Will PGA survive after 2001?

Personally, I believe that PGA will not survive. They have nothing to show. Even with the addition of Psycho Mouse and 14 other new attractions, I believe that PGA will not have a chance against SFMW in 2002. If PGA is going to survive, they have to expand and bring some real thrill rides!
john peck's avatar
Thats crazy. PGA are marketing themselves as more of a family theme park this year. Families make up the most money. Period.
I think they will survive. They have some great rides, and they will always bring in guests.

Spring Break- IOA,BGT,Magic Mountain,Epcot,MGM
PGA was here in Nocal first and was the only major themepark in the area. Top Gun is still Norther CA's favorite coaster. I remeber when it opened like everywon would say I went to PGA and rode Top Gun and the line was halfway around the park! That person would be God for a day. Stealth didn't get that much of a reaction though and Now that SFMW is one big ride away from being suppirior to PGA and opening an awesome coaster, PGA is in troble! It is almost certain they are getting a woody for 2002 or a TA2K I think they DESPRATLY need a B&M looper eithier sit down or Floorless but the horrible 115 ft hight requirment they have for a big coaster. The only way to pull this off is to get an inverted looper which is not going to happe. I think a woody will not draw huge numbers they must take advantage of SFMW not getting anything for 2002 but if they did get something that would be ludicrus!
Paramount is a powerful company, most powerful than people think. If PGA is unsuccessful, it won't have anything to do with SFMW. Many areas support two, even three parks, even if one is more successful. Expect PGA to come back big when they get ready, right now their going for family attractions which I agree with.
It looks like a nice park. Heck, if they close it down, send the Stealth to Cedar Point.
PGA is a major park for paramount and they wont let it go unnoticed, or let it be forgotten.
hell yea PGA will survive i mean they cant build something tall.. cuz of the airport near.. and i heard da rumors of the height limit is 175ft so it would be a Junior hyper.. but y not a HYPER!! no small coasters i want a bbig one !hehe.. u kno all PGA rollercoasters is small compared to all other theme parks well 2002 they need a rollercoaster just like RAGING BULL.
SFMW is in Vallejo.. and PGA is in Santa Clara.. There is w weather difference.. PGa is in da south BAy of bay area which is really hot in the summer. and SFMW is in the North bay of bay area which is colder but really hot too around PGA area there is more population so that PGA get more guests hehe .. PGA is popular too which XFL party and Our #1 Radio Station party there so PGA will survive the best theme park ever just needs a bIG BIG bIG! coaster that is at least like hypercoaster 175+ft high and 3000+ft long
Jephry's avatar
Send Stealth to Cedar Point!?! Cedar Point isn't stupid.

PGA will survive. Its a pretty cool park. The place is always packed. I don't think SFMW will have any affect.

Best Coaster: Millennium Force
Worst Coaster: Project Stealth

ruffryder56 said:
"Personally, I believe that PGA will not survive. They have nothing to show.....If PGA is going to survive, they have to expand and bring some real thrill rides!"

PGA is doing the right thing.....just not what you happen to think is the right thing. Let me tell you why, if you didn't hear this already.

Families have more income than young individuals (usually two incomes, if not one at college grad level), more reasons to spend money (the kid tugging at their arm) and are more likely to stay overnight. They're also less of a security nuisance--as anyone who's ever attended a 'student day' would know.

Families have children of different heights and adults of varied interests. Daredevil tykes HATE waiting for the grownups to ride the big coasters with a capital HATE. And have you ever watched 3 year-olds cavort through one of those dopey kiddie areas while you sat on your hands, with nothing to do? That stinks, too.

The park that can please them ALL gets the money. The one that doesn't might get one or two family members -- if they live really close.

PGA's new Psycho Mouse gets your average 5 year-old on board with the grown folks, while another B&M keeps 'em waiting until they're 8 or 9. Which one makes more sense for PGA?

If you don't like PGA, don't attend. Give the quieter, better paid, demographically more desirable family folks more breathing room. Sorry if this sounds cynical--but truth is truth.

Jeff's avatar
Where did this notion come from that you have to build a roller coaster every year to be successful? Doesn't anyone find that just the least bit ridiculous?

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Soggy's avatar
How tall is the Drop Zone, the Sky Tower and the Skycoaster? One of those has gotta be taller than 175'. At least, they look taller than that.

PGA REALLY needs a good woodie. A Hyper would be nice, but The Grizzly simply needs to be replaced, bad. (dead last on Mitch Hawker's internet woodie poll in 2000) BTW, who says a 200' drop couldn't happen with a 175' height limit. Ever heard of Apollo's Charriot?

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
I think the Bay area can support two parks. The Cleveland/Akron area supports two parks so San Francisco/Oakland/Sacramento can easily support PGA/SFMW.

Why does a coaster have to be big to be good? The height of a coaster shouldn't matter but the quality of ride should. Viper at SFGAm is proof of that. And something along the lines of Villain would probably be great for PGA. Right now PGA is going along with PKI in offering more of a family atmosphere.

I will find out this June what I think of both parks.

X Factor

SFWOA: An Unofficial Guide
x FActor.... u forgot SAN JOSE!! hehe thats where PGA is closerr too and SAN jose has the most population in the bay . SILICON VALLEY!. and since PGA is so close to them.. like they are close to CISCO SYSTEMS. a 2002 rollercoaster should be so innovated like something computer related to there new rollercoasters hehehe
They had better leave Grizzley up until I go this spring break. I want to see just how bad it is! :)
As a resident in North Iowa with Valleyfair and Adventureland being the closest parks, I think the comment being made that a park can only survive if a coaster is built every year is laughable.

However, I don't think its because people on the boards are dumb are lack the capability to think, I just think it comes from their environment.

For instance, if you're from an area where Theme Parks are building new things every year you can't fathom what would happen if they didn't build anything every year. Heck, you might get the idea of ROI, but some still don't grasp the importance of it. I think its all right though. With the average age being about 14-16 no one should expect anyone to understand the amusement park business.

That's not to say that people on this board aren't smart. For the most part I've been surprised with some of the grammatical strides made by a lot of the younger members of the boards, and the ability to connect and comprehend what goes on. I think that's impressive, but I also think that lack of experience leads to crazy topics on the message boards. (And when I say experience I'm not referring to how many parks you've visited)

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it...eventually *** This post was edited by RandyHutchinson on 2/21/2001. ***
All PGA needs is something with capacity. Take out Grizzly and put in a mid-sized CCI with 2-3 trains. I think this would be perfect for PGA. Give em something with lots of airtime.
"Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a... car of some sort; heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chili. Suspect is hatless. Repeat, hatless."- P.C. Wiggum
i know drop zone is 225' so if thats the height PGA could get a hyper but the question is can they fit it? maybe they could get a junior TA2K? but i would much rather prefer a cci woodie.
Well, from what I have heard, I think their first mistake was almost completely getting rid of the Marriott era. Why would you destroy something that was successfull? Paramount can bring in all the new coasters and rides that they deem fit to do, but dont take out the original theming that brought this park to the dance. The Marriott concept was successfull and PGA should realize this. SF realized it and stuck with it.


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