Rollerfreak8 said:
Hey Swoosh mind giving any hints?
If I had to wager a guess, I'd say take a look at what almost every other Cedar Fair park has (only exception is MiA) and go from there.
Hint: Knott's is constructing one at this very moment. :)
Joe "again, that's just my guess!" C.
+Danny, still looking... ;)
**goes back and reads previous statement about what ever other Cedar Fair park has minus MiA)**
Yep, my original point still stands! :P
I knew you were talking about general inverts right when I was writing that, but I still felt the need for you to dig up a B&M in Minnesota for me. I know you can do it. ;)
+Danny, silly 'n high
As for what will "take the place" of Orient Express, I have been hoping for a B&M invert since that sad day last fall, but it sounds like that will be going in across the road. I say put the Invert in OE's lot and save the grassy spot for that long-over-due second woodie that was talked about in the past. :-)
Looking forward to WOF seeing better days again.
Honestly, I don't get the "CP has great shows" crowd. They have a dive show with good diving and horrible jokes, and three isomorphic musical review shows with slightly different themes. Doesn't compare to perhaps a half-dozen other parks, show-wise, and that's only among the few that I've been to. The Halloweekends stuff is better, but the summer offerings (except for SoI) are awfully "meh".
The rest of CP's shows that I've seen are very ho-hum. Not bad, but definitely nothing I'd right home about. So I'd agree. I haven't seen the dive show, but I'll have to make a point to next season unless it has a surprise showing during CoasterMania- an event that's more about seeing and being with my friends anyways.
+Danny *** Edited 9/11/2004 1:12:27 AM UTC by +Danny***
Buckstah said:
I reported earlier this year that B&M was going to build a coaster at WoF and everyone laughed at me.
You're still here?
Now wait, lets get the story straight. We didn't laugh at you because you said B&M was going to WoF.
We laughed at you because of your (failed) attempt at attention whoring. Need I provide a link to the thread(in which, btw, you said you were leaving. Hey, thats more of your credibility down the drain...).
What the heck, I'll give you the link to the 4 page post that shows that it wasn't us laughing at what you knew, but how you acted anyway.
Is the location of the 'village' to the south of Mamba???
An addition of anything major is really needed at WOF. I would really like to see WOF become more of a major park in the CF chain - theory being Knotts in the West, CP in the East, and WOF in the Midwest. No offense to VF by any means, but, the weather in KC provides for a longer season.
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