why seabreeze is selling the Q-Loop?

Sorry C-Freak, can't really stay for the H20 park, since we are heading to Cooperstown after Seabreeze. I am excited about the Rabbit and Sleds, though.

There's nothing like a woodie...

The Water Park is definetly the best part of the park but Jackrabbit is the only ride youl want to reride, along with the bobsleds.
I little off topic.. sorry.. But does anyone know the driving time between Seabreeze and SFDL? After reading this thread I am definitly stopping by on my way to hit Jackrabbit.
Ride of Steel's avatar
The driving time between Seabreeze is probably 45 minutes. It takes 1 and 1/2 hours for me to get to Seabreeze and 2 hours and 15 minutes or so to get to DL

Also I doubt there a height limitation in Western NY, ever hear of a ride called Superman? ;)

There could be one in that particular town though, DL is in the middle of no where maybe thats why.

Also their waterpark is the best in the state. They just need an Impulse. They will NOT get a boomerang, already one at Darien Lake.

You got yo clear ur goin outta here!

Impulse is out of the Question. Seabreeze does not have that much money. Or I don't think that they would even if they did have that much money. They will get a small, cloned ride. Or maybe an SLC purchased from SFDL.....who knows.....
yeah i heard about the slc being sold and the year was a 1997 but what park is it from? sfdl, sfeg, sfne, there was a couple more built that year that I saw on www.rcdb.com for the year 1997
Yeah all ive heard is rumor that states that a SLC built in '97 will be sold. Then at sfdl.coasterbuzz.com (not working rite now) they said that it *might* be replaced by a BTR clone. But I highly dought this. Mind Erasor is Still Runnin' with the coasters and hasen't aged bad. Also Why would you get rid of a coaster and put another one in its spot??? I would just get another one to up my coaster count.....
Could somebody tell me where Seabreeze would put an SLC?? Quantum Loop takes up a TINY amount of space.
"Jessica, you're turning me into a criminal, when all I want to be is a petty thug." -Bart Simpson
i agree with Sideshow_John because if darien lake where to sell there slc it might fit there at the Q-Loops place, but

at darien lake a batman the dark knight clone just might fit there perfect where the slc was

Craig the Coaster Freak you just might be right because a slc does take up a little bit of space then seabreeze would have to take out some of the Bobsleds.

Doesn't Seabreeze have all that space down near where Jackrabbit Turns Around? And DOwn Near that Kiddie Coaster Bear Trax? I thought there was a lot of space down there. Thats where they COULD put one. Or in Quantums place. I just see them getting a cheap, used, and heavily cloned ride that would make people happy. The ONLY reason that Q-Loop was like "Awe" is because it goes upside down. Same thing with the Screamin Eagle. SO I think that an SLC or a Boomerang would fit seabreezes type just fine.
yeah there is a lot of land down on the left hand side of the jack rabbit when riding the coaster a slc could be put there

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