Total coasters: 70

Rating (key) Roller coaster Amusement park
Adventure Express Kings Island
Alpengeist Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Apollo's Chariot Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Backlot Stunt Coaster Kings Island
Bat, The Kings Island
Batman: The Ride Six Flags Over Georgia
Batman: The Ride Six Flags St. Louis
Beast, The Kings Island
Big Bad Wolf, The Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad Magic Kingdom
Blazing Fury Dollywood
Blue Hawk Six Flags Over Georgia
Blue Streak Cedar Point
Boss, The Six Flags St. Louis
Cedar Creek Mine Ride Cedar Point
Corkscrew Cedar Point
Cornball Express Indiana Beach
Dahlonega Mine Train Six Flags Over Georgia
Diamondback Kings Island
Disaster Transport Cedar Point
Dragon Challenge (Chinese Fireball) Islands of Adventure
Dragon Challenge (Hungarian Horntail) Islands of Adventure
Firehawk Kings Island
Flight of Fear Kings Island
Flying ACE Aerial Chase Kings Island
Galaxie Indiana Beach
Gemini Cedar Point
Georgia Cyclone Six Flags Over Georgia
Georgia Scorcher Six Flags Over Georgia
Goliath Six Flags Over Georgia
Great American Scream Machine Six Flags Over Georgia
Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit Universal Studios Florida
Hoosier Hurricane Indiana Beach
Howler, The Holiday World
Incredible Hulk, The Islands of Adventure
Invertigo Kings Island
Iron Dragon Cedar Point
King Cobra Kings Island
Legend, The Holiday World
Loch Ness Monster, The Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain, The Indiana Beach
Magnum XL-200 Cedar Point
Mantis Cedar Point
Mean Streak Cedar Point
Millennium Force Cedar Point
Mindbender Six Flags Over Georgia
Mr. Freeze: Reverse Blast Six Flags St. Louis
Mystery Mine Dollywood
Ninja Six Flags St. Louis
Racer, The Kings Island
Raptor Cedar Point
Raven Holiday World
Revenge of the Mummy Universal Studios Florida
River King Mine Train Six Flags St. Louis
Screamin' Eagle Six Flags St. Louis
Son of Beast Kings Island
Space Mountain Magic Kingdom
Steel Hawg Indiana Beach
Superman Ultimate Flight Six Flags Over Georgia
Tennessee Tornado Dollywood
Thunderhead Dollywood
Tig'rr Indiana Beach
Trolls Trollercoaster Universal Studios Florida
Vortex Kings Island
Voyage, The Holiday World
Wicked Twister Cedar Point
Wild Eagle Dollywood
Wildcat Cedar Point
Wilde Maus Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Woodstock Express Kings Island