would it be possible....

I could think of possible ways for it to be done, just like the lap-bars were put on Phantom's Revenge. Where there's a will...there's a way.

I think that Vekoma has the right thing going. If I owned my own company I would put vests and lapbars on all my coasters. It would make people feel secure, while getting rid of the headbanging and giving a more free feeling.

I could see SLC's recieving vests, and having a lapbar mechanism being put in that came from the top, with two bars on either side, or even from the bottom...it could be a Clamshell lapbar that raps around from the bottom of the trains. Of course new trains would prob. need to be purchased but I am sure it would be worth it.

"Villain-Once You Drop, The Fun Don't Stop!"~My No Limits Designs...http://coastergames.net/author.php?author=BKF%20Master

Actually on all Arrow rides I have seen, the mechanism that unlocks the shoulder bars, comes up from the bottom of the staion floor.
The standard sit down Arrows all have a steel chassis underneath and could be adapted to lap bars without too many problems. The suspendeds would be more difficult, but certainly not impossible

Actually, the suspended might be easier -- Phantom's Revenge style bars would be fine on the suspendeds, but would NOT be sufficient on a looper.

Now, whether there's enough in common between the sitdown chassis (PR) and suspended chassis to allow such a retrofit, is another story. But that STYLE of placement would work just fine.

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
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but what about the B&M flyer restraints? its bassicly a clamshell with to bars attached to it from above, it could be worth it.
How could a PR style not be sufficient on a looper? Restraints on a looper like Shockwave or Demon hardly do a thing, but keep you in while sitting on the brakes, lift, or station. PR restraints must do a great job of keeping you in while you are being ejected, or a train load of peeople would've died. Loopers put on almost no negative Gs, but only positive.

When did American Eagle get more airtime than Viper?

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