Great places to live.

CP ismyhome

Thursday, July 4, 2002 3:57 PM

I feel blessed to live where I do. I grew up east of Cleveland and was able to claim CP as my home park. I now live just outside of Pittsburgh. Kennywood is great, and I am still close to so many great parks. Still close to CP, PKI, SFWOA and though I haven't made it there yet, Hershey. So many great parks just a short drive away. Thank you God!

How many others live close to a lot of great parks?

The worst day at Cedar Point is better than the best day at work.



Thursday, July 4, 2002 4:00 PM
I do.

Off with the trims!
My fellow Americans; Let's Roll!



Thursday, July 4, 2002 4:17 PM

Heres my list:

PKI(HOME) 2hrs,CP 4 hrs,SFWoA 5 hrs, IB 2 hrs,Fun Spot 3 hrs,Lesourdsville Lake 1 hr 30 mins,SFGAM 4 HRS, HW 4 hrs, SFKK 4 hrs



Thursday, July 4, 2002 6:21 PM

I live an hour from Dorney and Six Flags Great Adventure, about 3-4 hours from Lake Compounce and Six Flags New England, 3 hours from Six Flags America, 1.5 hours from Hershey, 5 hours from Kennywood, 8 hours from Cedar Point, Somewhere around 7 hours from SFWOA, 6 hours from BGW, 6.5 from PKD and.. thats about it.

I almost forgot! Im just about 3 hours from Kneobels, easily one of my favorite parks!

*** This post was edited by Blitzjade on 7/4/2002. ***



Thursday, July 4, 2002 6:31 PM

I live close to....SFEG and Lakeside! YIPPIE(j/k)...But living here isn't tooooo bad.



Thursday, July 4, 2002 8:11 PM

I live near you, CP ismyhome. I live in good ol' Altoona. I like it here because so many parks are so close. I have a great selection of one day trips to choose from within a a 1.5-4 hour drive.

If I can't get to a big, far away park, I just go to one of my two home parks, Lakemont and DelGrossos, and spend a few hours:)

KoRn is the Mellennium Force of ROCK


Brendan w

Thursday, July 4, 2002 8:42 PM
I live in the worst place of all for amusment parks(well it could be worse but). I live 3:15 from SFDL, 2:30 from the Great Escape, and more than a day trip to anywhere else. Also about 45 minutes away is Sylvan Beach but no one has ever heard of it so.

"Enjoy your Voyage to the sun on the wings of Apollos Chariot"


CP ismyhome

Thursday, July 4, 2002 8:53 PM
Altoona is a great place Dexter. My parents lived there for a few years. My dad worked for the railroad at JBS, but is retired now and moved back home to Ohio. I'm kickin myself in the but for never going to Lakemont park. I must have drove past it a hundred times, but never made it. I still plan on going some day, just to say that I was on the oldest coaster in the world.

The worst day at Cedar Point is better than the best day at work.



Thursday, July 4, 2002 9:04 PM
I live 40 minutes from SFWOA, 1 hour and 1/2 from Kennywood, 2 from CP, and 4 from PKI.

mmm, roller coaster
(Homer Simpson)



Thursday, July 4, 2002 10:03 PM
I live 1 hour from Great Escape which is closest :( and I live 2 hours from SFNE, 3.5 hours from SFGAdv. Sadly I live about 8 hours from CP.

SFNE's Superman's the best!



Thursday, July 4, 2002 10:07 PM

I'm 20 minutes to Adventureland (Top Scan, baby, yeah!)

1 hour to Coney Island

1.5 to Rye Playland

2 hours to SFGAdv

2.5 hours to Dorney and Lake Compounce

3 hours to SFNE

3.5 hours to Knoebels

4 hours to Hershey and the Great Escape

and, finally, 5 hours to SFA, Canobie Lake, or SFDL

How's that?

~~~ Maddy ~~~



Thursday, July 4, 2002 11:04 PM
The one great thing about where I live is the two amusement parks I do have are just a short 20 min away from pretty much anywhere in Denver. But there isn't anything else within 6 hours.


Thursday, July 4, 2002 11:27 PM

25 min. away from SFAW

2hr. away from SFFT or SearWorld

4hr. away from SFoT

and finally 3 hr. away from Shlitterbahn (awesome I definitley recommend it);)

Titan da' mac daddy of dem all!



Thursday, July 4, 2002 11:28 PM

Well, being in FL I'm next to a lot of parks. Sometimes I love my location, sometimes I don't, but I'd never move to a state without year round parks now. So, if I were to go anywhere, it'd be CA. Anywho my park time tables are:

IOA, USF, SWF, Wet 'n Wild, MK, AK, MGM, Epcot, Blizzard Beach, Typhoon Lagoon, and Old Town are all within 30-45 minutes...

BGT & Adventure Island are within 105-120 minutes

Boomers! within 3-3.5 hours

Wild Adventures within 4 hours

It gets too lengthy after that...

Universal Orlando regular since the first day of IOA's soft opening...



Thursday, July 4, 2002 11:31 PM
Im close to SFGA, but thats no CP


Friday, July 5, 2002 12:14 AM

Hum........... about 3 minutes from PKI

5hrs from CP

ig uess abotu 2hrs from SFKK

30mins from Americana



Friday, July 5, 2002 12:21 AM

I live pretty much the same amount to all those parks that SWIMDEJ mentioned. I live about 25 minutes from Sfwoa though. Prolly a little longer to Kennywood though. Other than that I live pretty much the same amount to everything that he did.

Northeast Ohioans...!!!

Top 5:
5) S:ros Sfdl 4) Raptor 3) Apollos Chariot 2) Magnum 1) Millennium Force



Friday, July 5, 2002 12:27 AM
I live like 5 mins form HW, less then that they way I drive.

Montu, God Of Coasters

Raging Bull, Don't Fight It, Ride It


MarimbaGuy 87

Friday, July 5, 2002 12:30 AM
1/2 an hour from Knoebels, 1.5 from hershey, 2 from dorney, like 2.5 to altoona parks, 3 to kennywood, I'm about 40 miles from the EXACT center of pennsylvania.

Planned parks: Astroland, Knoebel's, Hersheypark, SFNE, SFGadv,SFGam,CP,PKI,PKD,PCW,HW,Indiana Beach,SFWOA,SFKK,SFDL,SFSTL,Lakemont,DelGrosso's... Need I say more?



Friday, July 5, 2002 1:02 AM
Yea, pittsburgh is a great place to live park and city wise.



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