Worst place to be stuck on a coaster


Skyrush, on the inevitable break run, back when they didn't loosen the restraints on the break run.

Wow, that would really would suck. I didn't know that the releasing of the restraints on the break run didn't happen at one time.

I just looked up the Joker's Jinx thing. It was back in 2017 and those poor riders were stuck for close to 4-hours! I can't remember the last time I stayed in that park for 4 hours, none the less being crammed into that little cart. As you can see there are no steps, so they had to wait for the fire department to bring out the bucket trucks. It turned out that a wheel busted apart and a safety mechanism kicked in. Every time I get on this ride, I think of this clip and just pray.

I can't imagine anything worse than getting stuck while your train is on fire

Being stuck in a train on fire > RRR


It turned out that a wheel busted apart and a safety mechanism kicked in.

Now that you aren't on the ride anymore, it's safe to tell you that no such thing happened. I mean, yeah, the wheel flew apart, and when the train failed to clear the next block the next train was inhibited from launching. But the "safety mechanism" that kicked in? That's called "gravity". When the wheel flew apart, it would have robbed the train of the energy it needed to complete the ride, so it came to a stop, unbraked, in the lowest spot it could get to.

Now, a safety that may have been employed would be any kind of anti-derailment system that would catch the train in the event of a wheel carrier failure. I'm not familiar enough with that train design to know what kinds of failsafes (if any) are present.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

    /X\        _      *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____

Me: (after huddling with my teammates) "Richard, I'm going to say getting stuck on a Vekoma Flying Dutchman in fully reclined position in the station for 25 minutes"

Teammates shouting excitedly: "Good answer! Good answer!"

Richard: "The ol' Flying Dutchman headache. Survey said...."

(loud buzzing noise and red 'x' flashes)

Richard: "Not there..................."

Sorry, Family Feud is on Buzzr right now and it had me in that kind of mood. :) But seriously, that was one of the worst times I ever had being stuck on a coaster. I was quite woozy after that ride finally got going!

It makes you understand why the original concept for that ride had the seats reclining on the lift hill, and standing upright again on the final brake run. Which in turn is the reason they had to put the entire mechanism on the train instead of relying on station equipment. Which in turn is why they had so much trouble with the undersized cylinders. And so on.

In the station, in the reclined position you are actually in a head-down position. I find it rather unpleasant.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

    /X\        _      *** Respect rides. They do not respect you. ***
/XXX\ /X\ /X\_ _ /X\__ _ _ _____

Three hours+ upside down. This is my worst fear in life and the reason I have only rode this horrible ride one time! It took me 5-years to ride it, and the experience was as bad as I thought it would be.


Last edited by DoubleMeatTaco,

In the station, in the reclined position you are actually in a head-down position. I find it rather unpleasant.

I'll have to go one better (or worse) than being stuck on the break run or in the station. At Geauga Lake at the end of the evening, four of us decided to ride X-Flight. The ride departed the station fine, went up the lift hill fine. We were just edging over the top when "stop". Most of the train was still on the lift hill. Unfortunately, we were in the first car, just beyond the crest of the lift hill. Yeah, not a fun 15 to 20 minutes stopped there. Eventually, we ran through the circuit, but definitely not an ideal "last run of the night" experience.

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