed in the press release at Cedar Fair that Six Flags is retaining ownership of the animals. Now, does that mean that the animals are going bye-bye a-la Sea World's exodus, or does that mean that Six Flags and Cedar Fair will be sharing assets at a park for some time?? *** Edited 3/10/2004 1:42:24 PM UTC by Impulse-ive***
I'm still having trouble wrapping my mind around it.
An obvious advantage to this is the elimination of the exceedly annoying "Worlds of Adventure" name. :)
Will we see some name changes in the ride/attraction line-up or does that transfer over in some way?
Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
We all the rumors...But....
I'm in shock!
I'm gonna fall over...
Can someone explain this to me from Cedar Fair's perspective? They now compete with themselves in a way that MIA and CP do not---two big parks with serious attraction lineups. I assume they'll lose the WB characters and gain the Snoopy crew, which gives us two snoopy parks within two hours of one another. I would think they'd focus heavily on the wildlife side, except SFI keeps the animals. On the other hand, Cedar Fair now has a stranglehold in the SE-Michigan/Northern Ohio market...
definitely not what I expected.
It's kind of like voting because you know the guy's name - I think this is the one scenario where a name change or management change at TPFKASFWoA actually *can* bring in new people and bring back disenchanted ones ...
I'm also expecting CP season pass prices to go up. Significantly.
This doesn't come as a huge shock to me seeing that Kinzel has publicly said on more than one occasion that he regrets not buying Geauga Lake when he had the chance. That combined with the poor results under Premier's leadership makes this seem pretty obvious to me.
I hadn't heard that SFI keeps the animals. If that is the case I might consider closing the wildlife side of the park until they can determine what to do with it. Cedar Fair has been moving away from the animal business for some time now. Closing that side of the park would allow them to scale back considerably in overhead and staffing and concentrate on getting the rides side operating as a Cedar Fair park should.
With my background at the two parks I find this all very fascinating. It will be fun to see this play out.
Then again, it's just a thought, I'm still in shock too.
Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
With a little park restructuring and capital investment, the wild life side becomes a resort or two and additional park area. Rearrange some rides, build some rides, add a little and get customer service on the right track and you have a mini-Cedar Point East in a few years.
*** Edited 3/10/2004 2:13:52 PM UTC by Lord Gonchar***
My main thing why I hate this is because I liked it being a Six Flags Season Pass because I liked visiting the other Six Flags, like SFGAm in Chicago for CBC. The only Cedar Fair park I have ever been to was Cedar Point, and to be totally honest I'm tired of that park.
I will keep an open mind though about this. Who knows it could work out for the best, I just don't want my $107 that I had charged to my card to go down the drain now...
Also, there are reasons why no major rides have been built on the wildlife side in the last three years. There are extremely "picky" residentials over there who worry about noise pollution and stuff like that.
Any guesses on what some of the name changes will be? How about the "Not so wicked twister" and "Cedar Fair's first floorless ... finally!"
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